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Never go to bed mad
3rd PlaceNever go to bed mad

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Conflict (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 4500
Location: Gatineau
Date: Feb 24, 2004
Aperture: 2.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/15
Galleries: Emotive, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Feb 24, 2004


Place: 3 out of 202
Avg (all users): 6.6466
Avg (commenters): 7.8250
Avg (participants): 6.6882
Avg (non-participants): 6.6263
Views since voting: 8727
Votes: 283
Comments: 55
Favorites: 16 (view)

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03/09/2004 03:55:52 PM
I think its wonderful. Every aspect of it...!
03/04/2004 03:50:27 AM
Way to go Yanik. Your bed shots are becoming a trade mark of yours :)
03/03/2004 08:24:35 PM
This was my vote for the best of the bunch. Great idea, great composition, great lighting, GREAT PHOTO. Congrats on the ribbon. I can only hope one of my photos can inspire someone like this has me.
03/03/2004 01:22:01 PM
This picture will give me a lot to reflect upon in the coming days. When I first looked at this image it didn't really appeal to me. I didn't relate to it. Lots of other people have looked at this picture and thought it to be great.

Today I reflect upon thoughts that maybe if I had spent another 30 seconds, would I have scored it higher. Given the very close finish between the top 3 pictures I feel partially responsible for the possibility of this picture not doing even better.

Enough of my personal issues..

Congrats on finishing in the top 3, well deserved and nicely done.
03/03/2004 12:52:42 PM
Congratulations, Yanik! Nobody does this kind of picture better than you - I love it.

PS - I moved to BC at the end of January. I miss Ottawa (but I'll be back to visit, two of my children are at university there). Take care,

03/03/2004 12:30:43 PM
i loved it the second i saw it...i have it in my favorites.
03/03/2004 12:27:28 PM
Woohoo! :-D
03/03/2004 10:20:30 AM
Congratulations on the ribbon - wonderfully lit and a nice message.
03/03/2004 09:25:28 AM
Something most of us can relate to! Congratulations on the ribbon!
03/03/2004 08:29:35 AM
Very simple but so well done.


03/03/2004 05:10:37 AM
Simply great concept and lighting
03/03/2004 12:44:07 AM
congrats! excellent lighting and composition!
03/03/2004 12:31:59 AM
You da man Yanik. how come most of your ribbon shots include two people in a bed? ;)

 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/02/2004 09:23:39 AM
who HASN'T been there??? nice shot
03/02/2004 05:47:52 AM
A bit too dark, but an excellent and creative idea.
03/02/2004 12:19:19 AM
Great idea, nice shot. Simple and yet powerful. Congratulations.
03/01/2004 12:11:01 PM
Inspired idea. Good representation of conflict.
03/01/2004 04:04:23 AM
Well done. Very creative.
02/29/2004 05:07:17 PM
02/29/2004 01:28:31 AM
good idea!
02/28/2004 03:53:11 PM
Good idea, and nice composition, too. My favorite of the bunch. 9
02/28/2004 03:47:00 PM
Very good work. Simple and effective.
02/28/2004 03:44:15 PM
Well done, and funny photo. It has great aesthetics as is, but I think it would have been fine to see the blanket better. What you can see of the blanket looks a bit strange here.
02/28/2004 01:02:23 AM
very creative, nicely composed, and such cute toesies!
02/27/2004 08:03:57 PM
I like the idea a lot. B&W works really well, and the lighting is great. 9

Well done...
02/27/2004 06:19:23 PM
Awesome. One of my favorites. 10
02/27/2004 04:54:18 PM
Excellent Idea. The lighting highlights only the needed props to convey the idea, well done. A toe ring would have been over the top!
02/27/2004 03:49:58 PM
nice way of representing the conflict between a man and a woman 6
02/27/2004 08:11:16 AM
Excellent, very clever idea and very well executed. Love the use of dead space here.
02/26/2004 10:48:05 PM
Neat idea, might have just called it Miffed..... Good job.
02/26/2004 09:44:36 PM
I like - very emotional picture, good use of empty space
02/26/2004 09:01:44 PM
Love it! Best of the submissions, in my opinion. 10
02/26/2004 07:31:34 PM
Meets the challege! One of few. I like this shot a lot and it's very well done. I wished I'd thought of that...It really moves me. I can relate to this photo. I give it a 10. Good luck.
02/26/2004 06:51:04 PM
I really like this photo!
02/26/2004 01:30:50 PM
Cool idea
02/26/2004 10:56:01 AM
great idea, very humourous
02/26/2004 08:23:08 AM
Simplicity at it`s best.
02/26/2004 05:02:17 AM
Good theme, great idea and very well done. Most creative photo of the challenge at this point and well portrayed to boot. Nice job 9
02/26/2004 02:28:25 AM
more focus, or sharpness wouldn't hurt, in general, I dont really sense conflict unless I read your title, therefore, while a neat idea, i think it could have been better done, good attempt though.
02/26/2004 01:18:54 AM
Interesting shot.
02/25/2004 11:41:01 PM
very nice. creative
02/25/2004 06:55:49 PM
This has to be one of my favs. Everything comes together in this. It depicts the conflict quite brilliantly. If I had only one obnoxious thing to say is that I don't like the little line at the far right, but that's really streaching it. Score: 10 Great job and good luck!
02/25/2004 05:26:37 PM
This is one of my favories. I love the lighting and coposition. It's so simple, crisp and well done. Good luck!
02/25/2004 03:46:03 PM
Nicely done... Isolating the feet with the dark background was a great idea.
02/25/2004 02:41:50 PM
Simple, but says a lot...and the minimalist style serves it well.
02/25/2004 02:36:14 PM
Very creative, and fantastic lighting.. so simple and yet it speaks volumes. My favourite for this challenge.
02/25/2004 01:59:04 PM
Rut Roh! Interesting shot and meets the challenge with imagination. An extra point for that! I like the idea but the lighting seems a bit harsh on the right compared to the left. A 7
02/25/2004 11:07:10 AM
very good idea, lighting is great and the photo gets the point across
02/25/2004 10:15:54 AM
border draws eye out instead of in toward subject
02/25/2004 08:19:38 AM
02/25/2004 07:58:11 AM
This is a very clever idea; less light on the sheet and perhaps the feet closer might improve?
02/25/2004 05:04:48 AM
02/25/2004 04:54:57 AM
been there, done that, made me laugh. Great!
02/25/2004 03:55:03 AM
uhh...I wonder what they'r doing... uhhmm....nice concept...
02/25/2004 12:47:20 AM
beautiful shot. very powerful. love how it stimulates the mind.

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