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Challenge: Puzzle Macro (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot SD400
Location: Studio
Date: Jun 17, 2007
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1.0
Galleries: Abstract, Macro
Date Uploaded: Jun 17, 2007

Nulla facilisi. Nulla et nulla in dui faucibus bibendum. Vestibulum tristique risus vel turpis. Aenean felis augue, venenatis id, congue vitae, malesuada cursus, sem. Vestibulum eu metus et ipsum vulputate pretium. Donec ullamcorper ipsum non justo. Mauris vulputate. Quisque et diam et libero luctus ornare. Mauris porta pharetra ligula. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus convallis tincidunt erat. Sed a sapien.

Proin id sapien a massa adipiscing interdum. Nulla lectus libero, convallis in, rhoncus id, mollis nec, tortor. Maecenas id eros. Duis suscipit lacinia quam. Nunc at mauris sit amet elit feugiat porta. Nulla eleifend fermentum purus. Mauris vel mauris nec est egestas rhoncus. Praesent rutrum malesuada justo. Phasellus viverra pede at nunc. Nullam commodo mi ut lorem. Aliquam dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque ac tellus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus in nulla nec velit dictum commodo.

In augue orci, lobortis ac, gravida in, dictum vel, enim. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus diam ante, ultrices at, tincidunt nec, scelerisque eget, nisi. Nulla a pede. Fusce arcu. Maecenas aliquet consectetuer sapien. Cras condimentum mi at purus. Donec feugiat dignissim dolor. Pellentesque vel orci sed enim placerat sagittis. Quisque orci diam, condimentum eget, molestie vitae, consequat eget, nunc. Integer in libero. Sed hendrerit molestie felis. Quisque non risus. Aenean posuere. Ut luctus erat et magna. Etiam et mauris a ipsum sollicitudin vestibulum. Mauris ornare felis vitae justo. Nunc quis justo sit amet turpis nonummy imperdiet. Donec vitae turpis. Proin sagittis.

Nam iaculis metus in diam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Phasellus et odio sed magna commodo lacinia. Ut tortor orci, sagittis eu, porttitor eget, iaculis nec, purus. Pellentesque id mi ut tellus ornare ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt elit vitae sapien. Mauris volutpat. Sed libero. Duis condimentum est sit amet felis. Sed velit nunc, accumsan eget, mattis eu, cursus commodo, lectus. Cras quis elit nec pede nonummy volutpat. Nulla sed tortor. Quisque faucibus justo non arcu. Morbi dapibus nonummy dolor. Nam eget risus. Duis vestibulum sem sit amet nunc.

Vivamus cursus auctor sapien. Vivamus tortor nunc, fringilla a, molestie ac, tempus non, eros. Ut nec nisl. Phasellus condimentum, risus in laoreet ultricies, metus nisi porta neque, ac luctus ipsum dui a pede. Nulla malesuada imperdiet mi. Curabitur enim lorem, consectetuer vehicula, molestie quis, pulvinar sed, erat. Nullam tincidunt, enim et luctus euismod, velit sem venenatis felis, vel cursus leo augue sit amet tortor. Quisque tincidunt mi a elit. Nullam bibendum, ipsum ut molestie consequat, libero.

Place: 101 out of 300
Avg (all users): 5.6845
Avg (commenters): 6.0500
Avg (participants): 5.4556
Avg (non-participants): 5.8969
Views since voting: 1038
Views during voting: 281
Votes: 187
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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06/27/2007 01:49:46 PM
What language is that? I was going to try to translate it somehow but don't know what to tranlate it from?
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/25/2007 10:29:05 PM
Nice lines...floor lamp?
06/24/2007 11:00:30 PM
Metal something... I don't know what. Nice lines and focus!
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06/24/2007 05:45:44 PM
Really sweet lighting and composition. Great sharpness and clarity on subject. And nice DOF. Nice shot.
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06/24/2007 01:55:35 AM
looks like the main return spring in a Flugleman pneumatic goat stretcher
06/23/2007 04:55:22 PM
no idea!
06/23/2007 12:49:59 AM
This looks like a potato masher
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06/22/2007 07:24:43 AM
The holder for film for the wet part of developing film. This goes on the tank once it's loaded with film. I don't know what the part is called though.
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06/22/2007 05:58:00 AM
The piece moving up rest of the bars is what is stumping me. I was thinking it was a paper towel dispenser, laying on its side, but I don't think that is right?
06/22/2007 02:11:53 AM
this looks familiar....I'll come back to this one.

I'm back, i finally figured it out. it's a film spool for developing film.
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06/22/2007 12:20:39 AM
a film developing real.
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06/21/2007 10:09:43 PM
hanger rod? bad guess?
06/21/2007 05:14:30 PM
06/21/2007 01:48:27 PM
a whisk?
06/21/2007 12:45:56 PM
Very cool. I like the B/W, and all of the lines and curves really capture my attention. I also have no clue what it is!
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06/21/2007 11:16:46 AM
No idea, something metal, part of machinery or an appliance. Good diagonal composition, glare is a bit distracting.
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06/21/2007 07:23:51 AM
turn this on it side and you got a paper towel holder don't know if that right thought
06/21/2007 02:17:19 AM
It looks like one of those desk spiral metal paper holders tipped over to the left.
06/21/2007 12:26:50 AM
kitchen implement
06/20/2007 05:28:15 PM
musical instrument ?
06/20/2007 07:47:26 AM
aha. film reel. cute. i spent many years feeling these things in the dark...
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06/20/2007 07:40:36 AM
A good shot of cooling coils?
06/20/2007 07:08:07 AM
Some kind of spring system. Good contrast.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/20/2007 04:32:42 AM
film reel for developing
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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