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The Results of Gun Fire That Sounded Like Popcorn
The Results of Gun Fire That Sounded Like Popcorn

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Popcorn (Basic Editing)
Camera: Olympus SP-550 UZ
Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Date: Nov 3, 2007
Aperture: f4.5
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Photojournalism, Military
Date Uploaded: Nov 6, 2007

It sounded like popcorn, but the results were deadly. A Viet Nam war vet searchs the moving Viet Nam War Memorial Wall in search of one of his own.

Place: 68 out of 74
Avg (all users): 4.1905
Avg (commenters): 4.3077
Avg (participants): 4.1471
Avg (non-participants): 4.1962
Views since voting: 958
Views during voting: 558
Votes: 294
Comments: 42
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/13/2007 04:42:58 PM
Sorry, too far of a creative stretch for me. DNMC.
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11/13/2007 12:51:27 PM
I don't do the DNMC thing but.............. Ok I also didn't give it a low score but not my highest. HOWEVER Awesome picture.
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11/12/2007 11:53:31 PM
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11/12/2007 03:22:44 PM
Good picture. Especially poignant since I am voting on Veteran's day. I like how you have captured a "tough" guy in a less than "tough" stance. That said, it is a bit of a stretch for the challenge (but I *can* see where you are coming from) and his face/hair and a couple of other spots look a bit oversharpened.
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11/12/2007 01:35:06 PM
i like this picture but i dont think that you should have to read the title to understand the photo. But nice shot and the title works very well with it.
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11/12/2007 10:08:38 AM
Can you say "shoehorn"? Nice shot of a probable Vietnam vet at the Vietnam War Memorial, but wrong challenge.
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11/12/2007 05:55:18 AM
weak connection
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11/12/2007 04:33:35 AM
hehehe...a bit of stretch maybe but a brave effort submitting it. :)
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11/12/2007 02:35:07 AM
I am sure you are prepared for the does not meet crowd, but that is not the purpose of my vote or comment. For me the image could be better with a couple of things. First the flag in the bottom left is big time distraction. Additionally, it seems to have messed a bit with focus. Move right or get above it and that will dramatically improve this shot.
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11/11/2007 07:58:16 PM
Decent picture, but only meets requirements by title.
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11/11/2007 01:55:23 PM
a bit of a shoehorn for this challenge. Having said that, this is a picture with a message, very well done, and I think would have been better shown in a challenge that suited it more :-) 9 from me for that reason alone :-)
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11/10/2007 10:34:56 PM
wonderful image! just not popcorn imo
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11/10/2007 07:39:15 PM
First shot I've seen that the artist saw the word popcorn in quotes meaning it doesn't actually have to be popcorn itself. Wonderful and full of meaning. Even if the flag in the foreground is distracting.
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11/10/2007 01:19:47 PM
Geez... Beautiful photo, but it's a bit of a stretch for the challenge I'm afraid. This would score much higher in a more suitable challenge.
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11/10/2007 11:00:59 AM
It may be stretching it for the challenge, but it's a nice photo. You captured a nice emotional moment. Good job.
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11/09/2007 09:19:21 PM
Touching photograph, but I think it's a bit of a stretch to fit into the theme.
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11/09/2007 09:16:36 PM
Nice emotive shot ....er... image but doesn't really address the challenge
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11/09/2007 06:24:35 PM
I really appreciate you going out on a limb with this one..very thought provoking. 8
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11/09/2007 04:38:56 PM
Nice photo, but without the title it doesn't communicate popcorn.
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11/09/2007 03:20:09 PM
LOL - this is truly truly awful, I don't think I have ever seen such a shoe-horned image in all my time here at DPC.. its laughably bad. sorry.
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11/09/2007 03:14:00 PM
Not appropriate to challenge them!
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11/09/2007 12:25:59 PM
You could have at least tried to incorporate popcorn. If you have to use the title to convince me it meets the challenge, it probably doesn't.

Aside from that, the flag in the bottom is distracting, try taking this from another angle to get that out of your shot, cropping it out might hurt the picture. I really like the reflections on the memorial from the other people, and your subject holds interest.
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11/08/2007 11:22:49 PM
Nice title!
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11/08/2007 07:39:25 PM
The image does not make me thinking popcorn, but I love the image and am giving it a 10 anyway!
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11/08/2007 05:49:18 PM
I'm sure that this photo means a lot to you, and it is a good photo, but it seems to be a bit of a shoehorn for this challenge. 5
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11/08/2007 08:56:43 AM
A good photo that conveys great sadness, but I do think it's a stretch for this theme.
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11/08/2007 12:08:01 AM
kind of a strech on the challenge, and the flag in the forground is distracting
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11/07/2007 07:48:28 PM
Nice photo. Touching, but kinda stretching the theme, don't ya think?
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11/07/2007 05:26:54 PM
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11/07/2007 04:37:02 PM
totally dnmc
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11/07/2007 04:02:48 PM
Kind of off topic, and i think this is too sharp
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11/07/2007 03:33:18 PM
Interesting angle on the theme.
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11/07/2007 11:25:28 AM
Well, I don't know what to do. I like this picture, but I think it's shoehorned into the challenge by the title. I'd like to score it up because I like it, but I'd like to score it down because it isn't really about popcorn. Either way, I'm not going to feel right. So guess what. I'm not going to vote. I'm going to say that I like the shot but it doesn't fit the challenge. Maybe that way I won't upset you or unfairly vote your shot. Good luck :)
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11/07/2007 09:47:35 AM
It doesn't have anything to do with the challenge's subject except the name
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11/07/2007 09:28:45 AM
It is a nice sentiment.
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11/07/2007 09:19:56 AM
Very tenuous link to the challenge
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11/07/2007 08:36:56 AM
I really feel that you're making the title do too much work to fit the challenge...and I'm not convinced of its assertion, either.

I do like the character in the man's clothes and age-worn face. Highlights seem a little blown out, especially on the hair. The flag in the foreground wouldn't be so awful an intrusion if it didn't also intersect with the subject's boots.
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11/07/2007 04:42:35 AM
stretched and shoehorned. picture itself is nice but not in this topic
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11/07/2007 03:50:13 AM
Interesting twist moving image
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11/07/2007 12:39:51 AM
Excellent shot but doesn't meet the challenge. Without your title there is nothing about popcorn here.
If we all ignore the challenge theme and just enter what we want, then the challenges become meaningless.
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11/07/2007 12:28:51 AM
its sad yes but i dunno about meeting the challenge
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11/07/2007 12:15:30 AM
touching subject matter but its a stratch to include in popcorn challenge imo.

Nicely taken photo though
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