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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Architecture IV (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A630
Date: Jan 29, 2008
Date Uploaded: Jan 29, 2008


Place: 241 out of 247
Avg (all users): 2.6859
Avg (commenters): 2.6538
Avg (participants): 2.2143
Avg (non-participants): 2.9587
Views since voting: 1077
Views during voting: 272
Votes: 191
Comments: 28
Favorites: 0

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02/06/2008 07:19:58 PM
Trust me, this is the way to start at dpchallenge. You've already achieved "the brown" which I've yet to do, despite several serious attempts (serious, but not intentional...). Welcome to dpchallenge - hope to see a lot more of your work. There are lots of opportunities here to learn and improve. Try visiting the forums (Community) and participate in some side challenges, read the tutorials, etc. Lots here. We're glad you're here.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/05/2008 11:45:05 PM
This photo feels like it was cropped to small and then just enlarged to get it bigger. You might have been able to crop the original image down to 640pix so that it wouldn't have pixelated so badly. Just a suggestion, I like the lighthouse though. -BB
02/05/2008 10:50:07 PM
Appears out of focus.
02/05/2008 12:04:43 AM
This is definately a landscape more than architecture imho. Could have benefited from waiting until a different time of day, to capture some different contrast between the actual lighthouse tower and the sky. Some other angles than the standard picture of a lighthouse would probably ad some points as well.
02/04/2008 10:08:33 PM
Great composition. The resolution of the image may not be quite up to this image size, though.
02/04/2008 08:39:15 PM
the lack of focus or pixelation takes so much away from this image, it could have really been fantastic
02/04/2008 01:06:46 PM
Very blurred
02/04/2008 08:44:02 AM
Poor quality.
02/03/2008 09:39:08 PM
looks more like a video capture. what happened?
02/03/2008 06:37:21 AM
good idea, but much too blur !
02/03/2008 01:38:48 AM
Seems to oof or blurry, but maybe you were going for a painted look.
02/02/2008 10:13:52 PM
That's a nice lighthouse but you probably know that the technicals are not very good on this. Very fuzzy and overexposed. Keep trying.
02/02/2008 04:39:26 PM
This is just too out of focus for me.
02/02/2008 10:41:03 AM
Beautifully painted!
02/02/2008 08:25:14 AM
This needs serious sharpening. Nice subject though
02/02/2008 06:39:32 AM
Needs way more sharpness. Could be pretty scene with some TLC.
02/01/2008 08:24:25 AM
out of focus.
not enough architecture
02/01/2008 04:31:56 AM
pity it wasnt in focus
01/31/2008 03:34:42 PM
Did you have some problems with the resizing? Looks like this photo looked great in the original, maybe the main lighthouse filling the frame would have been more effective for the challenge? I think Black & White conversion would have been really great!
01/31/2008 09:48:11 AM
quite blurry and pixilated. Would have been much better if this was sharp and zoomed in a little more on the house.
01/30/2008 06:57:36 PM
This is a pretty good composition of an interesting scene, but the horrible compression artifacts really detract! If you are a new member and need advice on uploading future entries, drop me a PM.
01/30/2008 05:30:32 PM
This is very well composed, but not sharply focused enough to be a winner, in my opinion. The blues could be upped a bit, also, to make it more appealing.
01/30/2008 05:06:49 PM
This picture looks like it was enlarged from something half the size (heavily pixelated), out of focus, plus the Light is washed out against the blown sky. Portland Head Light is otherwise very photogenic...
01/30/2008 11:40:13 AM
Looks like Maine...? There are some serious, serious quality issues here, I'm afraid. The composition has a lot of potential, but the focus and jpg compression just absolutely murdered this.
01/30/2008 10:13:07 AM
this could be very nice if it was less out of focus
01/30/2008 10:07:58 AM
What effect were you trying to achieve with the focus?
01/30/2008 09:50:09 AM
Very Blury
01/30/2008 08:14:02 AM
This is a very nicely composed shot but just seems to out-of-focus. Maybe that was the plan.

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