LOl... this has been a real eye opener for me - the coments mostly surprised me but, then, I had a very distinct sense of what the picture was about - way too specific and unsharable in a single image. Perhaps if it had been part of a series (which, of course, it was for me, in a way - I did over 100 shots to get this one :), it would have been able to evoke more of what I had in mind.
I've written to some of the commenters privately, but thought I'd put the context here for anyone to see who is just passing through.
I'm multiracial, Black/White/Cherokee, and grew up in the 50's in the US. My hand in the black lace glove is reaching for one of my heritages in the form of the African statue (which I won at school for my learning of Swahili many years ago) which is distant and shrouded in mystery. Closer, and more likely to be felt, is the smooth, hard, glaring billy club on the right - representing the brutality my black ancestors have faced since being brought to this country against their will. So, obviously, the fact that most people didn't even realize it was a billy club (!), and that most people didn't recognize it was a hand in a glove reaching for the statue, a lot of the meaning was lost in the translation.
I live and I learn. :) |