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Great Miami River- Hamilton
Great Miami River- Hamilton
Crafty Sue

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: The Four Elements (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: Hamilton
Date: Feb 12, 2004
Aperture: F/8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/800
Galleries: Landscape, Water
Date Uploaded: Feb 15, 2004

Auto levels
Auto constrat
adjust color

Place: 133 out of 139
Avg (all users): 3.8861
Avg (commenters): 3.6818
Avg (participants): 3.8046
Avg (non-participants): 3.9859
Views since voting: 1092
Votes: 158
Comments: 23
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/22/2004 08:13:04 PM
Too bright.
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02/21/2004 11:32:45 PM
ouch thats bright
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02/21/2004 08:43:27 PM
It seems there's an exposure issue here. The shadows are too dark and the highlights are nearly blown out. In my mind this is probably intentional. I quite like it although I would have rendered it in b/w.
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02/21/2004 07:55:16 AM
Too much contrast, I think.
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02/20/2004 05:31:25 PM
Over exposed!
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02/20/2004 02:53:43 PM
I like strong contrasting subjects, no doubt some will say 'its harsh', overexposed etc. Never mind they are still some people who will appreciate this. thanks
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02/20/2004 10:47:22 AM
Nice composition, but way too much contrast. Much of the water is blank white, and the background trees run together in a black blur. Possibly taking the shot on a less bright day with light diffused through clouds would reduce the tonal range and get some detail into the highlights and shadows.
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02/20/2004 07:04:34 AM
I guess you over leveled this ine As the sky and the river are all overexposured and the forrest just black, I think this photo would have looked just great with some colors in it, Good luck :)
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02/20/2004 03:02:56 AM
My first thought is: the two primary elements represented - water and air - are washed out to the point that they're indistinct in the shot. Not sure if there's a purpose behind that...
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02/20/2004 12:09:31 AM
HOT HOT HOT. I think that really says it all. This needs to be taken like 2 or 3 stops down. Show some of the colors of the scene. Dreary doesn't equate to boring, but you really have to do it right to get the effect the voters are looking for.
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02/19/2004 03:06:11 PM
no fantastic colour, composition or creativity
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02/18/2004 09:56:47 AM
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02/17/2004 11:07:01 PM
Wow...fried. This is really over exposed. Trouble with these kind of days...bad light.
Good luck in the challenge.
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02/17/2004 03:29:44 PM
photo is to bleached out for my liking - sorry
02/16/2004 07:28:11 PM
Looks washed out....sky and water
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02/16/2004 11:05:36 AM
foreground lost a bit for me
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02/16/2004 10:49:33 AM
Good composition but a bit too much contrast.
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02/16/2004 10:42:13 AM
This seems over contrasted, and the digital noice on the far trees is a bit distracting.
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02/16/2004 06:49:45 AM
I like the high-key, but your framing and composition of this image make that seem like an accident. For me, you shoudl have placed the horizon higher in frame, and shown more of the foreground - that would provide balance between the two land-masses, and reduce the top of frame negative space (which seems to add very little in terms of impact).
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02/16/2004 01:48:24 AM
I like the grainy "old" looking feel and the general compostion. But the large overexposed areas are too much; I loose interest.
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02/16/2004 01:09:11 AM
overexposed water and sky, and underexposed trees. You need to play with exposure setting and metering much more. Otherwise, the picture would've been pretty nice.
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02/16/2004 01:03:42 AM
horrible shot... no offense
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02/16/2004 12:45:32 AM
this image has too much contrast. If you look in the river and sky, there is no detail, only white and white. The tree's on the right are only black. I am not sure if you adjusted the constrast after you shot this, or if it was just a VERY sunny day, which creates a very contrasting picture. Or perhaps the picture was overexposed (too light) to start with (from the river, the camera may have measured wrong) and you tried to darken it. The whites stayed white, and the tree's just got black.
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