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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Negative Space (Classic Editing)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix 1300
Location: Pennsylvania
Date: Sep 10, 2002
Shutter: Digital 2X
Date Uploaded: Sep 10, 2002


Place: 212 out of 218
Avg (all users): 3.5521
Avg (commenters): 3.9231
Avg (participants): 3.6099
Avg (non-participants): 3.5057
Views since voting: 1233
Votes: 317
Comments: 26
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/22/2002 06:32:00 PM
I can see the waterfall (I think), but the picture is just a bit too dark to really make out any details. There also seems to be some blurring near the top. My only suggestion is to have used a tripod and a longer shutter if your camera allows.
09/22/2002 06:13:00 PM
It's interesting that you titled this with a question mark, because it does indeed leave the viewer wondering what we're looking at. A waterfall? Tree? Elvis? I really don't know. I definitely would have scored this higher if I could identify a subject somewhere...
09/22/2002 03:13:00 AM
This looks like haunted shot. Looks dark and eery. Also like your running with the camera. wish that it was a little more in focus. 4
09/22/2002 03:12:00 AM
Was the blur intentional? i can't really make out the subject matter. Perhaps raise the contrast.
09/21/2002 11:28:00 PM
what is it?!?
09/21/2002 01:28:00 AM
Even though the details of this photo are indistinct, it seems to show a very powerful force of nature just through its shapes. I don't know why you added the question mark to the title, if you just called it "Waterfall" I would believe that it was one, but making it uncertain undermines the impact a bit. I really like what you did in this photo though.
09/20/2002 03:59:00 PM
For my personal taste, it is a little dark and blurry. karmat
09/20/2002 12:36:00 PM
My eyes are torn from the top right to the bottom left, needs a clearer focal point.
09/20/2002 10:50:00 AM
Hmmmmm...Lots of neg space, meets the challenge. Hard to determine the subject though. Good luck in the challenge. Grayce aka Gracious
09/19/2002 05:45:00 PM
Seems even you don't quite know what this is......Almost drop the camera while taking this photo? Very dark, very hard to see what is "going on" in this photo.
4 (sorry) Swash
09/19/2002 01:40:00 PM
Just plain tough to see.
09/19/2002 08:20:00 AM
TOO much negative space and NO subject(positive space)...1 I like the erie feeling.
09/19/2002 03:57:00 AM
eh? what waterfall? this is so dark, I don't see anything
09/18/2002 11:26:00 PM
I think I like the idea behind this. There isn't a waterfall but the trees on the water make it look as if it were a waterfall...right? Good thinking about negative space but I'm not a fan of the out of focus look on this photo.
09/18/2002 04:44:00 PM
What IS this supposed to be? I see only black splotches, with a small light bit at the top... 3 -lennier
09/18/2002 02:11:00 PM
Too dark, cant make anything out at all! Where is the waterfall? 1-Martin
09/18/2002 08:41:00 AM
darkly atmospheric, painterly, somber, contemplative, ........ an image of mood. Meets challenge requirements with grace and beauty.
09/17/2002 03:41:00 PM
I like this as an abstract - reminds me of some paintings I've seen. But can't find see what is the positive and negative very well. Finding no point of focus. Interesting in one fashion but not overall attractive to me.
4, Kavey
09/16/2002 09:16:00 PM
nice abstract
09/16/2002 04:31:00 PM
I can't locate an actual subject in this photo, making the entire photo negative space. It is really dark, and I am not really sure what i'm looking at. You have a question mark in your title like you aren't even really sure either. There really is no focus. Sorry I can't find the subject here. It is a really cool abstract though, I like the purple colors down in the bottom left. Good luck in the challenge. ~Hbunch7187~
09/16/2002 04:12:00 PM
Pretty dark.
09/16/2002 01:18:00 PM
Too dark to really see what this is. Out of focus too.
09/16/2002 12:47:00 PM
This is an interesting image and the blur creates a nice sense of chaos. - jmsetzler
09/16/2002 11:22:00 AM
The photo is too blurry to see much of anything. Finding a point of reference to focus on may have led to a better photo.
09/16/2002 04:58:00 AM
Composition: A good idea that hasn't quite come off 4
Lighting: good 5,
Appeal: 5, Total Rating 5 Sulamk
09/16/2002 03:58:00 AM
to abstract

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