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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Childhood Without Children (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: Home
Date: Aug 25, 2002
Aperture: 2.2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125
Date Uploaded: Aug 25, 2002

Not exactly my own childhood memory but I tried to explore the darker side of childhood.

Place: 139 out of 172
Avg (all users): 4.4940
Avg (commenters): 5.8750
Avg (participants): 4.7266
Avg (non-participants): 4.2479
Views since voting: 1131
Votes: 249
Comments: 36
Favorites: 1 (view)

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09/02/2002 08:01:00 AM
I liked your photo very much. Don't give up. The score from average voters is sometimes a riddle.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/01/2002 11:11:00 PM
Very disturbing but powerful. Sadly this is a big park of many childhoods and you conveyed the image well. High marks from me.
09/01/2002 08:27:00 PM
brings back memories!
09/01/2002 08:17:00 PM
I definately like the silouette of the man but I wish the belt wasn't so blocked. 7.
08/31/2002 06:21:00 AM
Is daddy an axe murderer?
08/31/2002 05:40:00 AM
It got a reaction. OK, so I don’t like the contentâ€Â¦ I find it scary, oppressive and almost on the point of evilâ€Â¦ It gave me goose bumps. Having said that, not liking something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, nor does it mean that it should be excluded on the grounds contentâ€Â¦ Because of my reaction to this shot, I have to say that the technical side of this picture is – in my opinion - of a very high standard – and it does meet the challenge. The clever use of lighting and composition have indeed brought out the worst in this imageâ€Â¦ Great camera work – gutsy shot (10)â€Â¦
08/30/2002 08:05:00 AM
Nicely done shot here :) I try to think of more happy times in my childhood and the childhood of others... You have done a very nice job of relaying your thoughts here though :) - jmsetzler
08/30/2002 05:10:00 AM
This is a really graphic picture and the strong silhouette is very striking (no I am not trying to play on words). I imagine the background has been chosen deliberately to add strong vertical lines to the composition but I don't like it - it makes me think of an office rather than a home where this would be taking place.
The light through the belt hole is an excellent detail.
6, Kavey
08/29/2002 10:39:00 AM
Good God. Those venetian blinds are filthy.

08/29/2002 10:21:00 AM
08/29/2002 08:58:00 AM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background7,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing8,
Challenge: Does your entry meet it?7,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 5,
Total Averaged Rating7. Autool
08/29/2002 06:30:00 AM
Great job of creating a powerful concept with just a shadow.
08/28/2002 11:16:00 PM
Scary. This would've been good for "fear" as well. Anyway,... unfortunately this is true for too many in their childhood. Good composition and emotive subject.
08/28/2002 09:59:00 PM
The idea of this photo is strong. The helplessness of childhood and in certain cases the domination of parents speaks to the topic I think. The silhouette works for me even as a child frightened of the wrath of the dfather might not even see Daddy so much as the shape of daddy's hand and the belt. The only contructive suggestion I have is perhaps to lose the vertical blinds. They just seem out of place. I can't quite put my finger on on what it is that bothers me about them, and I almost didn't comment for this reason, but in the end they bother me. 7, just-married
08/28/2002 09:17:00 PM
Very emotional picture and I appreciate that you portrayed it in stark silhouette rather than sentimentalizing or turning it into a cloy picture. I also congratulate you on the courage to show this picture. For many children this IS childhood and they cannot escape from it. So, I appreciate this image so much more than all those bloody snapshots with toys and cutesy things. Showing it as a silhouette enhances the power of the image and it shows so sharply how kid in such a situation feels by being overmastered by this dark, fearful "authority figure". Interesting, too, how you managed to convey the object being a belt by that one belt hole! Thank you (I suspect this image is way above the heads of the bright color, easy picture loving dpc crowd. 8 Journey
08/28/2002 04:53:00 PM
Horrible picture, as intended. Still, the combination of an open hand as if to slap and a belt being taken off to hit is unbelievable to me as an observer. Great idea for a picture, though, standing out of the pack of teddy bears and swings.
08/28/2002 01:13:00 PM
Provocative and powerful. Very dark, but I think that helps the overall effect. karmat
08/28/2002 10:05:00 AM
I'll admit, I started laughing when I saw this because it does remind me of childhood ("Don't make me get my belt!). Although, I imagine you will get some negative comments from people taking a political stance and saying that capital punishment for kids is wrong or it seems to emphasize abuse. Hopefully people will think of it in light of the challenge though and keep their politics to themselves. Did you intentionally place the focus on the background and not the sillouette?
Good job of portraying the subject in a different manner.
08/28/2002 03:36:00 AM
Very well executed...
08/27/2002 11:40:00 PM
This shot just isn't appealing to me. It's not the subject matter, but the execution of the idea. I don't like the coloring (purple?), and it's hard to really tell what he's holding.
08/27/2002 10:46:00 PM
Sorry, I don't get it. Is this "daddy" taking his belt off to give a child a spanking? Or is he holding a wooden paddle to do the same thing? What's happening?
08/27/2002 10:04:00 PM
Is this the poster boy for the "parents supporting child abuse?"
08/27/2002 07:01:00 PM
as a daddies girl, I love this. Gives me warm fuzzies
08/27/2002 12:02:00 PM
ooooh i remember The Strap! all too well heh heh
08/26/2002 11:18:00 PM
Looks like a criminal is breaking into your house!
08/26/2002 10:58:00 PM
This is very sad, especially if the photographer's thoughts of childhood conjure up this image of a condescending man weilding a belt. Sadly, while there have been many photographs in this challenge that I feel were not appropriately depicting 'childhood', this one, for some, does.
08/26/2002 10:25:00 PM
Great photo. I like the shillouette, nothing more needs to be said. If you relate as well as I do...I am truely sorry. However, we learn a lot from our parents. I learned how NOT to raise my child. :) Great depiction of my side of the fence. Thank you for having the bravery to post. For those perfect families, they might not "get it" just ignore it. YOU know your photo works, I know your photo works. Ask the millions of social workers out there...they know your photo works. Good luck in the challenge.
08/26/2002 08:12:00 PM
08/26/2002 07:56:00 PM
This is "Children Without Childhood", not "Childhood Without Children".
08/26/2002 07:09:00 PM
Ohhh, that bring back bad memories...... Great shot, very, very effective. The closest thing to a suggestion would be to show the belt buckle, as the belt is the hardest to catch part of this shot and the most necessary! 9 Swash
08/26/2002 05:52:00 PM
Mystifying picture, but can't make up what it's suppose to be ?
Artistic however
08/26/2002 04:14:00 PM
Definitely a frightening picture and probably a vivid memory for some. I don't like this picture BECAUSE of strong negative emotion it envokes, and that is why it deserves a "10." However, the image was a bit dark and hard to make out, so I knocked off a point.
08/26/2002 12:24:00 PM
I love this photot, very emotional and expressive.

HOwever, the only thing i'd do differently, is to show a bit of the belt behind the shadow + the hand (i.e. use the curtain, a doorway, etc.) and show the texture of the belt.... great idea, wish i'd have though of that!
08/26/2002 11:40:00 AM
08/26/2002 10:46:00 AM
Disturbing but well thought out.
08/26/2002 04:42:00 AM
this picture is depressing...

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