Well I didn´t vote in the challenge but honestly, I wouldn´t have given this shot a very high score. First of all, the challenge theme was shadows and while this shot has one, to me that doesn´t seem like that what´s this picture is about. Secondly, I totally agree with trevytrev, jblaylockrayner and PhotoInterest about the lack of detail and focus and that usually doesn´t agree with me personally and this is no exception.
I really don´t know what else to say, sorry for being so harsh but this image simply is not to my taste, I see at least 11 people really liked it and gave a 7 or higher score so that´s what photography is all about, some people will always appreciate your work and some others need more technically perfect photos (like me) to really start appreciating them.
Try better focus next time and I´m sure you´ll score better, if you want that is.
I like the composition of this shot w/ the use of negative space. I do feel that this shot is hurt from the lack of detail in the subject in corner. I have no idea what the subject is, I assume it is a bug but I'm not sure.
Interesting composition but let down badly with tech skills as the spider is a little too out of focus. I can see where you are going with the negative space but there seems to be a little too much out of focus space on this.
Nice shot, got the shadows, but too much foreground perhaps? Just not quite "enough" in this shot to grab interest. Perhaps, having had less foreground???