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Dependable, when the going gets....  spooky
Dependable, when the going gets.... spooky

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Automobile Ad (Advanced Editing V)
Collection: goofy/spooky
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: nj
Date: Dec 9, 2007
Date Uploaded: Dec 9, 2007

I made an ad that would appeal to me - because imo, full-frontal auto nudity is a drag. Drape that thang in a little mystery, perhaps even a little context..

Place: 49 out of 60
Avg (all users): 4.9132
Avg (commenters): 5.0952
Avg (participants): 4.6000
Avg (non-participants): 4.9832
Views since voting: 1010
Views during voting: 406
Votes: 219
Comments: 29
Favorites: 0

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12/19/2007 12:45:54 PM
You know I really like this! I'm sure you got all kinds of context questions about it, but I really like it! And it is really spooky!
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12/18/2007 11:15:12 PM
I really like this, I drive on my own a lot at night on country roads so I'd buy that brave red car. I love the headlights shining on the road and the colours are awesome.
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12/17/2007 09:53:28 AM
A 4.9? I thought this was a great OOB take on the challenge and a captivating image. Well done!
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12/17/2007 08:36:21 AM
Works for me. I'd buy that car! :)
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12/17/2007 08:33:54 AM
I didn't vote in this challenge but I would have given this a very high score. This is very cool. An entirely unique concept. Good job.
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12/17/2007 05:41:31 AM
I really liked this one a great deal - too bad it received such harsh voting from the "If it isn't a whole car up close, it is DNMC". Like I said in my comment during voting, this shot really tells a story and that is what I have seen a number of car ads do recently.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/15/2007 08:54:00 AM
i like th photo but its a bit blury
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12/14/2007 07:55:07 PM
I will give you good voting just because I like this photo. About the car, no way. This is not a car ad... but a nice photo :)
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12/14/2007 11:14:37 AM
12/13/2007 08:58:28 PM
Would have loved to hae seen the vehicle much closer. That sligtly oof tree is throwing me off.
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12/13/2007 08:03:28 PM
Great! But what kind of automobile is it?
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12/13/2007 06:10:09 PM
There is a nice eerie feeling with the dark looming tree silhouettes.
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12/13/2007 09:37:02 AM
I really like this shot. Probably at least a 7 from me, maybe an 8 or 9 in another challenge. As a car ad, though, I don't see it. 5
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12/13/2007 07:09:06 AM
Cool! I love the red of the vehicle. Definitely a very spooky atmosphere.
12/13/2007 02:21:58 AM
Nice oobie.
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12/12/2007 07:59:10 PM
Very beautiful and spooky image - I can see this as part of a more complete ad campaign or series of pictures to tell the story of this vehicle. It works for me!!!
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12/12/2007 03:04:23 PM
don't like the near tree so distractingly unsharp
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12/12/2007 08:44:29 AM
good idea, but not very well executed. doesnt excite me or provoke any emotions.
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12/12/2007 05:57:25 AM
This works well somehow, great title.
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12/11/2007 12:52:13 PM
It does have a spooky dark night look, though the suv is so small as to not be evident as the main subject. Otherwise it's a good image, I just don't think it looks like it is a car ad.
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12/10/2007 09:57:33 PM
The scene does look spooky but everything else in the image is more powerful than the actual car itself. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.
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12/10/2007 04:46:16 PM
although the scene is spooky, as a auto ad this pic is not really working for me. too little car
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12/10/2007 04:30:04 PM
What car is this for?
12/10/2007 03:53:23 PM
I just wish I could see more of the car...creative idea though!
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12/10/2007 07:15:21 AM
This needs to have more viewable (car/truck?) to carry this off. The soft focus doesn't work very well for me either.....this is a good concept, it just needed a little better execution IMO.
12/10/2007 06:31:16 AM
Nice spooky photo, but it doesn't really seem to be about the car. :(
12/10/2007 06:23:44 AM
I doubt this will sell any cars
12/10/2007 03:42:01 AM
blurred and oversharpened, way too dark. cannot even rcognize the car.
12/10/2007 02:18:08 AM
Very interesting post processing. Spooky is right. A little to little detail for me for this picture to be a car ad, I can not recognize the product. -6-

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