Author | Thread |
12/22/2011 02:54:27 AM |
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10/22/2009 02:16:46 PM |
I will NEVER NEVER trust you. |
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05/12/2007 09:58:23 PM |
I have nothing witty and clever to say other than the poor kid is going to look back at these pics some day and wonder what was wrong with what he was wearing in the first place. Your photoshop skills are amazing!
I love that devilish little smirk and stare. What a cutey! |
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05/11/2007 11:00:38 AM |
Holy Cow!!! That's an amazing amount of processing - from removing your reflection in the door window, calling up some details in the window, the textured grain look on the environment and most of all adding the overalls!!!! Had you not posted that you added the overalls I would have though your little one was really wearing them for the photo. I love what you did by adding and/or bringing up the textures and some grain for it gives this photo a feeling of nostalgia- of the good ol' tymes. The rough edges around the border instead of a sharp lined one was also a very nice touch. It helps add to that nostalgic feel of an old photograph. The tones and contrasts in this image are bold and have a great dynamic range - very eye-catching. You did an excellent job in the post-processing.
---And wouldn't it be wonderful if we could Photo-shop clothes up for our growing children instead of having to constantly buy them;-) |
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05/09/2007 07:17:05 PM |
Originally posted by Melethia: Ken, wouldn't it be easier to just change his clothes? I mean, like actually put the overalls on him then shoot? |
Deb, Deb, Deb - Virtual clothes are MUCH cheaper than real ones and with the Transform and Liquify tools, they never grow out of them! :)
Originally posted by Melethia: And what happened to dad in the window? I kinda liked that part. You doulda photoshopped him to be an oldtimey guy with one of those gunpowder flash thingies. |
Now that's just brilliant! I may just end up going back and doing this someday. :) |
05/09/2007 06:46:59 PM |
You are too good!!! Amazing processing on this. |
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05/09/2007 03:45:06 PM |
awwwwwwwwwww sweet, check his hair.
lol@melethia's comment about changing his clothes :) |
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05/09/2007 03:32:50 PM |
Fantastic PP, your son is so cute as always. I can't believe you add overalls, OMG. I wish I can use Photoshop like this.
Excellent shot. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
05/09/2007 03:18:31 PM |
Ken, wouldn't it be easier to just change his clothes? I mean, like actually put the overalls on him then shoot? And what happened to dad in the window? I kinda liked that part. You doulda photoshopped him to be an oldtimey guy with one of those gunpowder flash thingies.
Great work here, seriously. |
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05/09/2007 02:34:45 PM |
You added the overalls?? That's great. I like Standing Man as a title for this. Very good shot and PP. Grain works well here. |
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05/09/2007 01:45:11 PM |
Nice Post-processing job. You really managed to give it a nice 3d look. Good use of the frame. |
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05/09/2007 08:18:00 AM |
Okay, you are my Photoshop HERO! You turned what was frankly an ordinary and rather soft snapshot into something absolutely stunning! I can't believe how seamlessly you added those overalls. Wonderful in every way. |
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05/09/2007 04:47:26 AM |
i'd never thought the suit was added in digitally, omg this job is very well done. the dirty edit is great, and lends to that "worker in his environment" kinda look. i mean, Riley looked as if he owns a garage or some workshop in there! nice work Ken |
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05/09/2007 02:53:37 AM |
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05/09/2007 02:10:40 AM |
I hope you're not linking me in with "The Anti-Digital Art" mob because I'm outspoken about hating it in challenges here. lol.
But if you are, oh well, I like the work you've done anyway. He almost looks Ozarkian enough :) |
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05/09/2007 01:48:46 AM |
Your combination of photos and editing techniques amaze me. What a wonderful job here. |
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05/09/2007 12:02:23 AM |
This is just AWESOME!!! I just keep looking at it going, WOW! It looks more cool the longer I look at it!
Can you do a tutorial on how to get this effect? Pleeeeease???? |
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05/09/2007 12:02:17 AM |
Ken, he looks like he's saying, "Hey you put that durned camera down now!"
I adore that illegal stuff. Shhhhh we'll keep it quiet here. The PP really works with the outfit, the grungy look and the bibbs sure fit.
Amazing. |
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05/09/2007 12:01:24 AM |
Hey, I know that kid...he belongs to the guy up the road selling moonshine! Love the processing work you've done here! The expression is darling! |
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05/08/2007 10:59:48 PM |
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05/08/2007 10:31:01 PM |
Priceless Ken.
A bit of toning on this, and it would look like something pulled out of Grandpa's cigar box.
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05/08/2007 10:17:57 PM |
Uh oh, he's giving us that "I'm going to burn your village!" look. Like father, like son... |
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05/08/2007 10:02:01 PM |
Tom Joad: "Sure don't look none too prosperous." Grapes of Wrath, 1940
This famous book/movie came to mind immediately. The intense editing suits it perfectly. I love the overalls and the planks on the floor. This is outstanding, Ken. WAY TO GO.
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05/08/2007 09:19:31 PM |
"WOW"............ I just "LOVE" this one mate, of young Riley, so very much.....
He is just so grown up now, and such a cutie.....
You now how much I love him, and also love how you got his reflection in the glass door behind him.....
You should have this one done quite large on canvas, exactly as it is, as it would be so impressive, on any wall, especially your own wall, and also on mine.....
Message edited by author 2007-05-08 21:21:47. |
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05/08/2007 08:58:23 PM |
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05/08/2007 08:52:06 PM |
This is so great. I imagine if he looks like you as a kid, then this would really emphasize your case. LOVE the editing! (and your story too) |
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05/08/2007 08:49:34 PM |
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05/08/2007 08:48:14 PM |
Have ya got my tractor fixed yet? Hey you asked for suggestions! lol. Cool shot, love the PP in this...I have no clue how you got there but it's pretty neat! |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
05/08/2007 08:47:57 PM |
awesome picture I feel your pain on the illegal editing.... |
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