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Don't Pay The FerryMan
Don't Pay The FerryMan

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Reflections Without Mirrors (Classic Editing)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix 2800Z
Location: Weymouth, UK.
Date: Sep 24, 2002
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/60th
Date Uploaded: Sep 24, 2002

Taken in Weymouth, UK.

Place: 10 out of 248
Avg (all users): 6.7649
Avg (commenters): 8.8636
Avg (participants): 6.7834
Avg (non-participants): 6.7422
Views since voting: 2739
Votes: 285
Comments: 25
Favorites: 6 (view)

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07/07/2003 11:32:57 AM
I can look at this picture upside down, and it still works. Either way, there's an invisible line that tethers the boat to the house. I love this photo!
10/07/2002 12:22:00 AM
This picture moved me more than any of the others. I gave it a 10 and wanted it to win!!
Excellent, no Perfect job!!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/06/2002 11:52:00 PM
This photo is so... clear and simple and beautiful. The colours are vivid. There's a sense of place and time and narrative here that grabs me. I gave it 10 - lisae
10/06/2002 08:57:00 AM
Initial=very nice!
Composition=This is tricky..... Since my eye goes right to the little house on the sand, and then to the boat, I am wondering if the amount of sky used in the frame is needed. It makes me feel there is a brown stripe almost in the center of the shot... I have tried to visually crop it to see if a different crop would improve or destroy your image.... Hmm. I cropped it in photoshop to just above the sand dune, and to just to the right of the house.. Makes the house more pronounced, and leads the eye down the photo to the boat in a smoother way I think... Tough call, but I think so.
Clarity (focus, details)=details are wonderful
Interesting or Emotive=interesting and emotive

I am using a this new detailed commenting method inspired by autool. (Thanks
autool!). I hope you find it helpful. Thanks for submitting, and good luck! ;0)
10/05/2002 05:47:00 AM
Wonderful!! 10 Kaz
10/04/2002 11:48:00 PM
Good use of the rule of thirds and color balance
10/04/2002 03:45:00 PM
Very nice photo. It kinda reminds me of a famous painting, but I don't remember either the title or the painter. Great title, color, focus...nice job! 9 Swash
10/04/2002 02:57:00 PM
simple strong elements...like the 'reflecting' blue in the house. good composition and crisp imagery! (9) ~mcmurma
10/04/2002 10:57:00 AM
Beautiful! Great composition with the boat and the little building very well balanced. If we didn't have to restrain ratio, I'd crop a little more sky off the top. Very nice photo.
8, Kavey
10/02/2002 11:02:00 PM
completely awesome!! 10---shutterfly
10/02/2002 10:57:00 PM
nice composition..like the way the boat balances out the house and beige setting..very lonely and yet I think I see a car coming over the horizon
10/02/2002 03:39:00 PM
double reflections....nice
10/02/2002 12:50:00 PM
Really like this shot. Good work. 9 JEM
10/02/2002 10:01:00 AM
I like the overall shot, but I think that there are to many background divisions that just draw the eye away from the main subject. I think that if you'd cropped the boat on its own, this would have removed the conflict within the shot, looked really cool and added balance to the shot. To me, it has too many backgrounds to be really effective. As it stands, I still really like the shot; it's interesting and well exposedâ€Â¦ (7)
10/02/2002 08:56:00 AM
Very very well done! I like this pic, the colors and the title...
10/02/2002 01:05:00 AM
It looks like to have too photos here one of the boat and one of the house. Ethier one would work by itself.
10/01/2002 08:10:00 PM
great, 8. queen
10/01/2002 07:42:00 AM
Super shot. Peaceful & well composed.
10/01/2002 07:17:00 AM
Very nice photograph. Good composition, colours are very subtle. Meets the challenge very well. a 9 from me this week!
10/01/2002 12:31:00 AM
09/30/2002 03:14:00 PM
Nice job. Score 8 Justine
09/30/2002 12:39:00 PM
love this
09/30/2002 10:37:00 AM
Congradulations! A solid 10 and the likely winner
09/30/2002 01:07:00 AM
Great shot. Like the colors and the reflections. 10 -Jubei
09/30/2002 12:38:00 AM
Absolutely stunning photo. I really like the different colours reflecting from the land and the boat. Very well done :) (8) aussie

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