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The Missus
The Missus

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Portrait (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S50
Location: bedroom at home
Date: Mar 14, 2004
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/5
Date Uploaded: Mar 14, 2004

Here's a picture of the missus, acting all sullen like. and very yummy.

Picture taken in front of a creased white sheet, subtle editting in Photoshop including crop, auto levels and stuff.

Place: 96 out of 135
Avg (all users): 5.0271
Avg (commenters): 5.2222
Avg (participants): 4.8641
Avg (non-participants): 5.1695
Views since voting: 939
Votes: 221
Comments: 20
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/21/2004 02:11:50 AM
Background messy, no eyes,...
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03/19/2004 10:43:57 AM
Should have kept a greate distance between model and background to throw background out of focus. Also hard shadows.
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03/19/2004 03:10:11 AM
get her to take three steps away from the backdrop and get a backlight in there, and this is great. a little space and shallow depth would separate her a bit, and i think that would be a plus, as well as losing some of the shadows. nice choice of colour behind her red hair. maybe a little unsharp mask too, but that's just my preference. well done.
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03/18/2004 03:56:50 PM
I would really like to see her eyes...with her being so fair skinned a darker background would have looked nice
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03/18/2004 06:48:11 AM
Has a good softness to it. bringing the subject out and away form the background would give a softer feel and get rid of the shadow. Being able to see her eyes would make this a bit better shot IMO. Also squaring up the shoulders
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03/17/2004 11:02:19 PM
The overhead lighting has left unsightly shadows under her nose and chin. Some fill light could have been used to lessen them. In addition, I find your background to be too plain
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03/17/2004 04:36:20 PM
Nice shot - 7
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03/17/2004 08:45:30 AM
Fabulous darling darling!
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03/16/2004 07:53:18 PM
Nice colors. Just soft enough. On a personal note: would like to see more of her face and less of the left side. And for a posed shot attention to the necklas is imprtant. BOL
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03/16/2004 09:52:03 AM
Interesting picture, but I think blue background makes her skin kind of blue. 6
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03/16/2004 08:51:54 AM
The curtain is somewhat distracting... but only a minor problem.
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03/16/2004 07:26:47 AM
Posing and expression are good, but the shadows are way too harsh.
I would straighten the necklace so that it follows the neck line of the shirt.
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03/15/2004 09:20:48 PM
dark shadow under her chin and on her neck may have been avoided with a reflector (homemade or store bought). there are also other shadows that may have been softened in this way, or with a fill light.
a soft expression is also sometimes more effective with a tighter crop. :)
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03/15/2004 09:15:23 PM
Well, it's not grabbing me. Hmmm... The background is kind of distracting with the fold so near her face. Her eyes are kind of half closed and she's looking in an unusual direction. There's a bit of a distraction in the black garmet by her neck with a bit of skin showing through. All that said, I think with a bit of effort you'd have something really cool here. Have her look up, perhaps.
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03/15/2004 07:42:17 PM
i think this would be much better without the blue background...it takes away from the young lady
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03/15/2004 12:11:08 PM
Really conveys a mood. Good luck!
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03/15/2004 11:25:45 AM
Tighter crop on top will certainly improve this shot. Nice colors though.
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03/15/2004 10:05:54 AM
I like this shot. Maybe a little more trimmed off the left and a little more light on her beautiful hair. I hope this does well it's really very nice.
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03/15/2004 04:11:05 AM
Great pose, nicely lit hair and eyes. Perhaps a reflector (even some white card) placed where the model is looking, would have lifted the shadow on the neck a little.
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03/15/2004 01:18:58 AM
I don't care for the pose or the lighting. The dark shadows under the chin against the pale skin is too contrasty. I would have cropped a little more off the left side.
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