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(The Water Bearer) Aquarius: Let The Sunshine In (But PLEASE, not the moon)
(The Water Bearer) Aquarius: Let The Sunshine In (But PLEASE, not the moon)

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Zodiac (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Olympus C-750UZ
Location: Alamogordo, NM
Date: Jan 26, 2004
Aperture: f 2.8
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Humorous
Date Uploaded: Jan 27, 2004

Speaks for itself, whether you want it to or not.

Place: 18 out of 120
Avg (all users): 6.0873
Avg (commenters): 7.1250
Avg (participants): 5.7975
Avg (non-participants): 6.2197
Views since voting: 1584
Votes: 252
Comments: 51
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/24/2004 03:39:14 PM
Excellent shot. Loved it in the challenge and meant to comment on it then. It's all been said below now - but well done.
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02/05/2004 07:42:33 PM
Even I LOL. I love the humour in this.I gave you a 10 but I didn´t know what to say about it.It is just so funny and good.
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02/04/2004 01:27:25 AM
Thanks to all who gave me high votes and I apologize to those who gave 1's and 2's.

Yes, this was definitly a setup shot. It started out as just a water carrier, then when I thought about the title, my love for music led me to the Fifth Dimension song 'Aquarius! Let The Sunshine In'. That meant that the sun had to shine in through the water bottle. That still wasn't enough for me. My sick sense of humor came through and said 'When you have the sun, you have to have the moon'.

Thanks to all who restored my faith in the general sense of humor on this site. I will continue to try to bring a smirk to everyone's face.

P.S. I refuse to reveal who's butt crack that is (but I do own a remote).
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/03/2004 10:56:52 PM
I laughed my hinnie off looking at this as I scrolled down on the photo.
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02/03/2004 05:05:34 AM
I appreciate your humor
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02/03/2004 02:14:03 AM
Your title is great! Too funny!
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02/02/2004 10:42:51 PM
LOL, was this a candid shot or a set up?? do tell!
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02/02/2004 09:15:30 PM
Nice photo - it needs the title/caption to be humorous though, heh. Visually, I'd say leave out the border completely.
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02/02/2004 07:48:11 PM
I actually thought this worked better without the title. Not that I'm knocking any marks off it or anything, but it's such a good "Aquarius" photo that a complicated title seems to detract. I like this a lot.
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02/02/2004 08:13:28 AM
Very cool how the water bottle catches the light - it looks as though he's carrying the sun itself.
Big shame about the butt crack - I could do without seeing that!
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02/01/2004 09:46:21 PM
Very funny. I enjoyed the break after seeing so many photos of statues or figurines!
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02/01/2004 02:41:36 PM
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01/31/2004 01:54:46 AM
I got a great laugh out of this one, which always garners an extra point when I feel that the theme has been acheived. The technical challenge of producing this shot directly into the sunlight was done well also.
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01/30/2004 08:37:11 PM
Very funny, great job. But asthetically there isn't much that stands out.
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01/30/2004 05:59:53 PM
This picture has to be one of the funniest I have ever seen!! Very good color detail too. Nice! 9
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01/30/2004 03:02:18 PM
You're bad ;)
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01/30/2004 07:12:43 AM
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01/29/2004 08:48:45 PM
Thats just too funny. Yes I did laugh out loud...as did my gf.
Great job ......butt crack really makes the photo

Errr.....did I just say that.......lol

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01/29/2004 12:13:04 PM
I love the comedy in this one. Thanks for the humour. Great shot too!
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01/29/2004 10:58:05 AM
lol great title, not sure about the photo however. Does this guy know his arse is up for hundreds of people to laugh at? haha
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01/29/2004 06:11:28 AM
I'd suggest more focus, but given the angle of view and what would come into clarity, I'll hold that suggestion. The light through the water bottle on the top is a great effect.
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01/29/2004 12:37:56 AM
This made me laugh.
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01/28/2004 11:46:02 PM
LOL..very funny take on the challenge, only thing I don't care for is the glare off of the water bottle on his shoulder...good luck. 7
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01/28/2004 11:00:58 PM
Very funny scene; I like the way you caught the sun through the bottle. On the other hand, it might have been interesting to try and make a more unusual statement out of this by cropping and eliminating a lot of the scene details. Not just the crack (which then might seem obscene), but cut his head off, and maybe some of the sides. Anyway, just got my mind wandering...
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01/28/2004 10:45:21 PM
Very brave showing the plumber's crack.
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01/28/2004 09:51:08 PM
LOL, the title obviously makes this. The photo itself isn't too bad either, but it's all about the implications here. hehe, good stuff.
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01/28/2004 09:35:02 PM
Did the (Culligan?) guy you were shooting this?.... Composition ok, butt a bit of noise (specks) and a few hot areas (on jugs).
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01/28/2004 06:59:48 PM
Ha Ha! That's too funny!
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01/28/2004 04:53:57 PM
Wonderful humor!!!! lol Hysterical shot.
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01/28/2004 04:20:41 PM
Exellent! great title and good shot
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01/28/2004 02:54:48 PM
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01/28/2004 02:06:36 PM
Excellent idea! Put together well.
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01/28/2004 01:42:44 PM
Good idea and humorous execution.
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01/28/2004 01:21:16 PM
This is funny with your phrase. Very cute.
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01/28/2004 10:54:02 AM
Creative idea, good composition, good photography.
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01/28/2004 10:40:13 AM
When looking at the thumbnail it doesn´t seem very intresting. But when looking better: sharp, very good colors and fits very well to the challenge object.
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01/28/2004 10:31:12 AM
If anything this shot made me really laugh. I do however like the way the sun is shinning through the water bottle. Nice clear shot, the colors are great but the shot is kind of nasty. CRACK KILLS! hahahahahaha
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01/28/2004 07:07:20 AM
Great capture. Good for a laugh.
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01/28/2004 06:36:13 AM
interesting idea but I think it would be better if the person's back was covered - it takes away quite a lot from the composition. 5
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01/28/2004 05:14:49 AM
Love this picture a 8
i would have givin it a 10 if it was a point of view challenge
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01/28/2004 04:20:01 AM
man! I dont like to see that cleavage!
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01/28/2004 02:02:50 AM
Oh gees lol... this is hilarious... great idea but did you mean to get the moon... LOL love the placement of the water and of the sun... great job... very cool... I think he needs a belt!
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01/28/2004 01:57:05 AM
title is a bit long, but funny shot. love the blue.
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01/28/2004 01:40:00 AM
Couple of hotspots on the water jugs but very funny image!
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01/28/2004 01:10:19 AM
ok laugh factor gets you a 7 lol
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01/28/2004 01:06:05 AM
Needs a littl more crack.
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01/28/2004 12:59:16 AM
funny funny..... but perhaps i would like less information in the title.. leave something for me to discover
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01/28/2004 12:42:13 AM
This is very funny. The title, of course, lets you get away with the flare. Good luck.
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01/28/2004 12:37:12 AM
HAHAHAHA, nice title.

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01/28/2004 12:28:59 AM
Nice Crack!
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01/28/2004 12:08:13 AM
Lol,very funny 10 from me!
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