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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Camera: Canon EOS-30D
Location: Healesville, Victoria, Australia
Date: May 3, 2007
Date Uploaded: May 3, 2007

Viewed: 1136
Comments: 35
Favorites: 5 (view)

Every 5 weeks I return to the town of my birth, an hour away by car, where my parents live to have my hair done by one of my oldest friends.

So in this shot is my friend Tina, doing my Mum's hair with my son under the dryer having his first ever treatment - a slice of MY life!

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01/04/2011 07:24:02 PM
Love this to bits, it has so much going for it.
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11/06/2009 03:55:39 AM
Lisa your B/W images are awesome. Love the way you process them.
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01/11/2009 08:21:45 AM
Perfect capture.....a lovely slice, warm & human
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09/25/2008 10:55:12 PM
Phenomenal! Tones are dead on, love the contrast of the shot, also love having your son over on the left, it adds a lot, really cute shot, very nicely done.
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06/30/2007 09:30:04 AM
Excellent! Your "photographer's comments" really help the viewer to connect with this photo.
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06/21/2007 01:42:40 PM
Lisa, I feel so lucky to have been a part of a team with you. You are one of my heroes annnnnd you remind me of another one of my heroes, Lura, who is technically my boss at the event planning job I work on campus. She is also head of the student leadership department and women's center at my university. She is one of the most inspiring and strong women that I have ever known. She always has very very genuine feedback.... and even if you are asking her for help on something like how many hot dog buns to order for the upcoming event she'll give you feedback that you can apply to your everyday life! She's great! And soooo are you! Your character really moves me! I think a strong character and a magically whimsical mind is the foundation of any photographer I grow to love. I love the way you see the world. I love how when I look at your photos of your children I can tell that you love them more than anything in this damn universe. I love the way that i get the honor to take a peak into your life when I browse through your portfolio. I ESPECIALLY love that when I click "add this photograph to my favorites" on your photos I dont do it because its a flashy and techinically flawless photograph but because it is a photograph that i NEEEEEEEEED to remember.... something that I never ever want to forget!! Like the photo of the lady with the walker, and in the foreground are signs for bicycling and rollerblading. This shot reminds me how very lucky I am to have legs that work. That I can ride, jump, skip, run whenever I feel like it... and that some people dont have that luxury. I NEEEED to remember that!!! The photo titled "Spectators" does the very same thing for me. Also, the photo of your daughter doing a cartwheel near the ferris wheel, and the ones of your kids and the trampoline, and the one of your husband and son watching a movie.... those all remind me that the sprit of a child is the most beautiful thing in the world and i need to reach down in me ALWAYS and find my "inner child"....... THESE ARE THINGS I NEED TO REMEMBER!!! Thank you for sharing your amazingness with us here on DPC!!!

Message edited by author 2007-06-21 14:33:40.
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06/21/2007 01:24:56 PM
I love this picture as it just sums up life, a life that I don't lead, but still can feel from the image you have presented here...I love the composition and processing, which adds impact..

Lisa I think that you are an amazing photographer, you have done some brilliant work in black and white, involving quite dramatic tonal range...you are obviously very skilled at processing...it always looks spot on.

It seems to me that you are feeling in full swing with photography at the moment, you have a concept and the pictures you take tell a story in a very visually appealing way -brilliant!

I particularly love the way that your daughter features in your pictures, the bond between you too is so evident in your photography, that I why I particularly love your LOVE picture, it just sums up your life from an outsiders viewpoint, your family and photography...what a beautiful form of expression.

Lisa, you have really created some beauitiful images and I just see you getting better and better. Thanks for sharing your life.
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06/21/2007 01:22:41 PM
i cant believe i havent favorited this yet
i love the way your sons feet are sooo far from the ground
this is so perfect in every way and i like to come back and look at it often

Message edited by author 2007-06-21 13:22:56.
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06/17/2007 03:18:07 AM
Why this photo?

Because this really feels like I'm getting a peek inside your life. And that life seems so different then mine, not only because we're on the other side of the world.
I think this photo is one of the things you do best: seeing the moment, snap a photo and do that really good. Ofcourse I've been checking your portfolio, and I see more of these moving candids there. Being there at the right moment.. You know I admire you for that. It's something I can't do, but really should practice ;)
Black and white seems to be your thing at the moment, but that could also be because of the 30 days project you've been working on. It suits you, and you're doing a fine job with it.

The other side of Lisa?

Seeing the still-lifes, outside. Looking at the world, absorbing every detail and try to see the photo in these details. I think when you're holding your camera and walking around, you're using all your senses to be sure you've got that photo. Composition is a big issue in your portfolio, I can see you take the time to do the right thing, to get that compo work flawless.

What to improve?

I think you also rock in the "studio-still-lifes". I've seen a couple (premature, Gape, earth child), but I think you should really develop in that part of photography. You have the eye and you have the creativity, I'm absolutely positive about that. I hope you'll take my advice and try it!

I am so happy we made this team together (YOU came up with the idea and members to invite! ;)) AND very glad I got to know you a bit more. You are one of a kind. And damn right you'll be in the team next season!


Message edited by author 2007-06-17 03:20:03.
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06/14/2007 04:23:41 PM
What a brilliant picture, it's so expressive-what a great peek into your life!
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05/23/2007 12:39:56 PM
gosh i love this picture. i keep coming back to look at it. the composition is just so pleasing to the eye!
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05/08/2007 08:59:19 AM
what a great photo of your slice of life.
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05/05/2007 05:24:13 PM
ha - love that you got your son under the dryer! love the balance of the pic, especially with the dual mirrors in the middle.
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05/05/2007 09:46:05 AM
Hairdryer vs The Child. This is a fantastic shot - composition and clarity are all amazing.
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05/05/2007 07:59:52 AM
excellent lisa .. love the black and white for this image ... love your composition .. a real arty shot and so well done ..
i totally love your son so dwarfed by the hair dryer thingo ... that would make a mad image just by itself .. in fact its like you have a diptych happening here ..:)
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05/05/2007 02:56:01 AM
I LOVE this. What a wonderful slice of life picture, and excellent as B&W. Very well seen and captured!
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05/05/2007 01:37:57 AM
Now this is an extraordinary photo. Lighting is perfect, the atmosphere and candid are superb.
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05/04/2007 02:46:32 PM
Very nice slice.
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05/04/2007 07:14:40 AM
Looks like a really cool salon. I like the industrial, bare-bones look.
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05/03/2007 10:02:26 PM
i swear i commented and fav'd this already, what happened?
one of the standouts for me so far in the b&w's
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05/03/2007 09:12:19 PM
Okay - this is damned good and has reached my favorites. This is one of those images that I can't give you one reason why it works for me but I can't stop looking at it. I love when that happens. Thank you.
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05/03/2007 07:52:49 PM
I like this one of everyday working life..... excellent.....
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05/03/2007 07:32:26 PM
Nicely captured. Thanks for the story. I like the composition and contrast.
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05/03/2007 05:17:10 PM
This is a really neat picture! Love it. It definitely is a slice of life. I like it just the way it is.
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05/03/2007 02:14:59 PM
Interesting. There's about 5 photos worth of material contained in this one shot lol.

I like the processing and the scene was well suited for it. However there's so much going on, it's hard to get myself hooked into any particular thing presented here. I'd agree with some comments below about trying alternative crops to try and give the eye a more limited menu of things to dine on. To me, the most unique thing shown here is a woman doing hair in some pretty radical looking boots and her client sitting there in gym shoes. Don't know why, but the contrast there jumps out at me right away and I'd like a photo that just shows me those two without everything else around them.

But hey, opinions are like...
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05/03/2007 01:14:14 PM
far too awesome. one of the nicest compositions i've seen in a long time. a great story.

reminds me of when i was a kid and my mom always used to go get her hair done and i'd go with her to get mine trimmed. the lady who did our hair's name was Gale and she used to call me Sinead instead of Shannon because i used to sing Sinead O'Conner's "Nothing Compares" nonstop!

Message edited by author 2007-05-03 13:16:41.
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05/03/2007 11:39:55 AM
i love this, the way you composed this picture makes it so interesting and stand out from a regular slice of life shot. i love the symmetrical feel the mirrors give to the picture. at first look you feel like you might be looking at a mirror image, but then you realize the differences between each side. feels like this is a time lapse mirror image of this person, forwarding the time from childhood to adult image.
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05/03/2007 10:56:38 AM
That's your son...pore kid, LOL ;-) Very interesting perspective you have captured here. Well done.
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05/03/2007 09:50:40 AM
How fun. A girlie day (son included) playing with hair do's with your best friend. I love it. Her shop is very photogenic. It has just a touch of that urban look I love so much.

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05/03/2007 08:47:50 AM
That's really neat. I might crop out the ceiling
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05/03/2007 08:26:46 AM
A very nice slice of life (although I have to say the hairdressers looks a bit bleak). You have got some lovely vibrant blacks in this picture...Putting the critical hat on it may be that there is almost too much going on in this picture, but that some of it gets lost in the dead space especially towards the top where the ceiling enters the frame

A few possible cropping thoughts for you to take/disgard as you see fit

Crop from top down to the top of the machine on your sons head

Alternatively crop even further down (to the top of the mirror) and from the left to the centre point of the mirror (obviously this would lose your son but MIGHT give a nice image focused on your mum and tina. Tina would probably still hit a rule of third line). If you want to get even more radical then you could also crop a bit of the floor and from the right to Tinas back. Final though go even more tight and focus on your mums head and tinas hands (possibly back to her face)

Having said all this, I do like this pic and am just sticking in my 2ps worth as alternatives

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05/03/2007 07:56:16 AM
exactly every five weeks?
wow that's very routine!!!!

it's a great picture.
a very good enviromental portrait as well as great depiction of a "slice of your life"
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05/03/2007 07:29:47 AM
This looks like a rally cool place to have your hair done.
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05/03/2007 07:17:00 AM
Really cool, and I like the little feet on the other side! Another easter egg!

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05/03/2007 07:11:53 AM
Actually i really like this.
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