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Sixty-three Lives
3rd PlaceSixty-three Lives

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Lucky 7 II (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Canon EOS-400D Rebel XTi
Lens: Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
Location: Bandon Oregon
Date: Jul 7, 2007
Galleries: Animals
Date Uploaded: Jul 7, 2007

It was a difficult shoot. Getting all seven subjects to co-operate was very challenging.

The thought of putting them into the icebox like I have with insects did cross my mind.

I went for an alternative approach, and placed them all on the fence rail, minimizing their escape options.

I tried for the classic kitties in a basket surrounded by dandelions approach, but it was their first time outside, and getting all seven to stay put long enough was impossible.

No kittens were harmed.

*post voting*

This was a long week, I think I need a new update button, mine has to be worn out. This is my first photo to look like it might make front page. And here it is. Thanks for all the nice comments.

The cats are two litters, three weeks apart.

I worked on this all day. One of my last five shots being this. I shot over 450 photos of these cats in various places.

I took a nice shot on this rail earlier, but lighting was strong, and there were shadows. I knew it wouldn't score well.

My processing could have been better, but time was running out.

Anyone want a kitten?

Place: 3 out of 98
Avg (all users): 7.1791
Avg (commenters): 7.8485
Avg (participants): 6.9123
Avg (non-participants): 7.2847
Views since voting: 9745
Views during voting: 457
Votes: 201
Comments: 77
Favorites: 21 (view)

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05/25/2011 12:51:04 PM
Just browseing images and picking some Favorites ,Great image.
04/23/2008 08:29:13 PM
that has got to be the cutest think I have seen on here. My daughter just screamed in my ear about wanting another cat!

Thanks dude =\

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09/05/2007 03:36:20 PM
A ribbon!?!? You haven't paid your dues yet, and a ribbon already!?!?

Way to go!
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07/19/2007 03:20:53 PM
Too cute!!!!
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07/18/2007 08:14:16 PM
LOL - great picture... Congrats on the ribbon..
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07/18/2007 07:57:00 AM
Beautiful shot! (AND not only are all of their eyes open, you even have them color cordinated with two grays on each end, then two golden ones next and the white in the center! lol! The fact that you said it took you all day and 450 shots speaks of how hard this one was and how much time, effort and patience it took! Congratulations!
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07/18/2007 06:13:33 AM
450 shots! I believe you :) congratulations, love this photo.
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07/17/2007 03:07:25 PM
Congrats on your ribbon. How tough it must have been to get 7 kittens to stay in one place! Superglue perhaps? ;)
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07/17/2007 11:34:10 AM
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! This is so CUTE!!! I would have given it a 10 and if there was any thing else higher then that i would give it that! This my personal #1 favorite out of all my favorite pictures. great job!
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07/17/2007 06:33:38 AM
Congratulations... Now when you do advertise the kittens you can say they are famous DPC kittens. Maybe DPC needs a mascot...
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07/16/2007 01:34:56 PM
Very nice photo...congratulations
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07/16/2007 12:38:19 PM
Congratulations on the well deserved ribbon! I think for sure you have a "Hang in There" greeting card. Be sure to shop it around.
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07/16/2007 10:47:58 AM
This remind me of the greeting card store posters you could buy when I was kid. If you had taken this two or three decades ago you could of made a mint. Great photo...congratulations on winning the yellow ribbon!
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07/16/2007 09:15:24 AM
excellent, great photo ... congratz !
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07/16/2007 03:34:01 AM
I would totally take one of those cutey kitties off of your hands, but I just added onto my collection of 8, so I dont think my mom would think its a good idea! Congrats on the ribbon, you definatly deserved it!
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07/15/2007 10:33:13 PM
nice shot Jason!!!! I am sure this would not have been easy as you mentioned in your comments!!! Congratulations!!!
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07/15/2007 07:35:17 PM
Wow! I tried photographing kittens once and what a shambles
I didnt take 450 shots though only 20 But it was worth it
This is so cute and very well done Congrats on your Ribbon
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07/15/2007 06:38:58 PM
AAAWWWW.... that is SO cute.. don't do this to us.. now everyone whats one!
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07/15/2007 03:54:58 PM
Congrats on the ribbon! You deserve a ribbon for keeping the little guys up there long enough to take the shot. Nice.
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07/15/2007 03:37:19 PM
I appreciate all your comments but most significant for mw was that you took 450 shots to get this one. Give me hope.
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07/15/2007 11:28:10 AM
Great picture, I would very much like to see some out takes.
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07/15/2007 10:37:22 AM
very cute, congrats.
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07/15/2007 08:51:45 AM
I'll take the white puffball in the middle there! aaaannnd.... little miss dangling paw- second from the left.

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07/15/2007 08:25:53 AM
a great shot is one that actual effort was put into the photo. you totally diserve this ribbon! congratz!
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07/15/2007 07:28:39 AM
An outstanding shot and as an owner of too many cats myself, I admire your perseverance and luck. I'm glad to see it worked out well for you and this is a wonderful shot.

No thanks!.......8>)
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07/15/2007 04:42:22 AM
Your hard work in getting this fantastic shot really paid off, it's just too cute for words. Congrats on your well deserved ribbon!
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07/15/2007 02:07:19 AM
It's hard to believe it only took 450 tries to get that shot. Amazing. Congratulations, I'm glad the hard work paid off.
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07/15/2007 01:15:12 AM
Originally posted by :

The thought of putting them into the icebox like I have with insects did cross my mind.

ROFL! Love that! Congrats and I told ya so. :) I ended up bumping to 10 - not a cat fan, but this is classic "Hang in there" pop art. :)
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07/15/2007 12:59:24 AM
Wonderful shot! Totally delightful I can just hear their mewing..
Congrats on the Yellow

Now, would you please get those mamas spayed?? :)
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07/15/2007 12:55:25 AM
Congratulations on your first ribbon here! And, no, I don't want a kitten, but they're really cute :)
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07/15/2007 12:43:19 AM
I just saw this -- it's about the most OOTB I've ever seen.
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07/15/2007 12:42:46 AM
Well worth all the effort! CONGRATS!
I was one of your '10' voters and still love it just as much!
(and I AM a cat person, with six of my own!)
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07/15/2007 12:34:32 AM
Congrats! This can't get any cuter! I'm not a cat-person but this is CUTE!
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07/15/2007 12:19:48 AM
Totally unique and totally beautiful.....CONGRATULATIONS.....
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07/15/2007 12:16:23 AM
congrats :).. cute kitties!
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07/15/2007 12:12:14 AM
Purrrrfection. Curious, how did you aquire your feline subjects? Appears to be a couple litters several weeks apart. Great job.
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07/15/2007 12:03:16 AM
this one's great! i like the symmetry

some clouds in the sky would've made them really pop, and would've shown your low angle better
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/14/2007 11:25:34 PM
I would love to have been there for the setup for this shot! Way to go!! (9)
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07/14/2007 11:23:30 PM
Oh this is just too cute and so well done. You got all their eyes open and the tail on the white kitten curled up is just precious. I know this shot was a lot harder than it looks! Great work!
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07/13/2007 02:58:13 PM
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07/13/2007 08:53:23 AM
I'm amazed on how you were able to have the kittens all lined up and staring down. One of my favourites in this challenge.
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07/12/2007 08:47:02 PM
omg that is mean lol. did you hang them from the board and shoot from below? I cannot believe they stayed. poor kitties are looking for a soft place to land.
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07/12/2007 07:42:41 PM
Great shot in terms of interest, composition, color, & sharpness. I love the title as well.
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07/12/2007 09:12:42 AM
This is wonderful!
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07/11/2007 09:47:09 PM
Great shot, how did you get them still long enough to shoot?
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07/11/2007 11:47:52 AM
thats just to cute adding to favorites right away!
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07/11/2007 07:10:20 AM
Fantastic , really love this one!
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07/10/2007 12:41:05 PM
This is a cool picture! A perfect 7: (but I gave you an 8). lol
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07/10/2007 10:19:06 AM
I hope you get in on the Editing, but how cute---9
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07/10/2007 09:14:21 AM
This is too cute! Don't know where you found these seven little kitties, but they are absolutely adorable.
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07/10/2007 12:36:30 AM
adorable. How did you get them to pose?
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07/09/2007 09:36:38 PM
props for the cute, would be better with clouds in the background. there is something weird with the cats hair on the bottom
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07/09/2007 09:23:02 PM
That is pretty sweet - well done.
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07/09/2007 09:10:05 PM
Great set up and execution. lighting and comp are excellent.
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07/09/2007 11:02:34 AM
amazingly cute shot ... wish it were a bit sharper though ...
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07/09/2007 05:34:28 AM
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07/09/2007 04:17:48 AM
Awwww... where did you get the cats from? lol
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07/09/2007 12:20:48 AM
Going for the cute look huh? Nice balance in the color of the cats.
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07/08/2007 11:27:03 PM
Cute shot gave you only 9 in this contest. Good luck psart
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07/08/2007 08:59:36 PM
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07/08/2007 08:11:51 PM
lol, this is awesome. lovely capture :)
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07/08/2007 03:12:27 PM
i'll be interested to see how this was done /7
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07/08/2007 02:36:45 PM
Don't know HOW you got all 7 kitties to hang like this....but BRAVO! I have 6 indoor cats....almost went to the local shelter to get another....glad I didn't!! You caught the shot I was dreaming of and I didn't have to "add" to my family! *10*
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07/08/2007 12:48:10 PM
I love it!
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07/08/2007 12:06:48 PM
Cute photo! The title made me pause for a moment... good for my brain :-)
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07/08/2007 11:45:39 AM
Very cute and terrific idea. Shame about the fringing. Re-edit and you could have a best-selling poster!
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07/08/2007 10:24:39 AM
This was very creative. What little darlings. Nice concept and composition.
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07/08/2007 07:57:17 AM
Very cute. But the title?....
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07/08/2007 07:54:38 AM
this is adorable!
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07/08/2007 03:45:53 AM
This is approximately the CUTEST thing I have EVER seen.
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07/08/2007 03:14:20 AM
hehe....just too darn cute!! Love your creative and darling image!!!
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07/08/2007 01:13:06 AM
OMG, classic and superbly executed! I am not a cat fan, but who couldn't give this at least a 9?? I'll give it a 10 and can't wait to see it on the front page!
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07/08/2007 01:12:53 AM
Wooo Kitties !
I love it, its so cute.
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07/08/2007 01:06:09 AM
Should I even ask how you got seven kittens to hang off a board simultaneously?

Great vision, and perfect execution (obviously).
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07/08/2007 12:41:50 AM
What cute little kitties.
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07/08/2007 12:36:31 AM
I absolutely love this image and truly hope it does well in this challenge. It must have taken a lot of time and patience to execute this. This is a nice, clear image that truly meets the challenge criteria, and I wish you the best of luck.
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07/08/2007 12:25:22 AM
OH MY GOODNESSSSS!!!! Technically lacking, but the cute factor is certainly there. What sweeties.
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