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Lunar landscape
Lunar landscape

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Rule of Thirds III (Basic Editing)
Camera: Pentax *ist DL
Lens: Pentax 100-300mm f/4.7-5.8 AF
Location: Western Oklahoma
Date: Apr 23, 2007
Aperture: f9.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/45
Galleries: Nature, Astrophotography
Date Uploaded: Apr 23, 2007

Slight USM, ever so slight levels to help brightness, tried to capture the subtle shadows and detail in the crators that are still visable on the surface.

Place: 239 out of 380
Avg (all users): 5.3434
Avg (commenters): 7.0000
Avg (participants): 5.2432
Avg (non-participants): 5.4239
Views since voting: 1235
Views during voting: 225
Votes: 166
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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05/12/2007 10:11:50 AM
another great shot my moons are never this good.
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05/04/2007 12:31:22 PM
Nicely done - have not been successful myself yet in getting a moon shot like this.
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05/04/2007 12:13:51 PM
Hi from the Critique Club,

This is a great shot. It is well framed, and certainly meets this challenge. I'm very impressed that you were able to freeze the moon so well, especially with such a wide angle lens (it can be difficult to focus when the moon takes up so little of the frame). Colour is good and exposure is perfect, with the pitch black background providing a great backdrop for the subject. Sharpness is good, with no haloes or obvious signs of PP. This is a magnificent crop--just a great job of using the tools you have available to pull off what for many would turn out to be a pixel-ridden or grainy result.

As many have already said, I too am surprised this scored as low as it did.

Geoff Ball
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05/03/2007 01:40:05 PM
Hard to get this baby in sharp focus because it moves so darn fast! That said, I think you did a good job with it and I really like the composition.
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05/03/2007 11:09:27 AM
Good job on this. The composition is perfect and I'm surprised this didn't score higher.
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05/02/2007 08:30:45 PM
I've tried moon shots, and I have yet to capture this clarity and detail. It's a valid composition for the rule of thirds. I say well done, Jack.
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05/02/2007 08:13:20 AM
hehe where's the stars...

i am still waiting for the mouse to pop up to eat the cheese :D

very lovely detail on the moon and I like the composition!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/30/2007 11:54:40 PM
I find it funny how poorly moon shots do in challenges... It scares me out of doing one myself - not that they tank, they just never place super well. The focus is a little soft, but you caught the moon in a great phase & your framing is impeccable - good luck!
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04/28/2007 05:07:56 AM
where's the stars?
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04/25/2007 09:12:32 PM
Nice idea for the challenge...
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04/25/2007 11:22:26 AM
Great shot!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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