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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Location: Waterfront City, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Date Uploaded: May 7, 2007

Viewed: 337
Comments: 18
Favorites: 1 (view)

This was taken a few months ago - I was always SO disappointed that the moment didn't turn out better - I LOVE that there was a lady on a zimmer frame coming into the frame, but didn't have a big enough pair to be really obvious and keep taking her photo - Grrrrrrrrr!

Anyway it was a crap colour photo and tonight I just realised it is pretty cool as a B & W - RESULT!

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09/29/2008 09:42:04 AM
hey lisa ..
lol lol LOL .. funny as .. !!!
the reason i'm laughing is i've just read your comment on this pic after seeing it in the photo domino game ..
"but didn't have a big enough pair" .. it took me about 10 seconds for it to click .. then i just had to read it out to greg .. !!
excellent .. i've never heard that expression before .. I LOVE IT .. to the point, socially acceptable, subtle yet obvious after a little thought (for me that is) and funny too .. i think i'll have to use it .. i'll have heaps of opportunities ..!!! .. :):)x
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05/12/2007 10:45:20 AM
Having a 'big enough pair' can make a photo...I think this is quite clever though...subtle irony. Would've loved to see more of her, just a few more steps ahead of where she is :)
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05/10/2007 10:59:47 PM
ha - zimmer frame - is that a walker? never heard that before. love the stages of movement symbolized in one frame. very cool.
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05/09/2007 08:59:23 AM
You spotted a great moment in related juxtaposition of the painted sign on the street and the actual movement of a person using a wheeled walker. It takes a good eye to spot a moment like this so good job on spotting this. Tis a shame that she is not positioned just behind that horizontal line in the street because it would have made the related juxtaposition more evident to the viewer if the two main elements were in closer proximity to each other. I do love the symbolic relationship of wheels & movement in this composition - that's what makes this such a good 'street photography' capture. B&W conversion is well suited to this composition for it calls the eye's attention more readily to the main elements of the composition whereas the color version would distract.
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05/08/2007 11:06:00 PM
I think the bottom half of this image would make an interesting photo in its own right.
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05/07/2007 11:57:02 PM
Love the contrast of the skater and the walker!
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05/07/2007 09:53:46 PM
Clever shot here.....
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05/07/2007 06:27:30 PM
Very cool, great contrast between the speedy looking signs and the old lady in the background.
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05/07/2007 05:12:13 PM
This is a wheely good shot (groan!!!)

Certainly think the lady on the zimmer should be arrested as there is definitely no indication that zimmers are allowed

Have to say that the image made me smile (never a bad thing), perhaps (if you had your time again) it would have been even better if you could have cropped out the grass on the left and the wall on the right and got a touch more of the lady in,but in truth there are times when you only have a second to shoot (especially if zimmer lady was giving it some!!!!) and you have to take what you can

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05/07/2007 04:31:23 PM
i love this, great catch and very good eye to see this. i love the contradiction in this picture. the contrast of the very slow moving lady and the signs implying fast motion. very nice one.
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05/07/2007 03:15:39 PM
what a great capture.
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05/07/2007 01:25:49 PM
It does look like it could be 2 photos -- and it is very much a cool black and white. But I really like it that you can see just her legs and the bottom part of the walker. It makes you imagine -- and it doesn't detract from the story -- which is so interesting contrasting the picture of bikes and skaters -- a play ground -- with the old handicapped lady walking towards the scene.

It is very artistic!

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05/07/2007 12:56:33 PM
Great capture. I would have liked to seen her closer to the painted symbols, but I have the same problem taking people photo's on the street.
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05/07/2007 11:53:11 AM
What an interesting shot! Love the composition.
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05/07/2007 08:37:08 AM
Interesting catch!
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05/07/2007 08:30:44 AM
This does work well as a B&W, though I'm guessing the color is not as bad as you think. I like that the frame walking woman is cut off, it adds something to the story for me - something about her coming down and being in the wheels lane. This looks kind of gritty to me, especially at the top, and I think that really adds to it (and is maybe why I like walking woman being cut off). Nicely done.
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05/07/2007 08:21:06 AM
amazing catch!!
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05/07/2007 08:13:34 AM
What an interesting capture! This is one of those "right place at right time" photos that is also well executed. The crop feels just a touch tight at the edges, but you maybe had stuff you needed to get rid of? Anyway, I really like this a lot!
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