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Porsche...Nothing Even Comes Close
Porsche...Nothing Even Comes Close

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Automobile Ad (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM for Nikon
Location: Palm Beach Gardens
Date: Dec 9, 2007
Aperture: f:18
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/10 sec
Galleries: Landscape, Transportation
Date Uploaded: Dec 9, 2007

Thank you all for your kind comments and votes. I do not feel I was robbed at all, as the 3 images ahead are great and much more impacting than mine, but I do appreciate your praise.

For those that asked, this is the camera setup for this shot. I drove the Porsche behind the pace car (SUV containing the camera setup) and shot the pictures myself using radio control. Perfect speed coordination was needed to achieve a sharp image of the car. Our speed was 50MPH. I am happy that this shot gave me a new PB, but I am happier that my brother got his first blue ribbon, which was long overdue.

Place: 4 out of 60
Avg (all users): 7.4356
Avg (commenters): 8.3636
Avg (participants): 7.5366
Avg (non-participants): 7.4130
Views since voting: 6279
Views during voting: 518
Votes: 225
Comments: 59
Favorites: 9 (view)

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12/19/2007 07:32:26 AM
Wow, an awesome shot again. You seem to enjoy duct-taping your camera to cars a lot. ;-) You should definitely have gotten a ribbon for this one.
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12/19/2007 03:59:43 AM
Should have been first place. The work you've done, the colors, the background effect and the sharpness of the car. PERFECT!
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12/18/2007 11:50:21 PM
Originally posted by SoulMan1978:

Highly underrated, ...

Originally posted by FourTDSean:

this will be my desktop
and you should shoot for porsche

I fully agree. This is a perfect shot.
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12/18/2007 06:24:27 PM
Highly underrated, you were very unlucky to miss out on a ribbon after beating 7.4, but I'm glad you're pleased that your brother got a ribbon.
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12/18/2007 04:42:35 PM
this will be my desktop
and you should shoot for porsche
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12/17/2007 05:22:23 AM
nice shot, we were all so close. congrats.
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12/17/2007 03:00:40 AM
Congrats on your 4th and new PB, Andres, well done!
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12/17/2007 12:50:50 AM
That's one serious setup for this shot, thanks for sharing. Well done!
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12/17/2007 12:31:44 AM
Congratulations, Andrés. This time, sure you feel more winner than ever.
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12/17/2007 12:25:47 AM
Well done on a HM and a PB, it was fantastic for the challenge
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12/17/2007 12:13:45 AM
Congratulations brother for this extraoridinary shot!!!

This new PB could not be more deserved. Your shot is, by far, the best of the challenge. It has not only the merits of all the creative and hard work you went through for its execution, but everything from both, technical and artistic pov̢۪s: location, composition (including thirds, triangles, guide lines), exposure, color, perfect - from camera- motion blur, etc, etc. you name it, this shot has it. And the great comments and high score confirm it.

You know that a couple of times in the past I have had slight regrets when loosing a place, or a ribbon, to some other images, but this time I would have been proud to escort your perfect entry from a couple of steps below. For me the blue is yours.

Maybe you could post the details of the making of this brilliant shot, so the entire dpc community will have a chance to learn from what you did.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/16/2007 11:49:28 PM
Love the motion blur. This does look like something in a brochure.
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12/16/2007 11:33:03 PM
This shot is great! I can't find anything that I don't like about it. A lonely stretch of road, beautiful blue sky with clouds, and the real feel of speed from the blurred motion. So far, my favorite of the challenge.
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12/16/2007 08:13:32 PM
One of my top picks....did you take this one from a moving vehicle?
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12/16/2007 12:53:44 PM
Oooh, with motion blur and everything! Nice. I can't help but notice the white blob above the windshield; looks like a giant piece of popcorn. Maybe clone that out?
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12/16/2007 10:51:54 AM
This is a good motion shot. For some reason it falls short of selling a car, possibility because a Porsche is so out of my price range, LOL.
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12/15/2007 02:23:58 PM
I can feel the speed, very well taken picture.
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12/15/2007 09:12:58 AM
Nicely done! Great blur, one of the best in the bunch. 10
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12/14/2007 09:45:50 PM
Nice!! I love Porsche ever since owning a 944. I wish there was more even lighting on the car itself, but other than that, very nice motion blur. Conveys speed quite nicely.
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12/14/2007 07:24:14 PM
You are first in my list :) You earn 1 extra point for that :)
I am glad it's a good start for me :)

Very clean photo. Sharp. Colors are excellent. It is a very good car ad and congratulations on your ribbon ;)
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12/13/2007 11:33:30 PM
GREAT capture! Must have been tough to get, but you did a great job!
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12/13/2007 08:57:27 PM
This ones confusing me a little.
Is the car in motion or have you just added the motion blur? Reason i ask is that it just seems to end about a third of the way in from the left hand side.
Also the shadow looks a little bizarre.
Nice picture though.
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12/13/2007 08:14:00 PM
Sexy car....... I love Porsche.
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12/13/2007 06:49:20 PM
got to be the best of the bunch. I sincerely hope this ribbons. 10 from me.
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12/13/2007 06:08:36 PM
Truely an authentic photo add! And to add to that you can tell it's a true motion blur because the closer the side ditch to the camera the more blurry the photo. BB
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12/13/2007 09:23:10 AM
Nice moving pic, and a great sharpness on the car. Really makes you want to get out and drive. I think the background would have been better with even more motion blur ... its only slight in the foreground and none further back down the road diminishes the sense of speed you are going for. 7
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12/13/2007 07:11:32 AM
Great lines for the shot. Not sure how you managed to get the scenery and road markings blurred but the clouds not. Has a nice sense of motion to it.
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12/13/2007 06:21:09 AM
hopefully this is the winner, you deserver it. wow.
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12/12/2007 07:11:05 PM
Excellent stuff - the stop action on the Porsche is spot on and the movement in the trees as this little gem tears up the pavement works really well.
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12/12/2007 03:41:45 PM
AMEN! I miss mine!
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12/12/2007 02:23:16 PM
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12/12/2007 07:48:46 AM
Nice speed blur but the car in perfect focus. THe sky/clouds all work well.. you nailed this shot!
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12/12/2007 05:58:31 AM
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12/12/2007 03:17:44 AM
I believe I can say it.... Nailed it! Too bad the sun wasn't more to the front of the Porsche and behind the camera. A trailing shadow would look more ideal than a leading one. Oh well, we're not God. ;-)
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12/11/2007 01:27:53 PM
Whoosh! I can hear the engine humming!
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12/11/2007 12:31:40 PM
Good light and movement, shutter speed couldn't be better, How did you get the low camera angle?
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12/11/2007 11:58:28 AM
This is professional quality, one of hte best in the contest.
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12/11/2007 11:41:52 AM
Beautiful capture and love the color and tones... 9
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12/11/2007 10:43:03 AM
love the motion blur in bg and fg, helps convey speed. 9
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12/11/2007 10:11:18 AM
great looking
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12/11/2007 09:48:18 AM
I really like this one. Beautiful clouds, love the motion.
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12/11/2007 09:11:21 AM
WOW! when this poped up on my screen I felt like i was moving! awesome! great focus and colors...I fully expect to see this one at the top! Good luck!
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12/10/2007 11:10:30 PM
Verrry Nice.
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12/10/2007 10:22:37 PM
You get an extra point just because it is a Porsche. Love the feel of speed and angle of the shot.
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12/10/2007 10:06:54 PM
Great stopped motion. Would like to know how you pulled this off.
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12/10/2007 06:28:24 PM
An excellent shot, which could better emphasized with a more adjusted cropp, and a closer view of the car. Nice slogan too and pretty cap :-)
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12/10/2007 04:38:32 PM
you really created the feeling for speed.
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12/10/2007 04:01:37 PM
Fantastic image. My only nit pick would be to have cropped a bit off the left side. The sharp clouds are a bit jarring with the strong motion in the rest of the image. But it is a fantastic shot.
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12/10/2007 03:59:04 PM
Very nice, This photo is soemthing I would expect to see opening up a brochure at a Porsche dealer. 10
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12/10/2007 02:17:01 PM
Best in challenge from my opinion. You see this picture and you think 'mmm I'd like one of those' super composition colouring and the foreground motion blurring works very well. 9 from me (the only thing stopping it from being a 10 is that I would like the car to be a tad larger in the frame)

Great photo, good luck
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12/10/2007 10:52:30 AM
Nice catch
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12/10/2007 08:22:16 AM
I think this is great, but it feels like a tighter crop would give it even more energy. Also, the car should be further to the left of the frame.
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12/10/2007 07:21:11 AM
Good use of a factory slogan......the stopped motion quality is terrific, and the top down view just evokes desire. nicely done! 8
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12/10/2007 06:59:09 AM
nice motion capture
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12/10/2007 06:05:29 AM
Nice crisp panning shot, and great colours. I'd like to see the car bigger in the frame, so ride your bike a little closer to the front wheel for the next shot. :)
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12/10/2007 05:12:12 AM
I knew you would do exactly this shot, Señor... well done, though I don't like that touch of cross-processing (probably shadows/highlights?)
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12/10/2007 12:53:07 AM
A lot of work went into this shoot... Great colors and a very believable looking car ad. The onl thing that I would have changed is a closer or different crop. IMHO -7-
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12/10/2007 12:20:35 AM
Great timely capture and sense of speed.
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12/10/2007 12:09:11 AM
wow...fantastic movement...really deserves a ribbon 9
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