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Challenge: Self Portrait VI (Advanced Editing V*)
Collection: Challenges 2007
Camera: Canon EOS-400D Rebel XTi
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: Kuwait
Date: Nov 29, 2007
Aperture: f/5.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/20
Date Uploaded: Nov 29, 2007

I don't have any lights or reflectors (the proper kind) or a remote or a tripod or a good looking model.... I wanted to do a redux of the Afghani girl I entered in duotones (though she's far prettier!) but the guy I had helping me didn't quite hit the focus right, and the light wasn't all that great anyway.

So I see that the light coming in the window where I was sitting at work today (I sit at empty desks when I can find them!) was kinda nice. It's not really direct - it's reflected off the building across from it. I can never get focus right for a self-portrait any other way than by using the camera's autofocus, so I set the camera on a metal bar halfway up the window, set it on timer, then used one hand to depress the shutter to focus then set off the timer. So this is as far away from the camera as I could get - darn short arms!

Processing doesn't involve as much healing brush as it should, nor nearly enough blur. It does involve converting to a gray quadtone, then to my favorite tritone. Mostly I just played in Photoshop alot until I got tired of looking at me.

As for the title - multiple meanings. The obvious is the source of light, which can be seen in the eyes, which are the windows to the soul. The less obvious is the fact my stay here has allowed me to see other cultures and other places through windows that are sometimes barred, but windows nonetheless.

Place: 13 out of 241
Avg (all users): 6.8127
Avg (commenters): 7.8333
Avg (participants): 6.6750
Avg (non-participants): 6.8974
Views since voting: 3546
Views during voting: 511
Votes: 315
Comments: 77
Favorites: 7 (view)

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03/02/2013 07:02:05 PM
I really love this image of you, Deb. Miss seeing the real thing, too.
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03/11/2008 02:03:23 PM
I think this shot is wonderful. I love the fact that you can see the windows in the eyes, but the eyes are so warm and inviting. You feel real emotion from these eyes, which is so very hard to do. I think everybody would like to have this woman as their friend. She looks amazing.
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03/11/2008 02:38:48 AM
A perfectly composed portrait! The lucidity of the eyes really draws me in, and the "duo tone" effect works wonderfully here, though I would love to see a color shot too. Lighting and contrasts are great, focus is spot-on, and there's not much to complain about here, other than that it is simply a portrait, with a fine expressive subject. I think it could be a tad darker. An 8, easy.
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03/05/2008 05:47:28 PM
This is very good Melethia. I can't wait for the next self portrait challenge, it may just inspire me enough to finally get a good one, been trying for years...
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01/20/2008 05:01:00 PM
This is beautiful. The natural light is nice, and the catchlights bring your eyes to life. Excellent work, great score.
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12/30/2007 01:18:40 PM
Just discovered this gem. What a stunning SP, Deb. You have THE most beautiful eyes.
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12/22/2007 12:36:11 PM
Way to go Deb!! This is Fantastic!!
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12/15/2007 02:38:19 AM
you have a kind and beautiful face.
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12/14/2007 08:39:52 PM
Darn, I wish I could be this good at portraits, beyond the fact that it is a self portrait, not sure how you all manage gorgeous photos. I need a viewfinder myself. :) Congrats on the wonderful placement. The light in the eyes is simply put, perfect.
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12/14/2007 04:55:08 AM
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12/13/2007 09:48:51 PM
fantastic portrait, Deb. Love it!
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12/12/2007 11:52:17 PM
Great work Deb! Congratulations!
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12/12/2007 09:14:36 PM
Touchdown SP deb - spectacular!!!
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12/12/2007 09:13:19 PM
Hey Deb!

the environment becomes you! great reflection of where you are living now!

Happy Holidays!!

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12/12/2007 02:03:52 PM
hey deb .. brilliant self portrait ... you have the most amazing eyes .. congrats on an excellent score in the challenge .. :)
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12/12/2007 12:30:14 PM
Deb - good result great picture, I really like the use of the scarf and the crop.
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12/12/2007 11:31:45 AM
Deb, you did great I hope someday that my photo's will look half as good as yours do.
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12/12/2007 11:08:29 AM
Absolutely wonderful, Deb!! Congrats on the great finish for this stunning SP.
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12/12/2007 10:20:30 AM
Oh, I KNEW this would kick butt! Way to go, Deb! I can't believe this turned out so freaking professional after reading how you accomplished this! Man. . .you absoLUTELY ROCK!!!!!

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12/12/2007 08:01:29 AM
Yep Deb, I got it right, I was pretty sure this was you. This is absolutely stunning, especially considering you were up against all those people with uber-expensive lighting kits, softboxes, etc. etc. I'm in awe of your talent, and what you accomplish with nothing but your camera. Not even a tripod! Incredible.
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12/12/2007 08:00:53 AM
Hey Deb- I knew you ! Grand finish- the eyes indeed are the windows to the soul-yours are gentle and beautiful, lovely SP. :)
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12/12/2007 05:58:30 AM
nice to meet you, great shot
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12/12/2007 04:47:03 AM
Oh my goodness Deb, much to my chagrin I did not recognise you!

I thought this was a lovely portrait, beautifully composed and I am quite pleased with myself that I got two of the meanings of the title without having to read your notes

I love the fact that this is a gentle photo in terms of contrast (which matches the gentlesness that can be seen in your eyes) without going over the top in terms of softness. A lovely portrait of the real you
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12/12/2007 04:26:51 AM
Nice portrait Deb!
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12/12/2007 03:50:07 AM
While many tried to show how cool or clever they are (or think they are), you showed us who you really are. Thank you for that.

Message edited by author 2007-12-12 03:51:52.
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12/12/2007 03:36:50 AM
Well done Deb, an honest portrait...
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12/12/2007 02:22:19 AM
Congrats, Deb! I thought that was probably you.
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12/12/2007 02:05:55 AM
Great finish, with a great portrait, Deb! : )
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12/12/2007 02:05:03 AM
Very beautiful.
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12/12/2007 12:33:49 AM
Wonderful eyes, Deb, and I love the crop.
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12/12/2007 12:16:32 AM
Wonderful! Great SP and awesome score! :-D
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12/12/2007 12:04:00 AM
Look at you go. Them silly birds took another back seat. Really well done Deb. So glad to see this score and place so well. Congrats!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/11/2007 07:21:31 AM
I really like this picture. The glare on your eyes from the window really adds that unique feel of being photographed. Being an older woman is a bit harder to photograph but with the right editing age makes for a beautiful image. The yellow is a bit much but that could be my own monitor. I think that you should try playing around with the dodge tool some on the wrinkles to really bring them out, but the tone looks really good on the skin. Meaning it's not bright (blown out) or not to dark.

God luck with the challenge. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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12/10/2007 11:05:47 PM
Hi Deb! (just wanted to say that since so many others already have). I love the lighting on your face. It also adds such a wonderful sparkle to your eyes.
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12/10/2007 06:25:30 AM
8 - Very nice portrait. Not fond of the material, but your choice (obviously) and you know best what suits you. Really like the positioning you captured of the window reflection in the eyes.
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12/10/2007 12:20:28 AM
I like your smile here so much. Awesome photo. BB
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12/09/2007 10:47:19 PM
love the tone and nice shapr eyes!
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12/09/2007 09:20:39 PM
Wonderful lighting in your eyes and texture in your robe. Great picture. Good luck in the voting.
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12/09/2007 08:38:26 AM
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12/08/2007 10:43:14 PM
Fantastic!! the windows in her eyes... !!
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12/08/2007 10:20:49 PM
very well done!8
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12/08/2007 05:10:37 PM
A perfect picture. Very sharp on the eyes, clear, a beautiful duotone work, perfect dof. Nothing else to say, very good :)
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12/08/2007 09:17:57 AM
I spy Deb! Nice catchlights :-)
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12/08/2007 06:44:06 AM
Great ! I like "true" portraits , our wrinkles are part of our personality.
Your eyes are full of life , full of many stories of pain , joy and serenity.
my vote : 10
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12/08/2007 12:54:55 AM
Nice lighting, texture and pp work.
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12/07/2007 11:08:37 PM
great eys, expressions, focus, details
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12/07/2007 07:52:44 PM
Very creative, well composed................
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12/07/2007 06:22:19 PM
Oooooooooo I love the windows reflected in the "windows to the soul" very well done. Oh I love the rest of it to, colour, composition, just love it.
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12/07/2007 04:46:31 PM
Good title. Eyes are awesome!!
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12/06/2007 10:04:46 PM
I'm abstaining from voting for this, but I will say that this is a beautiful beautiful portrait! Having the windows in your eyes is so John Donne. He's my favorite!
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12/06/2007 03:47:52 PM
One of the best
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12/06/2007 02:30:25 PM
hello there!
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12/06/2007 11:06:58 AM
really nice crop.
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12/06/2007 07:06:23 AM
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12/06/2007 03:34:19 AM
Hey Deb!:) The clarity in your eyes is amazing! Lovely work! : )
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12/05/2007 10:21:39 PM
good composition and lighting here.
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12/05/2007 10:15:04 PM
Very nice sparkle in the eyes, they look so gentle.
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12/05/2007 05:33:41 PM
Great stuff! The eyes, the eyes, O, the eyes!
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12/05/2007 03:31:28 PM
You are just lovely. ;) This is a beautiful portrait of you!!! I'm happy to see you entered.
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12/05/2007 03:27:34 PM
Peaceful eyes, beautiful smile, well executed portrait.
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12/05/2007 03:14:08 PM
This is absolutley beautiful.
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12/05/2007 02:07:27 PM
He, he, the eyes are the windows to the soul, but these eyes, they are hiding behind real windows, like, "I don't really want you to know who I am".

Came back. This image is haunting. Deb, right? Without meaning any offense whatsoever, I wish there were more texture to the face; the skin, with the wrinkles and imperfections, is beautiful, and I would like to see it up front, no softening whatsoever, just the natural beauty that it is. The soft, shiny, dark scarf is the perfect contrast to the skin. I wish there was just a smidgeon more room at left (so that the end of the eye area were not cut off and the face shape would have a slightly more upward swing), and I wish the background were not as dull (some sort of texture or something out of focus there). ~9
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12/05/2007 12:59:23 PM
wonderful shot I really like the windows in the eyes.
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12/05/2007 12:36:59 PM
Lots of character! great light.
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12/05/2007 12:28:11 PM
A very lovely expression. I love the composition and tone you chose to use in this challenge. Great lighting as well. My pic for the blue ribbon.
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12/05/2007 12:25:28 PM
Deb, this is BEAUTIFUL! A wonderful tribute to the people you are surrounded by! I love how natural it looks. . .yet so rich and tonal! Fabulous job!
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12/05/2007 11:41:41 AM
Melethia? Beautiful shot. Perfect lighting and great focus/dof. Catchlights are wonderful.
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12/05/2007 11:02:14 AM
Wow, great light, Deb. Lovely portrait.
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12/05/2007 09:36:44 AM
Love the smile! Nice portrait.
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12/05/2007 08:30:03 AM
great detail and clarity...
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12/05/2007 08:26:49 AM
Awww Deb, this is sweet! You look like you're thinking happy thoughts.
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12/05/2007 07:49:58 AM
So in her eyes, we have a windows-vista? :)
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12/05/2007 05:11:20 AM
Beautiful Eyes. The windows are amazing :)9.
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12/05/2007 03:53:15 AM
lovely,deb. the focus is perfect. just a super image all 'round
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12/05/2007 02:14:49 AM
lovely lighting, very beautiful
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12/05/2007 01:43:53 AM
Really nice use of the catch lights
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12/05/2007 12:26:39 AM
Very nice portrait
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