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Flame of Flora
Flame of Flora

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fire III (Basic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSLR-A100
Lens: Sony DT 18-70mm f/3.5-5.6 Aspherical ED Zoom Lens for Sony Alpha
Location: Ourdoors, at sunset, Kathu, South Africa
Date: Dec 27, 2007
Aperture: F25
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/25s
Galleries: Nature, Floral
Date Uploaded: Dec 28, 2007

Flame of Flora

A photo of a Flame Lily taken at sunset outdoors. Their were still some ambient light, but the main light source was the on camera flash. Underexposing the rear curtain flash gave enough light to capture the flower but blacked the background completely, and didn’t give too harsh shadows.

Camara settings:

Ex. Correction +0.0Ev
ISO 100
Rear curtain Flash -0.6Ev

Using Photoshop CS2 Camera Raw:

Adjusted the .ARW file under the following tabs:


Temprature 5100F
Tint +38
Exposure +0.75
Shadows 15
Brightness 50
Contrast +15
Saturation +29


Sharpness 90
Luminance Smoothing 0
Color Noise Reduction 25


No adjustments


Tone Curve

Input; Output values:

47; 34
106; 111


Shadow Tint +25
Red Hue -15
Red Saturation +5
Green Hue +10
Green Saturation +10
Blue Hue -5
Blue Saturation +15

Opened in Photoshop CS 2

Rotated: 1.3 degrees CW,
Cloned out dust specs
Smart Sharpen, 4px radius, remove lens blur
Canvas resized by 50px, white
Resize to 640 * 494
Saved for web, 99% quality, 147Kb

Place: 42 out of 123
Avg (all users): 5.4542
Avg (commenters): 6.6667
Avg (participants): 5.2979
Avg (non-participants): 5.4922
Views since voting: 923
Views during voting: 362
Votes: 240
Comments: 10
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/08/2008 09:23:48 PM
I really like not-so-literal of the interpretation on the fire theme.
01/08/2008 06:18:41 PM
very creative and beautiful
01/07/2008 11:02:00 PM
May i humbly submit a different title, perhaps "Flaming Heart"
01/07/2008 07:08:30 PM
I really like the colors and the interesting shape of the flower in this photograph, but I don't like the lack of background.
01/05/2008 08:24:25 PM
Well this is out of the box. Made me think about it and I'm sure you're getting some flack but I'll applaud your imaginative interpretation and creative entry. Good luck!
01/05/2008 07:29:06 PM
brilliant colors but it is still a flower
01/05/2008 12:54:29 AM
I love the color and the composition. No criticisms whatsoever.
01/04/2008 06:02:26 PM
Good idea. Nice
01/03/2008 09:44:11 PM
Good idea thinking outside the box. Very nice lighting.
01/02/2008 08:59:46 AM
DMC so is that the actual name of the flower?

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