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Home Safe from Iraq
2nd PlaceHome Safe from Iraq

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Giving Thanks (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Indiana
Date: Nov 27, 2003
Aperture: 11
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Family, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Nov 27, 2003

This is my brother Aubrey (aiweaver here at DPC), and his wife Stefi. He was injured in Iraq this year. This was the first time I've seen him since 1999 and the last I'll see of him until 2005. I'm incredibly thankful that he survived his ordeal in Iraq, and I'm thankful to have spent time with him this Thanksgiving! My prayers and support go out to all of the service men and women serving their countries!

This was lit with two Alien Bees 800 strobes, one to the right with a Brollie, one to the left with an umbrella. A gold reflector was in front of and below them.

Place: 2 out of 56
Avg (all users): 7.1167
Avg (commenters): 7.9474
Avg (participants): 6.4318
Avg (non-participants): 7.5132
Views since voting: 3890
Votes: 120
Comments: 37
Favorites: 6 (view)

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10/05/2006 09:16:02 AM
This is a touching image and your commentary enhances those feelings. Nice work. It might be 2003 - but it is a lasting photo.
12/11/2003 01:50:23 PM
Critique Club review:

Hi JD,

Somehow I keep getting yours, which is an easy task to review.

First, your subject fit the challenge perfectly. Yes we are all thankful that our soldiers return safely, in this case to heal and enjoy family. Tell you brother thanks from all of us and Gods speed!

The shot has great contrasts and everything is in perfect focus. The cropping is also right on. Smiles and facial expressions make the shot.

Your flash appears to be as you wanted, and very good. A little brightness but not overly exposed anywhere.

As a whole you deserved the ribbon you received and you should be proud of the shot.

This is all positive, but I see no negative. I would like to see a different shot showing more facial coloration.

Best wishes and Merry Chrismas.

12/11/2003 08:51:39 AM
Absolutely beautiful portrait, with great expression.
Story behind it makes it all the more special.
Congrats on the ribbon - well deserved!
12/09/2003 06:19:51 AM
Hey JD

Congratulatons - I knew this was a winner when I saw this one on your PAD site.
12/08/2003 04:27:44 PM
congrats JD< this is a great portrait :)
12/08/2003 11:13:47 AM
This is really good but call me an old cynic - would the subject matter not push up the score somewhat with emotions running so high?
12/06/2003 08:52:35 PM
congrats, dude!
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12/06/2003 09:57:34 AM
I thought I recognised Aubrey there :) Congrats on the ribbon.
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12/06/2003 09:03:02 AM
Congrats!!! This was one of my tops!! :-)
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12/06/2003 08:37:25 AM
Congratulations on the red ribbon, well deserved. Congratulations also on your brother's return.
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12/06/2003 07:09:12 AM
Wonderful photo, and very emotional! Also congrats on your ribbon! :-)
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12/06/2003 03:32:11 AM
You can really sense the feelings in this photo. Well done... its a lovely shot.
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12/06/2003 02:23:35 AM
Your work with portraits is something to behold! wonderful job!

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12/06/2003 02:21:43 AM
Congratulations, it was one of my favorites!
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12/06/2003 12:15:24 AM
Special shot, good capture of emotion. Congrats.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/05/2003 11:20:34 AM
Nice lighting though, great expressions, good composition. I don't usually like portraits without eyes showing but here it just emphasises how they have eyes only for each other.
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12/02/2003 09:09:39 PM
The emotion really shows, and the lighting really brings out the detail.
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12/02/2003 04:04:21 AM
Very nice double portrait - just a tiny bit less exposure might have been even better. Excellenet composition and the lighting on the girl's face and hair is very effective.
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12/01/2003 05:49:28 PM
you can feel emotion in this shot-well done 8
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12/01/2003 11:19:59 AM
I'm cheating here - This is a ten!! But is it really a ten photograph? Looks like it to me! Or am I sooo swayed by the story (which I have been following via forum posts since he was wounded) because my son (19) is a marine who just came back from afghanit=stan and is about to be redeployed to Iraq. I hope this gets framed for their Christmas present! It's beautiful!
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12/01/2003 09:45:03 AM
Thanks.... Nice shot too.
12/01/2003 07:47:29 AM
bad points Skin tones seem a little dirty. But that's being picky for a bad point. Relevence to title doesn't show anything. I.e if the person was in uniform it would be better. Couple seem to be more laughing than loving
Good points nice composure and black BG, overall a very nice little image.
Overall Score Going with an 7, because although technicaly brilliant, the image dosn't have the WOW factor of a great photograph in my opinion. The subject is just a little on the normal side. However, if I was a betting man, from all the others I have seen thus far, i think you will win. DPC like patriotic images ;)

Best of luck, and if the title is true, a pat on the back and welcome home.
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12/01/2003 12:14:29 AM
Lovely pose, good expressions, not sure about the color choice here. Looks ike it's "rose" colored? Or else the saturation and colors are off.
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11/30/2003 09:05:04 AM
Yay! Certainly something for which we should all be grateful--especially that woman. I like seeing his face, but I'd like to see more of the woman's face and her gratitude. Nice tonal range and lighting here,too.
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11/30/2003 09:00:50 AM
And we are all thankful for the service givin to this country! One of many true heroes.
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11/29/2003 08:54:31 PM
wow! that's alot of facial hair being a military man....unless it is her that is the returning hero.....
I see nothing but the couple, nothing destracting me, and apparently nothing destracting the two subjects...i'm not sure if the black background was caused by them blocking everything out or just coincidence....
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11/29/2003 08:21:49 PM
Lovely photo, meets the challenge particularly well. The lighting is supberb and gives this photo real punch.
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11/29/2003 07:15:39 PM
Words can't express my feeling of relief that Aubrey is home safe, even with the injuries that he sustained in Iraq, he will be okay. This picture captures his happiness, and his love for Steffi.
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11/29/2003 12:33:25 PM
very nice composition and palette. I like this a lot, 8
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11/29/2003 12:20:30 PM
I am happy for both of you.
Beautiful and perfect picture. Love the tone, light and sharpness
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11/29/2003 10:09:53 AM
Very nice thought and great thing to share on Thanksgiving.....great photo
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11/29/2003 10:04:40 AM
this is a lovely portrait...I like the color, light, focusa...for me it speaks volumes
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11/29/2003 05:32:51 AM
Very nice portrait and heartfelt title. The lighting is excellent although the bright spot on his right temple is slightly distracting. I like the light on her hair separating her from the backround. Overall one of my favorites. Great job
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11/29/2003 02:31:33 AM
Nice composition. Skin tones are too red.
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11/29/2003 12:43:17 AM
I'm happy for you and they look truly happy. A 10
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11/29/2003 12:41:57 AM
Oh wow that is special. Congrats and please thank him for me and my family. We really admire all the brave military folks. Awesome.
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11/29/2003 12:40:25 AM
Great shot, great lighting, you captured the expressions here perfectly 10
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