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I Will Get Him Lessons!
I Will Get Him Lessons!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: New Year's Resolution II (Classic Editing)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7i
Location: Altoona, PA
Date: Jan 6, 2004
Aperture: f 3.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/45
Galleries: Snapshot, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Jan 6, 2004

Yes I do plan to get him started with actually lessons very soon. This is actually his Dad's guitar but he is going to learn to play this year and he also has to learn the difference between acoustic and electric. Here he looks like he is rockin with a broken string none the less.

Place: 122 out of 169
Avg (all users): 4.6348
Avg (commenters): 5.4000
Avg (participants): 4.5684
Avg (non-participants): 4.6815
Views since voting: 1000
Votes: 230
Comments: 12
Favorites: 2 (view)

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01/14/2004 05:09:57 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club

Initial thoughts/My opinion
I like the play with size: what a huge guitar for the boy. Also like his expression, made me smile and think of our kids. It's way too dark for me and the title is less inspiring then the image itself.

For this challenge image and title have to go more hand in hand then for other challenges, because a resolution can be a whole story. While getting your son some guitar lessons, a title like "This year I will become a star" would probably worked better. Such a title would draw the viewer into the image and think about the dreams of the boy and maybe the own dreams as a youngster. Your title made me and probably others "step" outside the image and thing about a parent who has duties and work to do. Often not so pleasant.
The composition itself is well made: placing the guitar along the diagonal is a good choice and the boy's placement follows the rule of third. Also that he wears a black shirt is fine: makes the hand and face stand out more. Black trousers might have been great.
The way you set the light is my main problem I do have with the image: it looks like it is an image taken with flash, judged by the strong reflection at the lower portion of the guitar. Thus the strongly reflecting guitar body is overexposed were as the rest is way to dark, even the face. Some softer light, probably from the side would have been much better.
I like the black background though and B&W was probably a good choice (depends a little on the colour of the guitar).

Camera work -technically
The focus seems to be a little soft, but not too much. Exposure: see above.

Digital Processing - Technical
Could need some more sharpening. Regarding a better balancing between the dark and bright parts there is actually not too much that can be done digitally without breaking the rules.
A border might have been nice.

Fits the challenge
Yes it does.

Good luck for your further submissions
  Photographer found comment helpful.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/13/2004 01:12:20 PM
The lighting confuses me. It's really dark on the subject, but there is a bright reflection on the bottom area of the guitar. I wish the lighting were brighter on the boy and guitar, but not with bright areas. If that makes sense. The background is good. Nothing distracting there. Good idea for the challenge, just wish it weren't so dark. ~Heather~
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/12/2004 10:19:44 PM
Funny title. I like the photo in black and white. Nice darkness to the background and color on the guitar.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/11/2004 09:13:39 AM
good thing its not the drums
01/08/2004 01:00:03 PM
too dark for my liking
01/08/2004 11:45:35 AM
Haha wonderfull expression and great background really shows out the guitar! I give this a 10 for sure!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/08/2004 12:54:16 AM
Nice portrait but the guitar is big and too brightly lit and distracts my attention away from the main subject. I do, however, like the way the boys hair and shirt blend in with the dark background. I think you should have emphasized that more in this shot.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/07/2004 09:21:42 PM
Or get yourself earplugs!
01/07/2004 06:17:53 PM
Seems slightly out of focus and the bright spot on the bottom of the guitar draws too much attention. Tell him I said good luck with the lessons and I hope he sticks to it (I gave up trying to learn...)
01/07/2004 01:01:00 PM
Good luck. He falls into the background and gets lost.
01/07/2004 02:22:23 AM
Love the expression on his face. The glare coming from the bottom of the guitar is a little distracting.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/07/2004 12:57:33 AM
The lighting on this could be improved a bit. The boy is very dark and there is a large glare at the bottom of the guitar. great idea.

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