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Living Texture
Living Texture

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Textures II (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 4500
Location: His hanging hangout
Date: Feb 13, 2004
Aperture: 10.0
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/58.7s
Galleries: Animals, Macro
Date Uploaded: Feb 13, 2004

My chameleon's back! Well, at least his tail is...

"Sometimes, Nature offers beauty of such perfection it would seem impossible that it was created by chance. This chameleon's spiraled tail shows the work of a divine mathematician and artist."

NeatImage; Gamma reduction, extra Red Gamma reduction for incandescent light compensation; unsharpen at radius 4 (maybe a bit too much, but I like the "feel" it gave)

Place: 7 out of 406
Avg (all users): 6.9896
Avg (commenters): 7.5676
Avg (participants): 6.8729
Avg (non-participants): 7.1852
Views since voting: 3326
Votes: 289
Comments: 44
Favorites: 7 (view)

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03/02/2004 05:32:51 AM
me likey.
03/02/2004 12:31:34 AM
Really cool shot!
02/25/2004 11:40:54 AM
congratulations on the top ten finish - this was one of my favorite shots in the challenge
02/25/2004 12:05:48 AM
terrific entry! fine work.. love the composition and abstract feel.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/24/2004 11:11:33 PM
nice curves and texture, beautiful composition.
02/24/2004 07:51:17 PM
nice texture and detail. interesting composition...
02/24/2004 03:58:02 PM
Chameleon I presume.. perfect. 10
02/24/2004 12:21:49 PM
Excellent use of texture for this challenge. If this is a snake, what kind?
02/24/2004 08:17:40 AM
superb texture and nice choice of composition. Would like to see it with more DOF
02/24/2004 01:46:07 AM
I would have loved to see the whole think in focus. Or at least more like the focus of the upper left side. 7 though.
02/24/2004 12:04:05 AM
Nice balance of surface and form. A rare 10 dispite the fade of the focus on the right hand side of the frame. A ten minus rounded up.
02/23/2004 05:57:57 PM
Colour overload! I love it... great work... this has a lot of 'wow' factor, and the subject matter is really interesting too.
02/23/2004 02:47:06 PM
A sharper picture will be definetely better
02/22/2004 10:59:16 PM
Interesting texture. Is that a lizard's tail?
02/22/2004 04:34:27 PM
All I can say is, if you don't win a ribbon for this, I'll be surprised.
02/21/2004 11:45:26 PM
I got a little dizzy looking at this, forced my eyes around and around. Pretty good.
02/21/2004 10:45:27 AM
Now this is one of teh best textures I've seen so far.
Great job!!
Colours are excellent!
02/21/2004 08:20:20 AM
Great texture idea and composition. Very well done.
02/20/2004 07:54:31 PM
I'm back to comment. The texture is very well detailed. The lighting is good too.

Keep it up...
02/20/2004 04:07:54 PM
Very nice shot and really good colours. I would have liked to have seen this sharpened more though, it brings out so much more detail.
02/20/2004 10:18:27 AM
Cool shot with a cool subject. Only wish it had a greater DOF to keep it all in focus
02/20/2004 08:37:34 AM
Excellent shot - the bumpy with the swirling effect adds so much visual interest. One of my ribbon picks
02/19/2004 11:03:48 PM
One of my favorites. Just a little out of focus, though.
02/19/2004 09:52:26 PM
Very creative and excellent color.
02/19/2004 02:35:15 PM
really like the work of the different colors
02/19/2004 02:35:09 PM
slightly distracting out of focus on right but otherwise excellent
02/19/2004 12:15:44 PM
NIce spiral. Good texture, but it lacks something. Maybe if we could see more of the creature?
02/19/2004 11:53:31 AM
Cool photo!!
A shame that the right side seems a little out of focus.
02/19/2004 11:43:19 AM
Excellent composition, great demonstration of texture - object lesson in lighting, really. The rhythm of this allows for a near central composition very well, and to top it all the colour is wonderfully demonstrated. About halfway through, and this is probably the best so far.
02/19/2004 10:59:29 AM
Wow, excellent. Almost looks computer-generated. Great job.
02/19/2004 04:30:45 AM
[World Record Attempt]
+ The contrast between light and darkness is good, textures are interesting just like the composition.
- Can't really think of any. Perhaps a negative point is that is has been done before.
02/18/2004 09:53:21 PM
Im not sure if you planned it to be this way, but it seems as if the right side of the shot is a little out of focus, perhaps using a narrower aperature, or holding the camera parallel to the tail would make it sharper.
02/18/2004 08:28:37 PM
very nice composition....
02/18/2004 07:59:14 PM
This has to be that beautiful snake that occassionally appears here. Nice as always.
02/18/2004 07:22:13 PM
My gosh....nature is just so perfect. The ?lizard? is awesome. Love the colors and the composition. Neat shooting, great lighting. 8 from me.
02/18/2004 06:45:16 PM
Wonderful color and texture.
02/18/2004 04:55:00 PM
Very nice. Good luck - 8
02/18/2004 10:22:08 AM
Iguana Tail? Nice shot I like the colors and the feeling of texture. Should place high...good luck.
02/18/2004 01:44:37 AM
Lovely texture, not enough sharpness though.
02/18/2004 01:41:58 AM
nice colors and lighting - 10
02/18/2004 01:32:41 AM
Absolutely fascinating subject...now THIS is texture!
02/18/2004 12:29:19 AM
Omigod - this looks like a snake, but is it? I hate snakes! Nevertheless, the composition and capture of texture and color are well done. Would prefer it rotated clockwise 90 degrees.
02/18/2004 12:22:08 AM
WOW!!! I love the colors and focus here! Nicely done! The only thing I would improve is the blurry part in the bottom-right hand side. Other than that, a near perfect shot in my book! I love how it leads your eyes!

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