Author | Thread |
12/24/2003 05:29:36 PM |
Fullkominn contrast àþessu!
ótrúlega flott mynd Óskar, til hamingju með ribbon! |
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12/24/2003 02:23:27 PM |
Congrats for the ribbon and a wonderful photo! :-) Who gave you 2?! |
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12/24/2003 12:22:46 PM |
Góóóóður, vissi alltaf að þú gætir þetta, til hamingju og gleðileg jól |
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12/23/2003 02:47:33 PM |
Nice job! :)
Message edited by author 2003-12-23 21:30:55. |
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12/23/2003 09:49:30 AM |
wow! that's a GREAT picture. excellent! |
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12/22/2003 08:40:35 PM |
JUst simly beautiful,can not take my eyes of it. Love your other one too - "Water on Stone" |
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12/22/2003 06:50:31 PM |
Woowww, thanks everyone for GREAT comments and high rating. This ribbon is very motivating, and now my goal is clear, I´m gonna get the blue one :) |
12/22/2003 01:53:32 PM |
rosa fÃÂn....til lukku með borðann |
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12/22/2003 11:58:12 AM |
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12/22/2003 11:07:14 AM |
Vá geggjuð mynd! Til hamingju! |
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12/22/2003 09:26:21 AM |
congratulations on the red ribbon - a striking image. |
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12/22/2003 08:34:41 AM |
Congratulations oskar - a truly beautiful image and a well deserved win! Excellent work :-)
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12/22/2003 08:24:15 AM |
This is a great shot. It definitly has the "wow" factor for me. Do without the border and sell it. Beautiful! Congrats! |
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12/22/2003 07:25:56 AM |
Nice use of motion blur, congratulation on top 3! |
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12/22/2003 06:45:39 AM |
góður, til hamingju. Þú áttir þetta svo sannarlega skilið :) |
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12/22/2003 04:32:26 AM |
Já það gat ekki annað verið, þetta er mögnuð mynd til hamingju glæsilegt!! |
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12/22/2003 04:02:57 AM |
Til hamingju. Ég er samt að velt fyrir mér hverjum datt àhug að gefa þér 2 àeinkunn? Þú fékkst allavega 10 frá mér, enda er þetta mjög vel tekin mynd.
Halltu þessu áfram :) |
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12/22/2003 12:22:30 AM |
Congrats on your first ribbon! I can;t believe you got a 2! Well deserved ribbon! Coming in second to JJ is like coming in first! |
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12/22/2003 12:18:30 AM |
Coooool one Oskar!!! Congrats on your first ribbon. |
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12/22/2003 12:03:45 AM |
Congratulations. Definitely joining the best photographers in Iceland. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
12/21/2003 11:55:18 PM |
One of my favorites this week! Nice & silky -- love it! |
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12/21/2003 11:19:34 PM |
Oskar, after looking at your portfolio, I was wondering if this was your picture. It\\\\\\\'s good, very good! Congratulations. The juxtaposition of the clear little grasses in the snow and the running water, the rocks in the middle, it\\\\\\\'s just right.
My one gripe, and it\\\\\\\'s a personal thing, is that I don\\\\\\\'t much care for the border. The picture is too beautiful to need a border that grabs that much attention. On the other hand, I haven\\\\\\\'t seen it without the border, so it might be better this way :)
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12/21/2003 08:04:18 PM |
Great capture of the movement of the water. Love the rock in the middle, but I find the snow and grass in front takes away from the overall appeal of the image. 8 |
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12/21/2003 04:21:43 PM |
a feeling of cool mist... great exposure! relatively interesting. |
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12/21/2003 11:14:18 AM |
This is an excellent photo! 10 |
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12/21/2003 12:21:44 AM |
nice water flow... slightly overexposed for my personal taste... |
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12/20/2003 12:37:33 AM |
I\'m not sure I like how quickly your eye is whisked through this shot... I think it need a little more of reference points to make it more effective IMHO Definatly interesting though!
TC |
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12/19/2003 10:37:32 PM |
pastorial scenic view...... |
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12/19/2003 08:40:01 PM |
I like the scene and composotion - river looks beautiful. Focus is a little soft on the motionless areas though. Border is a bit too haeavy too. |
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12/19/2003 03:24:09 PM |
I really like these blurred motion images and this is no exception. Very good portrayal of speed and power. |
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12/19/2003 10:16:05 AM |
Lovely - simply wonderfull. |
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12/19/2003 10:06:34 AM |
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12/19/2003 08:37:14 AM |
Absolutely beautiful! The addition of the frozen foreground in this shot really makes it for me. Love the compositional framing of the shot; it makes it a very strong image. 9 |
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12/18/2003 11:22:13 PM |
Actually, I think I prefer your outtake (the one from the forums), but still, this is a very nice picture, and I'm sure you will do well with it = ) |
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12/18/2003 11:21:35 PM |
Damn you and your excellent shot! :-) My first 10 of the challenge
Edit: I predict a blue ribbon. |
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12/18/2003 10:44:41 PM |
great shot. would have done well in the soft focus challenge too. |
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12/18/2003 10:42:45 PM |
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12/18/2003 11:59:30 AM |
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12/18/2003 11:15:19 AM |
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12/18/2003 12:16:34 AM |
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12/17/2003 10:51:30 PM |
Excellent image!! I understand why you'd want to show off :-)
Nothing I can say except - wow.
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12/17/2003 12:22:44 PM |
This is just so serene. I love the frozen grass, it gives stability and dimension to the shot. Awesome effect. 10 |
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12/17/2003 03:51:29 AM |
It´s just a fantasti picture. I love it. I haven´t words, just briliant shot. Can you send me a PM explaining how did you take it, please? I hope to see you in the top 10 of this week. 10 |
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12/16/2003 09:15:47 PM |
Really liked how you pulled this off with the snow in the foreground. |
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12/16/2003 04:22:49 PM |
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12/16/2003 03:59:14 PM |
I really like the slow shutter effect on moving water, but I think this may be a bit too much of a good thing. I like the contrast with the ice and the detail in the plants. |
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12/16/2003 10:33:24 AM |
the water is like silk.... great! |
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12/15/2003 10:21:02 PM |
Looks like a winner to me. How nice it must be to have a place like this to enjoy.....10 |
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12/15/2003 08:10:05 PM |
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12/15/2003 10:52:32 AM |
beautiful the framing and composition....the snow and the grass in the foreground is the water movement effect too. I would guess s very slow shutter speed to capture such an effect? |
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12/15/2003 08:48:28 AM |
Wonderful! Although I wouldn't have included the inner black border, I love this photo! This is so beautiful dynamic, I have the feeling it will break through my monitor! Great job, good luck! :-) |
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12/15/2003 07:41:52 AM |
Stunning, I love long exposure shots, this is a great example.
My only gripe is the snow covered grass in the front of the picture. I'd have liked that not there. (That's only my opinion though...)
A great shot. [10] |
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12/15/2003 03:30:20 AM |
Stunning photo. Nothing more to add, sorry. |
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12/15/2003 02:49:31 AM |
Wow, this is absoultely perfect. One perfect for the wall! |
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12/15/2003 12:19:03 AM |
Beautifully captured & composed! 10 |
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