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Always had to be different
Always had to be different

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Alone In A Crowd (Basic Editing)
Collection: Challenges 2007
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Location: Qatar
Date: Nov 22, 2007
Aperture: f/6.3
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/500
Date Uploaded: Nov 27, 2007

Always had to be different, but met the same end. :-)

Fishies for sale at the fresh fish market in Doha, Qatar. The boats pull up to steps that go down into the water at a park. The vendors line up their fish on the wet steps, the patrons inspect and buy. The wealthier patrons bring their household help to carry the bags home. It wasn't easy finding a pile o' fish where one was different! The vendors had them sorted by type.

Processing - crop, rotate 180, levels, curves, hue/sat, sharpen, selective color, resize, sharpen again, add border, save for web.

Thanks for all the comments and constructive suggestions! I really didn't have the opportunity for a different angle on these guys - agree that it would have been a good option to pursue, though!

Place: 35 out of 93
Avg (all users): 5.6269
Avg (commenters): 7.0000
Avg (participants): 5.4737
Avg (non-participants): 5.6532
Views since voting: 1483
Views during voting: 417
Votes: 260
Comments: 22
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/01/2008 09:04:35 PM
Great idea for this challenge, for making the best of the opportunities around you at the time. Weird how the fish almost look not quite real, as if you made a collage out of a lot of fish pictures - good weird, I like it! :)
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12/22/2007 10:55:42 PM
Deb, your commenters certainly enjoyed it! :) Thanks for the fun shot and the story behind it.
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12/15/2007 09:23:05 AM
Dead fish always kind of freak me out, lol. The "alone" one looks like he had some kind of weird radiation treatment. ROFL! Overall, I think this was a great find!
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12/07/2007 01:31:35 AM
this is a really cool, underrated shot with a lot of compositional intrigue... fav'd
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12/06/2007 06:43:13 PM
What an excellent shot, and I really thought it would have placed much higher than this.....
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12/06/2007 06:38:39 PM
Terrific catch Deb. That yellow really zings out against the blue. At first I thought it might not be good with the blue negative space in there, but now I understand how well it works with the yellow.
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12/05/2007 08:17:24 AM
Nice shot Deb and very respectable score. I like the whole texture feel to it. Of course that texture is slimey but who cares.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/04/2007 11:39:46 PM
I love how collage-like this looks. Wonderful photo.
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12/04/2007 08:30:13 PM
Heh. I still like this, Deb, even though I can't vote on it. :)
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12/04/2007 11:42:17 AM
Great colors and sharpness, well exposed, nice composition.
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12/04/2007 06:14:37 AM
I like it, i think shooting from a lower angle may have helped, I get the sense I am going to fall into the fish. I like the yellow fish is on the blue background.
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11/30/2007 05:07:52 AM
yuck! haha those fish look nasty. you could try to change your POV to improve this one a little. Try some other angles besides straight on
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11/30/2007 02:55:44 AM
I think this would work better if the different fish was either in the center. The mass of fish to the right draws the eye away from the different fish, and it took me a few seconds to see where he was.
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11/29/2007 04:28:09 PM
Did you PAINT the fish????? LOL!!! 6
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11/29/2007 11:10:19 AM
really like this shot, interesting composition, good use of colors to stand out. top left fish is a bit distracting as it looks closer to the camera than the rest. light a bit strong as shadows are thick. perhaps a sqaure crop using the yellow fish would enhance it. 7
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11/29/2007 06:27:38 AM
Nice contrast of yellow against the blue.
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11/28/2007 06:01:09 PM
Great capture, imo the shot would have been even more dramatic without the blue background, that is the yellow fish over the others! 7
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11/28/2007 04:40:42 PM
great colours...I love the messy composition and light 8
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11/28/2007 03:57:04 PM
Deb, this shows really well. Especially against the competition. I wish I could vote - would give you a high score. Hope it's doing well for you, and voters aren't turned off by the "icky dead fish" factor. Very cool. Nicely seen.
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11/28/2007 02:04:26 PM
Great composition and fantastic colours. My favourite.
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11/28/2007 12:33:15 PM
interesting. funny title.
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11/28/2007 12:25:13 AM
thats really cool good idea
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