Author | Thread |
12/20/2007 06:24:57 PM |
My O my - can I ride with you guys ! Stunning !!! |
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12/18/2007 09:30:59 PM |
One of my top picks for a ribbon, glad to see I was right this time! Congratulations. |
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12/18/2007 11:59:09 AM |
Congrats on the ribbon! Love the angle of the shot. |
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12/17/2007 07:52:55 PM |
Congrats! Congrats!
What a GORGEOUS background for this particular shot & Challenge!
Hell, I'd buy it, with this ad! |
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12/17/2007 11:33:08 AM |
THIS is AWESOME! And it sounds like the funnest challenge photo taken ever! CONGRATULATIONS! |
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12/17/2007 07:14:07 AM |
So pleased this ribboned. A most excellent image. Congrats on the yellow. |
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12/17/2007 05:51:01 AM |
Congrats on the second ribbon in a row! A very creative angle and perspective shot. Good stuff! |
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12/17/2007 05:21:20 AM |
saw this immediately as a ribbon. Glad it won. stunning location and angle |
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12/17/2007 04:35:17 AM |
I knew this one would do well - Well done on the ribbon, great shot... |
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12/17/2007 04:15:04 AM |
Really nice shot - I was sure this would ribbon :- ) |
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12/17/2007 03:26:35 AM |
Way to go, Rob! A great job and a terrific image! Very well done. |
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12/17/2007 02:59:17 AM |
Congrats on the very well deserved ribbon, excellent shot! |
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12/17/2007 12:50:32 AM |
Congrats!! It's a cool shot. I was thinking about doing the same thing with my FJ Cruiser except I was going to head up towards Mt. St. Helens. But I got lazy and didn't feel like washing the thing especially in this chilly weather. :) |
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12/17/2007 12:34:57 AM |
Awesome photo Robert, congratulations!! |
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12/17/2007 12:24:56 AM |
Fantastic image Robert...I like how dramaitci it looks...well done on the yellow |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
12/16/2007 11:59:31 PM |
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12/16/2007 11:23:55 PM |
I really like the wide angle perspective of this shot, and the background is absolutely perfect for a car ad. Perfect for this challenge. |
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12/16/2007 01:23:16 PM |
Great angle; complementary background. Pretty much perfect. |
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12/16/2007 10:55:36 AM |
Well done, I am sold, How much are the payments.. |
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12/15/2007 02:21:46 PM |
Very nice landscape, very well lightning. Nice picture. |
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12/15/2007 04:59:57 AM |
very good POV and choice of lens. could be a tad brighter. still one of my top picks. |
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12/14/2007 10:50:02 PM |
I see a ribbon with your name on it! (if I knew your name...)
One minor thing...I would have like to seen you turn the steering wheel to the left so the front tires are pointing more towards the camera. Overall, awesome. |
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12/14/2007 08:46:47 PM |
nice. Very cool, powerful. Technically perfect. Clean tires :P nice work overall :) |
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12/14/2007 01:53:06 PM |
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12/13/2007 09:01:42 PM |
Has to be my favourite this one. The mist over the tree tops adds so much atmospere to this picture. |
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12/13/2007 08:08:58 PM |
A definite ribbon winner! Smooooooth. |
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12/13/2007 06:29:04 PM |
Beautiful car, not issues here; just a wonderfully executed photo. My compliments on your border too. BB |
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12/13/2007 09:17:47 AM |
Nice angle, nice location, nice ad. 7 |
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12/12/2007 06:22:52 PM |
Good use of perspective and background to provide a strong and dramatic effect. I just think a bit more of the front of the beast would have really been nice- these things have great grills - let's see it! |
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12/12/2007 02:28:56 PM |
The clear winner in my book. Nicely done! |
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12/12/2007 02:05:10 PM |
cool i love every thing about it |
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12/12/2007 09:13:32 AM |
yes! I like that there is no snow on the tires. Really looks like a slick ad shot. |
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12/12/2007 09:00:12 AM |
awesome shot. great angle, great environment, good lighting. even the border works well. will ribbon, just not sure which colour.. well done. |
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12/11/2007 11:55:46 PM |
Hey, what lens did you use for this? |
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12/11/2007 10:07:35 PM |
One of my fav's in this challenge. Nice even light, snow makes a great reflector. Perfect background for the truck too |
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12/11/2007 12:28:57 PM |
Top of the bunch. I can almost feel the icy wind - makes me shiver! |
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12/11/2007 11:33:46 AM |
Beautiful work. Great composition and love the editing, can't wait to see the steps. My pick for the red ribbon. Great work. |
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12/10/2007 11:08:24 PM |
Love the foginess of the background. And the crispness of the car itself.
9 |
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12/10/2007 09:43:37 PM |
Very good detail here. The border is perfect with the car and the background is wonderful. 9 |
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12/10/2007 07:14:24 PM |
Ahhhhh my dream car!! Nice shot. |
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12/10/2007 06:23:03 PM |
interesting angle, very nice capture |
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12/10/2007 02:18:00 PM |
Nice shot...Love the strong diagonal created by the car and the use of fish eye here
Stunning backdrop which really compliments the image and the selling idea of the strength of the car. Great sharpness. Maybe could have done with the reflections from your lighting rig at the front of the car being cloned out but still a super image 8 |
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12/10/2007 01:05:20 PM |
Lot of wow factor here. At least for me. You should consider selling this to them :) 10 |
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12/10/2007 01:01:04 PM |
Love this - top ten finisher for me. |
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12/10/2007 12:38:43 PM |
Only a handful of shots actually look like an Automobile Ad. This is one of them, I can just see it in a magazine. My top scorer to date. |
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12/10/2007 10:20:03 AM |
This is really really good, but the letterbox border completely ruins it for me. Awesome image, great detail, color and composition terrific, clever and succinct title..........WHY that border????????? I even LIKE borders, but not like this. |
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12/10/2007 07:35:24 AM |
very nice shot indeed. Love the whole setting. should be a ribbon. |
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12/10/2007 07:04:28 AM |
Nice shot - Should do well. |
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12/10/2007 06:58:37 AM |
really cool. I like the frosty / foggy morning bckgrnd |
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12/10/2007 05:09:34 AM |
This is REALLY cool. My first impression is that the super wide angle is too much, but the colours and the lighting and the background mist all work so well. I love the muted colours, with just the touches of orange. |
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12/10/2007 02:34:54 AM |
Very cool. Widescreen look gives it a cinematic feel. |
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12/10/2007 01:43:41 AM |
Very nice car ad shoot. Love the B&W colors as well as the low cloud sky. I just wish that the flash reflection would not be so predominant in the front next to the turn signal. Should do well in this challenge. -7- |
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