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Every Thursday Night, In My Neighborhood
Every Thursday Night, In My Neighborhood

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: After Dark (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 4500
Location: Bangkok
Date: Jan 9, 2004
Aperture: 100
ISO: 100
Shutter: 100
Galleries: Snapshot, Action
Date Uploaded: Jan 10, 2004

Night Market in my Neighborhood

Place: 66 out of 96
Avg (all users): 5.2081
Avg (commenters): 6.3333
Avg (participants): 4.9697
Avg (non-participants): 5.3551
Views since voting: 1768
Votes: 173
Comments: 19
Favorites: 0

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01/25/2004 12:24:55 AM
Greetings from the Critique Club
By Inspzil

Composition - I didn't know what the stuff in front was, so this photo when I saw it during voting it didn't make any sense. I understand it a little more now, but I think that it might've been a little more conducive to show the foreground stuff a little more. The lens flares on this just dominate this image too much. Having some of the people moving seems a little odd too. I'd prefer to see them clear. If you were going to blur some of them, blur them all. One thing that I can't get past is that there is not a real focal point except for the bright lights.

Technical - For the speed of the shutter, its pretty well lit. I'm surprised the people have blurred that much at that speed. Originally I thought the colors were duller and you could greyscale this, but with the reds and blues, I don't think that's a viable option. Moving the camera angle down, getting away from the bright lights and giving a little more exposure to the foreground stuff that appears to be for sale would be my recommendation. Give the shoes the limelight.

Overall - This needs a focal point to me. I can't get past the lights. There are some intersting things going on, but I don't think the majority of the viewers knew what that was. Maybe focusing on the vendors more would've helped. Less lights, more clarity, a focal point and I think your score goes up. Good luck - Bob
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01/19/2004 02:47:41 PM
A more creative title (that describes buying 2nd hand shoes) should have erased the confusion as to what these people are doing. I think many people missed the fact that the whole subject is buying 2nd hand shoes every Thursday night ... not just the shoes, or the light, or the umbrella or the people - as the act of buying used shoes is very foreign to a lot of Western rich people.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/18/2004 09:36:49 PM
This photo looks like it has quite a story to it, although I can't make out what it is...what are the items on the bottom of the pic? Interesting shot nonetheless. 7
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01/17/2004 09:03:46 AM
Lens flares are just overpowering to this shot. I think trying to minimize those would help a lot. I'm not sure this wouldn't look great greyscaled too. There isn't a lot of color to lose
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01/16/2004 10:57:37 PM
Very personable. Dramatic, looking for boots.
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01/16/2004 02:45:53 PM
Great colors and light, wish you could have gotten down a bit further and had the umbrellas come down into the picture, behind the men standing there. But that is being a bit picky - it is a nice capture, a good feeling for the place and people.
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01/15/2004 05:27:06 PM
Great colors here and a different take than most of the other photos I've seen. I like the movement in this picture. But are they looking at shoes? Good job.
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01/15/2004 06:29:30 AM
Very interesting.
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01/14/2004 04:59:36 PM
A bit too snapshotty for me
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01/14/2004 12:13:01 PM
This is an interesting and intriguing shot. Is it a neighborhood market or "garage sale?" What does happen every Thursday night, and where is the neighborhood?
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01/14/2004 11:18:38 AM
I like the way you've focused in on the man in the white and darkened the foreground. Very well composed image, although, I don't lke what appears to be a yellow cast and the glare of the street lights.
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01/13/2004 08:45:57 PM
I bet that smell bad
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01/13/2004 12:36:07 PM
good pov for this shot. the composition of the people and the umbrellas is really strong. it looks like you're down low to get this shot. that really pulls the viewer into the frame but at the same time keeping a strictly vouyeur look. nice work.
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01/12/2004 09:40:56 PM
Ah yes. The Gathering of the Shoes. We have such rituals in my neighborhood, too. Well, not really. The bright light in the center really grabs my attention. So much so that it is difficult to make my eyes stray anywhere else. This is a puzzling scene, and I'm not sure what they're doing. But you've captured their very earnest faces, so I find myself really wanting to explore what's going on.
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01/12/2004 01:41:18 PM
Good shot, enjoyed this one.
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01/12/2004 10:04:00 AM
I like the composition. Some people are crisp, others a blur. The hot light in the center is the only distraction.
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01/12/2004 10:00:07 AM
The light in the middle is too bright. Might have raised the camera a bit to hide it behind the umbrella. I like the hints at motion in various places of the picture.
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01/12/2004 04:51:47 AM
Overall interest : 2/3
Technical : 1/3 (The spot lamps are too bright and distract from the main subject, the blurred person at right could be cropped out, and contrast improved a bit )
Challenge meeting : 1/2 (the same market scene at day should be interesting too)
WOW factor : 0/2 (sorry)
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01/12/2004 12:56:22 AM
Are those shoes? I'm a little confused as to what I'm looking at here. I can't say that the subject matter is appealing to me. The very bright light almost dead center of your shot is a distraction to the subject, which I can't really figure out what IS the subject. The challenge was to take a pic of your subject that is more interesting after dark. Is that the people? Is that the shoes? the umbrellas?
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