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Balls of Fire
Balls of Fire

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Painting With Light III (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED
Location: St-Henri
Date: Jun 5, 2007
Aperture: 9
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1.6
Date Uploaded: Jun 5, 2007


Place: 14 out of 245
Avg (all users): 6.5402
Avg (commenters): 7.6087
Avg (participants): 6.3429
Avg (non-participants): 6.6299
Views since voting: 2132
Views during voting: 481
Votes: 224
Comments: 26
Favorites: 4 (view)

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06/15/2007 02:01:47 AM
if your name is on the guest list, no one can take you higher. everybody says i've got great balls of fire.

i like this photo.
it makes me laugh lots.
specially with the reference thing to the ac/dc song.
fo shizzz
06/14/2007 01:49:31 AM
that is some damn funny shit. adding this to my favorites...
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/13/2007 10:33:13 PM
You need to patch your pants. They are looking a little ragged :P

nice shot, btw!
06/13/2007 09:41:52 AM
06/13/2007 06:13:06 AM
LOL, well done.
06/12/2007 11:36:15 PM
Friggin' awesome! I laughed when I compared the title to the image. WELL DONE and I wish all the best in the challenge! The colors of the graffiti in the background are a fantastic addition. I like everything about this shot. One of my picks at the top.
PS - Shouldn't it be, "Ball of Fire"?
06/12/2007 07:41:32 PM
interesting interpretation of painting :-)
06/11/2007 06:53:07 PM
Excellent image supporting the great use of painted light here; I really like this shot (one of my top picks of the challenge); well conceived and executed, with good exposure, setting and composition.
06/11/2007 06:47:44 AM
Very cool, particually the trousers. :)

Great background & good use of flash too
06/10/2007 12:59:36 PM
very nice title!
06/10/2007 12:37:47 PM
I like this a lot...the composition is good against the graffiti background.
06/09/2007 05:17:13 PM
a little bit rude - but very well captured - the light ring is very good and the lighting on his face is really smartly done - 9
06/09/2007 12:24:39 PM
Very Kewl!
06/08/2007 06:31:26 PM
06/08/2007 03:30:43 AM
Nice capture - Nice lighting and great visual appeal - 9
06/07/2007 10:56:40 PM
it looks like its coming out of his- well, never mind.

great pic btw...
06/07/2007 10:42:18 PM
Lol. I had a similar accidental take. Very nice capture.
06/07/2007 08:22:05 PM
Someone other than me is submitting fire-spinning shots to DPC? :) Damn you, competition!

Very nicely done - the background is cool, the posture and facial expression are great. You got some nice detail in the flames too. Slightly distracting white bits in the top right, but nothing you can really fix in basic editing. I look forward to finding out who this is by :)
06/06/2007 07:38:25 PM
I find this to be a really good image. Technically very nice, interesting environment and the lighting and subject are all nice. However I think you killed it with the balls part... seems an attempt at atttention or humor I'm not sure. Fell short of humor with the models lack of reaction... It seems such a serious image and then that... it doesn't make sense.
06/06/2007 05:02:37 PM
I love the expression on his face. The torn clothes give great character too.
06/06/2007 03:58:28 PM
love it. should do VERY well.
06/06/2007 03:57:29 PM
Um...was that pun intended? I like it, don't get me wrong. 7
06/06/2007 03:49:46 PM
Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire! You wish! Good photo, though. 7
06/06/2007 12:18:58 PM
Oh this is wonderful. The best of this challenge so far and to me one of the best images I've seen on the whole site.
06/06/2007 11:39:46 AM
really cool photo ruined by the title - I generally don't vote on the title at all - but c'mon are we still in high school?
06/06/2007 07:03:34 AM
long time no see labuda. Cool shot. Makes me think I should get one of those fire things. Great title. The while balance if incandenscent to make it look as if you are lit by the light of the flame right?

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