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3rd PlaceAura

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Painting with Light (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Sony DSC-S85
Location: Pa
Date: Jan 25, 2004
Galleries: Abstract, Emotive
Date Uploaded: Jan 25, 2004

I chose to "paint" an aura because it is something that not many people know exsist. The human aura is the energy field that surrounds the physical body. It surrounds you in all directions. It is three dimensional. In a healthy individual, it makes an elliptical or egg shape about the body.

I chose blue, because it is the color that most represents me. And blue, next to yellow, is one of the easiest colors to see in the aura. It is the color of calm and quietness. It reflects aevotion, truth and seriousness. It can indicate the ability for clairaudience and for the development of telepathy.

The lighter shades of blue reflect an active imagination and good intuition. The deeper shades of blue can indicate a sense of loneliness, which on one level reflects a life-long quest foe the Divine. The deeper shades of blue reflect levels of devotion. Royal blue shades indicate the person has found or is about to find his or her chosen work.

The muddier shades of blue can reflect blocked perceptions. They can indicate melancholy, rushing and worrying, domineering, fearfulness, forgetfulness and oversensitivity.

Technical Jargin:
I used a handheld flashlight with a blue plastic bottle taped to the end. I used black electrical tape so no light would seep out through the ends. The I just held the flashlight against my body and moved it upwards. I kept the shutter open for 5 seconds, just long enough for me to hold really still. I took over 300 shots between last night and tonight until I got the one I was most happy with.

I resized, cropped and did one click of dust removal in PS. I didn't mess with curves or levels because, I really liked the "spiritual" look that came right from the camera.

Place: 3 out of 120
Avg (all users): 7.1194
Avg (commenters): 8.2059
Avg (participants): 7.0941
Avg (non-participants): 7.1379
Views since voting: 19616
Votes: 201
Comments: 67
Favorites: 76 (view)

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11/17/2006 11:01:57 PM
wow that is totally amazing. Just .. wow.
09/13/2006 12:55:46 PM
BTW, you were robbed on this one! Should have been the blue for sure! Sparkly boy doesn't even belong on the same page as this!

Great work here, and I DO believe in auras, mine gets bumped by mean people and bad attitudes all the time!

Oh, and it's you! (as he finishes reading the comments after he makes his) Wow, that's tough! Even more impressed now!

Message edited by author 2006-09-13 12:57:55.
06/12/2006 10:34:51 AM
Wow! That's pretty awesome; like an aurora borealis around you. Brilliant!
02/23/2006 09:27:26 PM
I've never seen this and it is exquisite! WOW - such technicality to create such an artful image. Just stunning.
02/23/2006 09:14:53 PM
This is a really great photo. The lighting is just amazing. And so is your list of comments. You got some good comments from some really great photographers. Very very nice and congrats on your 3rd place...
03/02/2004 05:30:53 AM
02/18/2004 10:22:41 AM
this is beautiful, keep up the good work.
02/07/2004 01:48:46 PM
Congrats! Great shot!
02/06/2004 06:18:40 PM
Hey Lorrie, this shot is absolutely beautiful. It is full of emotion and grace. A very well-deserved ribbon, congratulations!
02/05/2004 08:02:09 AM
WOW!!! Beautiful image! Congrats.
02/04/2004 11:16:04 AM
Very interesting and creative setup.
Congratulations on the ribbon.
02/04/2004 10:02:37 AM
Congratulations on a very interesting third place image.
02/03/2004 03:44:09 PM
Very electric. Wonderfully curious.
02/03/2004 06:24:21 AM
Congrats on the ribbon Lorrie,a well deserved success.
(Liked the alternative image as well).

02/03/2004 06:22:04 AM
Bravooooo..wonderful work. I had the same idea, cause I love the AUra
Excellent. perfect. bravoooooooooooooo!
02/02/2004 05:42:32 PM
Great shot, congrats! You got a 10 from me.
02/02/2004 02:37:02 PM
wow, awesome work! congrats!
02/02/2004 11:40:51 AM
Great work :)
02/02/2004 09:16:26 AM
Congrats on the ribbon! This is beautiful. :-)
02/02/2004 08:23:39 AM
This was by far my fav shot of the challenge!!! I'm glad your ribboned!!
Great job!!! :-)
02/02/2004 07:38:07 AM
Congrats - very subtle
02/02/2004 05:04:09 AM
Congrats on a well deserved ribbon! This is one of a number of photos that would have benefited in having a brief 'how you did it' available to the voters once the voting started. Had I known what you did, you would have scored another 10. This is art from the soul if I have ever seen it!

Message edited by author 2004-02-04 21:33:41.
02/02/2004 03:20:47 AM
I sem to remember someone saying they feel neglected?! ;)

Stunning shot and well deserved ribbon.
02/02/2004 12:36:52 AM
Congrats on the ribbon... well done! one of my 10's...
02/02/2004 12:23:15 AM
Very nice! one of my favorites for this challenge.
02/02/2004 12:22:33 AM

Message edited by author 2005-04-09 00:05:43.
02/02/2004 12:21:54 AM
This is astounding! I said during the voting that I love this... and still do! fabulous creation!
02/02/2004 12:16:46 AM
Congratulations Lorrie. I liked your photo much better than mine. You should have placed before me. You have created such a beatiful piece of art. Great image of a beautiful soul. Way to go.
02/02/2004 12:12:34 AM
Great shot!! Nice meaning behind it as well. Congrats!!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/01/2004 07:57:01 PM
Love what you did with the light.
02/01/2004 04:55:44 PM
I like the etherealness of this image very much. Nicely done!
02/01/2004 07:11:52 AM
Very interesting and surrealistic effect. Very well done.
02/01/2004 01:31:51 AM
I think the foto wll be nicer whitout this blue light on the top
01/30/2004 11:29:16 AM
Very nice shot, meets the challenge well. A little blurr on the face, but still one of the best.
01/30/2004 10:54:33 AM
Very mystic... Nice touch. Is it smoke, painted with blue / green light?
01/30/2004 04:37:39 AM
I dont know how to vote on this subject but I think this is very unusual I like the effect very much well done
01/29/2004 11:31:52 PM
Very cool!
01/29/2004 06:55:27 AM
This has great colors. The light isn't over exposed in areas. The subject is beautiful and appealing. I think this is really outside the box and amazing. Good luck !
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/29/2004 03:36:14 AM
very well done... i think this is one of the best in "painting with light" challenge..
01/29/2004 02:41:22 AM
This is a really neat photo. The best I've seen so far hands down. nice job 9
01/28/2004 06:36:29 PM
This is absolutely wonderful. The slight green cast of light on the face is perfect!
01/28/2004 04:41:56 PM
nice pic...it makes the subject almost glow....this deserves a ten!
01/28/2004 01:07:24 PM
excellent photo! 10
01/28/2004 05:32:51 AM
A classic "PWL" picture. Very nice. I am only bothered by the blue in it.
To check, I pulled it into photshop and colour replaced the blue with the green from the throat. Doing that seemed to create a "consistency" I think I am trying to say I love the picture but where is the blue light coming from. To do a quick check on what I mean - cover the area of the picture just above across the area just above the tip of her nose so you primarily only see the green.....
Love the hint of the jewellry round the neck

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01/27/2004 11:07:02 PM
Nice job. Meets the challenge very well.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/27/2004 10:16:00 PM
Wonderful interpretation and colors are nice too.
01/27/2004 09:52:52 PM
This is so very beautiful. So creative and artistic. I hope you do well. This deserves good scores.
01/27/2004 08:50:47 PM
Gorgeous use of color and motion. Nicely done ;)
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01/27/2004 05:40:38 PM
great use of negative space and movement. How did you creat the blue contures?
01/27/2004 09:32:18 AM
I love the mystical feel in this image... the light color works nicely :)
01/27/2004 03:26:24 AM
nice effect on the light, would have liked to see more detail of the subject.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/27/2004 01:43:55 AM
Very good. I love it.
01/27/2004 12:12:48 AM
very nice
01/26/2004 09:33:09 PM
very religious feel; very nicely composed. the shape of the aura is semi distracting.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/26/2004 06:28:08 PM
wonderful effect. The lights themselves create a nice image, and they illuminate just the right parts of the face and neck to give this abstract form. 9
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/26/2004 01:54:53 PM
Wow. Very well done. Nice all around.
01/26/2004 01:30:52 PM
Nicely done!
01/26/2004 01:13:25 PM
breathtaking! emotional! beautiful colors! my favorite!

edit: this is stunning. this should win! I love this! good luck! :)
01/26/2004 11:46:51 AM
Lovely Shot!
01/26/2004 10:39:16 AM
Really cool effect
01/26/2004 10:39:09 AM
beautiful . . . delicate. . .wow!
01/26/2004 10:35:27 AM
This is beautiful. I love the colors and the ethereal quality of this silhouette. Really nice.
01/26/2004 09:51:05 AM
This is a beautiful photo! Very artistic. I'd like to know what you used to capture this image. It would be interesting to know if my guesses are accurate.
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01/26/2004 09:37:46 AM
very creative. The necklace is a great focal point. 10
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/26/2004 07:38:44 AM
Wow, very well done!
I look forward to see how you did get this cool effect!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/26/2004 07:00:07 AM
Excellent! There is definitely an aura of mystery about this image. Took me a couple seconds to identify - my one critique would be to ditch the necklace (if that's what it is) that's standing out on the silhouette - it seems to detract from the beauty and simplicity of an otherwise fantastic photo.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/26/2004 12:20:52 AM
this is beautiful! im not sure about the blue at the top though, maybe would have been better all in green, just personal pref..

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