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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Textures II (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S200
Location: workplace
Date: Feb 12, 2004
Aperture: f/2.8-f/4.0
ISO: 50
Shutter: 15-1/1500 sec
Date Uploaded: Feb 12, 2004


Place: 392 out of 406
Avg (all users): 3.7582
Avg (commenters): 3.3913
Avg (participants): 3.6316
Avg (non-participants): 3.9706
Views since voting: 883
Votes: 273
Comments: 27
Favorites: 0

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02/26/2004 04:07:04 PM
This is extra large bubble wrap that was at my work. I get a kick of the Out of Focus comments! I was looking for more of an artistic spin because I figured their might be some others using this as a textured piece.

Thanks to all of you who voted on my first entry! Thanks for the comments also. Some were very helpful.

Message edited by author 2004-02-27 11:00:05.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/24/2004 11:17:39 PM
Interesting texture, nice lighting.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/24/2004 04:18:09 PM
It's very difficult to know what I'm meant to be feeling here and thus almost impossible to accord much of a score. In a 'feel the texture' challenge the feeling needs to leap out from the photo. Maybe lighting would help here?
02/24/2004 12:30:30 PM
Lots of texture, but it's all out of focus so I can't really call this a good picture. If you had retaken it in focus, it would have done much better.
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02/24/2004 08:16:56 AM
out of focus, no excuse is there? Shame as this has nice feeling to it.
02/22/2004 10:47:23 PM
02/22/2004 09:35:48 AM
Not very well focussed, lighting lets it down also.
02/22/2004 06:54:46 AM
I have no Idea what this and focus would have been nice.
02/22/2004 05:41:03 AM
Seems to be more about color than texture.
02/21/2004 05:49:03 AM
Really nice rich colour to suit the texture.
02/20/2004 11:53:44 AM
I like it alot!
I like the red/black contrast!! My fafourtite! - 9
02/19/2004 11:55:56 PM
Photo seems in soft focus. Can't appreciate texture fully.
02/19/2004 10:55:45 PM
A good texture, but focus is too soft for me.
02/19/2004 04:17:09 PM
A little out of focus
02/19/2004 11:52:40 AM
could stand to be a bit brighter - not enough detail.
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02/19/2004 10:26:39 AM
out of focus. what type of wrapping is this...bubble wrap???
02/19/2004 08:23:46 AM
a great idea, but the image looks unsharp
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/19/2004 04:46:44 AM
[World Record Attempt]
+ There is texture to be seen here this prevents me from giving you a 1.
- As there isn't much else I just want to forget this photo and go on to the next one.
02/19/2004 01:03:53 AM
well...it's texture, but to be perfectly honest, I am not very fond of it. I'm not really finding a spot that is in focus. that bothers me. maybe if the lighting were different, and there were not so many shadows or dark spots. I don't know. something just doesn't work here. The color is nice. I like the reds. I also wish the top were cropped off. the black stripe is adding nothing, and creating a distractin from the 'wrapping'. ~Heather~
02/19/2004 12:16:46 AM
I see the texture, but the subject and composition just don't hold my interest. The focus also seems off to my eye.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/19/2004 12:16:17 AM
Nice texture, although not very interesting for subject matter.
02/18/2004 09:50:55 PM
Good texture, focus seems a little soft, the black area on top and in the lower corners are distracting.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/18/2004 05:39:12 PM
cool idea, but work on focus of image
02/18/2004 07:56:09 AM
This is out of focus.
02/18/2004 05:44:27 AM
Oh my. Blurry to the point of abstraction. Has a quality of wetness - mucus-like, almost. The odd sensation of small circles emerging from the mess. It also has the appearance of an out-of-focus shot of something.
02/18/2004 01:31:57 AM
i am not sure what i am looking at, or if i should be looking at something specific..and it all seems out of focus to me
02/18/2004 01:28:49 AM
Lack of focus for me makes it hard for me to feel the texture.

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