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Herring River, Clearing Storm
2nd PlaceHerring River, Clearing Storm

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Rivers & Streams (Advanced Editing VI ("Time Lapse"))
Collection: Challenges
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Location: Harwich Port, MA, USA
Date: Jan 10, 2008
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/30, 1/15, 1/60
Galleries: Landscape, High Dynamic Range (HDR)
Date Uploaded: Jan 10, 2008

HDRI from 3 originals, one stop apart, in photomatix pro. Export to CS3.

Skew upper left corner left and upper right corner up to relieve left-side convergence and square the implied horizon.

Shadow/highlight to fine-tune the tone mapping.

Hue/sat to tone down the reds and yellows. This was causing the sky to lose the cloud warmth, so I backed away from it, made a sky mask, inverted it, and did the hue/sat again only on the landscape itself.

Slight vignette applied.

New layer in overlay mode, filled with neutral gray, "burning" with black brush on central bright areas of reflections in water.

Flattened entire image, saved as new file, duped BG, used "apply image" in soft light mode and faded, for more pop in the scene.

Resize, sharpen, border, save for web.


This was very weak, watery light. The HDRI is not required for the actual tones of the scene, but when combined with the local area contrast increases it brings to the party, it made everything pop quite a bit more.

I'm hoping I don't get dinged by people who recognize this location, though it's a different view of it than I have entered before. It's a leftish pan of the same location where my famous skiff lives in the summer. But I don't actually have a lot of river locations that I can reach in a hurry here, and the weather has been VERY gloomy. There happened to be a break in the weather after a storm that lasted long enough for me to rush down here and get this shot. Within 5 minutes, the light was completely shut down again, and within 15 minutes it was raining solidly.

It's been along time since I've been as excited about an entry as I am about this one. I think it's absolutely beautiful, really powerful leading lines and almost-symmetry. The 13x19 print is spectacular, even at 720 pixels it can't really shine. I hope it does well. I'll be competing against much more dramatic rivers & waterfalls, I am sure, but there's an overall sense of combined serenity and power in this that I hope carries through.


Wow, a ribbon... I didn't think 7.1 would make the cut. For comparison, here's an unaltered original from RAW; bear in mind that I have parameters set to low contrast, low saturation, low sharpness, so it looks duller than it really was. Nevertheless, it was a pretty flat scene before HDRI was brought to the party:

Place: 2 out of 208
Avg (all users): 7.1408
Avg (commenters): 7.5217
Avg (participants): 6.9651
Avg (non-participants): 7.2667
Views since voting: 11496
Views during voting: 491
Votes: 206
Comments: 90
Favorites: 40 (view)

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08/22/2012 06:15:29 PM
Love this, love HDR
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12/02/2008 07:07:36 PM
'bad' ... I DONT THINK SO .. !!!
i noticed this amazingly beautiful image in the thread about overprocessing .. i'm totally into it and dont see wot the big fuss is about .. if you like your photographs 'true to life' then go for it .. but no photograph mimics wot the eye can see anyway .. and if you like processing the heck out'v your photographs then go for it ..
i dont like it tho when ppl take that point of view into a challenge and vote you down .. i see that as a biased vote .. of course there's a very fine line between biased and just wot you like .. wotever .. it'd be nice tho if ppl just voted on whether the image appealed to them rather than trying to assess the processing that went on to get it ..
i'm particularly miffed at the moment about a couple of comments on something i have in the free study .. one made a comment that it was over tone-mapped .. which is totally insane .. i've actually put the original in with the challenge entry so ppl can see that its not far from the original except in colours and sharpening ..
got another one that said it wasnt 'real' .. dont know where they're coming from coz its very real ..

this is a stunning shot robert, and i just love your processing .. those clouds appear to be moving ... in fact the entire scene is .. moving in both senses of the word .. !!
love the warmth in the sky .. it looks like you've done a lucisart whyeth on it but you havent .. i've looked at your processing steps but cant see how you've got that contrasty/sharpening effect that a whyeth action gives .. its pretty difficult to explain the look i mean in words ..
anyway .. i did get a bit carried away in this comment ..
it happens ..
ps .. often when you go check out the work of ppl who make these harsh comments you find that their portfolio is very ordinary .. not always of course .. :)
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11/14/2008 06:19:17 PM
Thank-you for your thoughtful posts in this thread and for sharing the non-hdri image of this scene. It's truly inspiring to see what you made out of it, particularly with the comparison shot.
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11/14/2008 01:45:13 PM
wow!! Amazing, I'm working on the HDR technique (got photomatix trial version to practice) I hope at the end I can get result as beautiful as this ;)
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09/26/2008 09:26:55 PM
Bear- your pictures are phenomenal. Absolutely breathtaking. You have a great knack to not only find great landscapes, but to shoot the well, and edit them perfectly.

I look forward to seeing more of your work!
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03/20/2008 04:40:09 AM
thanks for posting the original and for your mini-tutorial. this is really helpful. :)
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01/27/2008 12:21:02 PM
Nice shot buddy. Wow, that sky is amazing, and you got set-up flawlessly. Good stuff. Congrats.
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01/25/2008 09:41:54 AM
Great processing! Congratualtions on your red.
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01/24/2008 06:47:19 PM
Stunningly beautiful shot, Robert! THIS kind of HDRI is what it's all about! Congrats on the ribbon. Well done!
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01/24/2008 04:39:49 PM
Congratulations ,Robert-well deserved !
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01/23/2008 08:22:44 AM
I very much appreciate your posting the original for comparison Robert. Thanks, and thanks too for the lovely image.
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01/23/2008 04:18:11 AM
What a great sky...congrats on a well deserved ribbon!
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01/22/2008 06:20:44 PM
Wow, Bear! Congrats!!
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01/22/2008 02:46:46 PM
Congratulations on a well deserved ribbon!
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01/22/2008 01:46:31 PM
Nice one Robert, and congrats on the ribbon. An excellent example of the genre, just wish I'd been there to challenge you.

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01/22/2008 11:35:24 AM
Way to go! Nice shot.
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01/22/2008 09:28:31 AM
That dramatic sky really adds to this. Well deserved ribbon!
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01/22/2008 04:44:16 AM
beautiful,well done,congratulations
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01/21/2008 10:08:56 PM
Textures throughout are outstanding. Congrats.
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01/21/2008 07:52:38 PM
Very beautiful shot and great processing! Congrats!
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01/21/2008 07:36:52 PM
Great job bear. I love the way the clouds draw the viewer in.
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01/21/2008 04:14:38 PM
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01/21/2008 03:32:07 PM
Robert, You are truly the master of the landscape Congrats on thhe Yellow.
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01/21/2008 01:33:48 PM
Congrats Robert on your Yellow. Thanks for the fine tutorial in PP also.
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01/21/2008 12:51:54 PM
Love the feeling of depth to this shot - it draws you right in, and just seems to go way on back..
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01/21/2008 11:57:49 AM
I like the lines in the photo and the nice use of triangles throughout the frame. Not a big fan of tone-mapping/HDR but that is more my personal taste. Still wonderful composition. Congrats on the placement and wonderful score.

I'd probably would have given youa 7 (if I voted) just on comp alone.

Message edited by author 2008-01-21 12:02:02.
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01/21/2008 11:56:28 AM
Very nice shot Bear. Thanks for posting the original. It is very helpful for those like myself who are trying to learn.
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01/21/2008 10:55:39 AM
Gosh! astonishing!... Sorry, I'm out of words!!

Even more impressive when you see the original and imagine the processing behind. Congrats, Bear!
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01/21/2008 09:45:01 AM
Auuuuuuuuuuugh. . . .BEAUTIFUL beyond words! Congratulations. You landscapes so belong up here with top honors!

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01/21/2008 09:32:43 AM
Incredible shot, great dynamic range, awesome composition as well, congrats on the ribbon as well, very nice.
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01/21/2008 08:14:49 AM
Congratulations! Wonderful shot.
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01/21/2008 07:43:54 AM
Congrats on a beautiful shot. Love the sky and the river. The HDR worked perfectly for this one. Congrats on the Ribb.
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01/21/2008 06:35:31 AM
Fantastic processing, great image. Congrats on your ribbon.
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01/21/2008 06:31:34 AM
I like this one best of all the ribbon photos:)
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01/21/2008 03:49:25 AM
Well, done Robert. You certainly gave this scene an almost ethereal quality. You are a master of HDR. (I wonder if you're ever going to try your hand at Grunge? ;-Þ )
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01/21/2008 03:30:33 AM
WOW !!!!!!!!!
a most beautiful scene made so incredibly dramatic and stunning by your excellent processing ..
CONGRATULATIONS on your ribbon .. this looks pretty good (understatement!!) .. on your profile page .. :)
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01/21/2008 03:21:12 AM
Congrats! great sky shot! Wow no said nothing about the sratch in your len or that a jet stream.
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01/21/2008 02:40:20 AM
Congrats Robert, great image and great score.
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01/21/2008 02:34:00 AM
One of a handful of 10's from me, Robert. Congrats! Just a stunning image!
edit: I take it back - I just went and checked and this was the only ten I gave out - and rightly so, IMO.

Message edited by author 2008-01-21 02:35:08.
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01/21/2008 02:32:35 AM
Great shot Robert. I don't think you have any reason to not like the Tonemapping on the image. So many times we recreate what we saw when we pushed the shutter only to be told that it looks fake. If we weren't there to witness the photo being taken, then how can we make such an assumption. I love the clouds in this image as they have such a powerful presence that really makes the scene. Congratulations on the yellow ribbon and the fine, fine score.
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01/21/2008 02:16:18 AM
This was my favorite of the Challenge. My only 10, I had no doubt that it would ribbon!

Congrats, Bear! A simply stunning photograph!!!
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01/21/2008 01:53:59 AM
great photo, but "Photographer's Comments" is even better! congratulations :-)
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01/21/2008 01:36:41 AM
Congrats on your ribbon Robert. A very beautiful shot!!
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01/21/2008 01:29:57 AM
Congrats Robert! Glad it made it into the top 3.
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01/21/2008 01:20:03 AM
Magical process! Congratulations on your ribbon!!!!
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01/21/2008 01:05:13 AM
congrats rob. very dramatic image.
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01/21/2008 12:57:19 AM
You really do these images so well Robert...you are a master HDR person...congrats
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01/21/2008 12:47:03 AM
Gorgeous sky. Congrats on the ribbon.
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01/21/2008 12:39:08 AM

beautiful image!!
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01/21/2008 12:34:56 AM
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01/21/2008 12:26:18 AM
Stunning bear - grats on the ribbon.
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01/21/2008 12:22:33 AM
Congrats Robert.
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01/21/2008 12:19:34 AM
Congrats, Robert! A gorgeous shot, indeed. I'm honored to be even in the same vicinity as you on a landscape shot. :)
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01/21/2008 12:19:24 AM
Robert...Congrats on your ribbon!!!! WOW!!! I can't stop staring at this beautiful image!
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01/21/2008 12:18:19 AM
Congratulations, Robert. This is beautiful and I love the processing. Thank you for sharing in detail the process you used.
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01/21/2008 12:15:14 AM
You sure gained over the week. Congrats on yellow!
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01/21/2008 12:13:42 AM
It is a hard call between blue and red, IMHO this is the winner.
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01/21/2008 12:12:24 AM
Congratulations on an overdue and well deserved ribbon. This is a gorgeous image in every way and one of my favorites.
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01/21/2008 12:08:57 AM
Congratulations, Robert!
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01/21/2008 12:07:51 AM
I think this image is stunning...I love the colors...very deserving of a ribbon.
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01/21/2008 12:05:37 AM
This was one that I really liked. The sky is gorgeous and the perspective is very interesting. I love the reflection in the water and the highlights in the brush. Congrats on your ribbon!
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01/21/2008 12:04:13 AM
Terrific image, Bear, and congrats on the ribbon!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/20/2008 08:27:35 PM
Nice clouds!
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01/20/2008 05:28:18 PM
filled with life, light, movement and color..nice one
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01/19/2008 05:30:31 PM
Beautiful scene and image. Wish the perspective could have been adjusted.
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01/19/2008 12:47:17 PM
I like the "vastness" that this exhibits.
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01/19/2008 09:11:55 AM
Good one, love the dramatic sky.
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01/18/2008 12:25:38 AM
beautiful. i love the silver tinge to it all, warmed by the golden yellows
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01/17/2008 07:33:24 PM
The sky dominates.
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01/17/2008 09:47:43 AM
I don't like hdr but this is well made.
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01/16/2008 10:26:48 PM
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01/15/2008 10:13:21 PM
Picture perfect.....
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01/15/2008 08:22:37 PM
nice hdr look
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01/15/2008 07:28:23 PM
I love the wide angel perspective.
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01/15/2008 04:47:59 PM
Excellent in all regards. Looks like some HDR but not so much as to be obnoxious. Bear_music perhaps?
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01/15/2008 12:29:10 PM
The sky really makes this shot. You have framed and presented this perfectly. I'll bet it looks even more impressive when not subject to the dpc size limits.
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01/15/2008 08:21:28 AM
I love the clouds. Nice perspective
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01/15/2008 01:04:30 AM
Nice wide angle shot. The processing is a bit harsh however it works here.
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01/14/2008 11:59:30 PM
Blue Ribbon :)
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01/14/2008 10:06:55 PM
WOW! That sky is incredible!
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01/14/2008 09:42:11 PM
This is one that pulls at the mind , Yes I am there!
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01/14/2008 05:14:44 PM
Must be a Bear Music photo, at least a Bear Music title. Well, not sure if you know but I am not a fan of HDR. I love the sky in this, so dramatic, but overprocessed for my tastes. But I am in the minority in this thinking around here, so I am sure this is doing really well. 7 from me.
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01/14/2008 03:56:46 PM
Awesome wide angle take with good composition and color..8
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01/14/2008 03:45:53 PM
Wow, those clouds are making me dizzy. What a beautiful place.
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01/14/2008 01:48:23 PM
I love your sky & clouds.
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01/14/2008 10:50:51 AM
What a great sky shot!
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01/14/2008 10:23:46 AM
really nice sky! I love the processing of the colours!
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01/14/2008 03:10:03 AM
An absolutely gorgeous photo!! My favorite!
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01/14/2008 01:58:31 AM
I like this shot, it has a nice perspective.
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01/14/2008 12:16:22 AM
Very nice. HDR??
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