As a Christian I have a bit of a chuckle at evolution in general, so here is my attempt at a chuckle at the missing link.
Converted from RAW, adjusted levels, cropped, used 2 adjustment layers in hue/sat to get sepia tone, masked links out of layers, merged visible layers, used healing brush on handle of the shaving brush to blur out shinyness, adjusted levels for brightness, noise ninja twice, resized, USM twice at 50% 0.9 and 30% 0.6, added vignette by adjustment layer for levels, selected area around border to be blurred, masked the remainder, gaussian blur applied to layer mask, merged visible layers, saved for web.
Place: 25 out of 119 Avg (all users): 5.9084 Avg (commenters): 7.2000 Avg (participants): 5.4348 Avg (non-participants): 6.1647 Views since voting: 855 Views during voting: 203 Votes: 131 Comments: 8 Favorites: 0
***From the Critique Club***
As A Christian I agree with you!
First Impression - the most important one:
Nice, I like it. I love the idea of finding the missing link to the chain, and I think you've done it probably the best.
I think there probably is a more appealing lay out for the tools, but I like how the link really looks like it has just been uncovered rather then just resting on the dirt.
I think you could add a little umph, to the picture by placing more emphases on the link; perhaps using lighting.
Technical (Colour, focus, and light):
I like the rustic feel, again maybe emphasize the link with some more lighting, but the colours are great. The POV, and DOF are also right on.
Very creative, well laid out.
To grow its vote?:
I think the picture is great, but for higher votes it needs a bit more of what I call the wow factor, you know that thing that makes you want to look at a picture for a long time. I'm not sure how you'd go about doing that with this picture.
Good picture, creative, well laid out. Definitely has room for improvement.
Woa, Personal best! Keep that trend up! I also really like “city of lights”
I'm not sure if it's the original shot or the editing, but the colours and contrast are not very inspiring. I guess you haven't got much to work with when it's a photo of dirt. :)