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Portfolio Images
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 This image was disqualified from the Fire III challenge.
Inner Heat
Inner Heat

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fire III (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro
Location: Montgomeryville,Pa.
Date: Jan 1, 2008
Aperture: 11
ISO: 100
Shutter: 30
Galleries: Still Life, Macro
Date Uploaded: Jan 1, 2008

A Jalapeno pepper-- What a great way to start '08.Thank you all for your votes and comments.Good luck to everyone in the new year.
Disqualification Details
You may use a cloning tool or small healing brush for the sole purpose of removing sensor dust or hot pixels. No other spot-editing is allowed.

Views since voting: 3866
Views during voting: 450
Comments: 40
Favorites: 4 (view)

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01/19/2008 09:06:41 AM
what a shame this is such a brilliant image i too am interested what got the DQ?
01/12/2008 12:47:14 PM
what did you clone out?
01/12/2008 09:57:09 AM
Originally posted by carbon451:

Cool! I'd like to see how you did this

Eric, when a DQ of a FINE image like this happens it is interesting to know what specifically you did wrong to be DQd. Would you mind?
01/11/2008 06:44:53 PM
Beautiful shot/very nice colors and composition.
01/10/2008 02:25:47 PM
Wonderful image, congrats on your ribbon!
01/10/2008 11:56:42 AM
Great idea & clarity! I can really learn from you, especially with this photo. :)
01/09/2008 11:35:00 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon Eric! Yes, a great way to start the year
01/09/2008 12:13:16 PM
whoa congrats on your first ribbon! This is a great shot, finely executed.
01/09/2008 10:16:19 AM
Congratulations ! Amazing capture.
01/09/2008 09:24:59 AM
What a great way to start '08.Thank you all for your votes and comments.Good luck to everyone in the new year.

Message edited by author 2008-01-09 09:29:11.
01/09/2008 09:03:35 AM
Awesome!!! Congratulations on a job perfectly done and a reward to go along with it :)

01/09/2008 02:50:08 AM
Yikes! That's hot!
Big congrats!
01/09/2008 01:37:46 AM
well done/congratulations
01/09/2008 01:09:00 AM
Congratulations ozerad! I knew this was going to do well. :)
01/09/2008 12:30:18 AM
Congrats on the ribbon! That pepper sure paid off for you.
01/09/2008 12:27:04 AM
Well done. Congrats on the ribbon and new PB.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/08/2008 06:39:15 PM
great shot :) i really like the smoke!
01/08/2008 05:56:42 PM
love it.
01/08/2008 01:29:35 PM
THIS is cool.
01/08/2008 01:11:16 AM
Nice shot, well defined. Crisp and clear. I like the smoke seeming to come off the jalapeño when we know the pepper is hotter than the flame!! :) (8)
01/07/2008 11:43:49 PM
Cool! I'd like to see how you did this
01/07/2008 11:07:09 PM
Chili's anyone!!!
01/07/2008 10:06:31 PM
I really like this one. Makes me want to go to that chain restaurant down the street. Can't quite remember it's name though...
01/07/2008 07:13:22 PM
Great composition!
01/06/2008 08:17:12 PM
great picture,love the contrasting colors and the smoke.well done
01/06/2008 02:17:57 PM
Wow, very awesome photo, love the meaning behind it, the water droplets, and the smoke.
01/05/2008 08:27:53 PM
Very interesting and creative twist. Nice job and good luck!
01/05/2008 05:19:09 PM
Love this picture. Great colors and sharpness.
01/05/2008 01:21:56 PM
very nice!
01/05/2008 12:12:07 PM
very creative - great photo
01/05/2008 09:46:38 AM
good colors ....nice crop
01/04/2008 10:11:48 PM
Well done. I love the colors.
01/04/2008 04:20:59 PM
My ten for this challenge.
01/04/2008 01:34:15 PM
How long before it's a red hot chilly pepper? Nice colors good idea well thought out. Nice.
01/04/2008 08:45:20 AM
Very nicely done!
01/03/2008 08:49:18 PM
01/02/2008 06:02:06 PM
awesome composition. great use of light
01/02/2008 02:19:54 PM
Very interesting. I love what seems like perspiration on the pepper :) And the smoke patterns are cool.
01/02/2008 03:59:34 AM
Wow this is great. Looks like an advertisement for Chilis.
01/02/2008 12:23:24 AM
Fun idea and good execution.

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