Author | Thread |
03/22/2004 06:06:22 PM |
i am surprised this didn't do better. i find whatever neatening you did to enhance the photo and increase the artistic content. (it's odd to me that you get dinged for "effect" while the girl with the pearl earring shot is praised for same. no accounting for it!) |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
03/21/2004 07:26:00 PM |
Eyes so blue! Nice picture. Good luck. |
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03/21/2004 07:08:25 PM |
This is a very beautiful picture But it looks way too Neat-Imaged |
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03/20/2004 07:46:15 PM |
hmm looks strange, have you done some photoshopping on his face? It looks like its been softened and the eye/lip colur enhanced.
Not "bad" strange though so I haven't marked you down for this. |
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03/20/2004 10:08:16 AM |
beautiful subject, well captured. the lighting is perfect and the composition very pleasing. great work. |
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03/19/2004 10:04:38 PM |
Silky smooth skin. Got to love Photoshop. A bit too much. But I still love him. |
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03/19/2004 10:02:50 AM |
Excellent portrait. Top ten for sure. I wish it ribbon and 10 from me. |
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03/19/2004 04:01:36 AM |
Nice lighting and pose. the skin looks very plastic. Did you use NeatImage on this? I think a little backlighting to distinguish the head and hair shape. |
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03/18/2004 11:01:07 PM |
Good pose and lighting. Very nice overall. A little overboard on the color and smooth face, though- looks almost surreal. I would have cloned out that green seal on the shirt, too. |
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03/17/2004 10:48:55 PM |
nice pose, great coloring, focus is crisp...very nice |
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03/17/2004 05:14:01 PM |
Nice pose & lighting, I like the eyes. He looks like the actor in Lord of the Rings |
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03/17/2004 04:31:21 PM |
Very formal portrait of someone in a t-shirt - nice counterpoint - it's almost as if this is a Vermeer painting. - 8 |
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03/17/2004 12:15:27 PM |
Great subject and pose. Perhaps the shoulders turned a little bit more toward the camera instead of "sideways". Also, the skintones look a bit "too smooth" to me. I realize that young people do have very soft skin, and perhaps I am off in this observation, but it has a bit of "plasticness" to it. |
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03/16/2004 11:27:44 PM |
A great portrait. The detail of the eyes and shading on the skin is superb. And the pose and expression capture a soul. |
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03/16/2004 03:55:48 PM |
Great title. Amazing eyes. A great capture of the subject's personality - something every portrait should strive to do. I like the tones and the lighting. |
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03/16/2004 09:16:42 AM |
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03/15/2004 08:37:47 PM |
Nicely lit, good composition. Would benefit from a little light from overhead on the hair to separate him from the background. Dod you use NeatImage? It looks like it was over-applied, the skin has a too-smooth look typical of an over-NeatImaged image. |
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03/15/2004 07:28:41 PM |
Handsome child. I think a higher crop here would of improved this a great deal. The 'neat image' or what ever gives this an un-natural look. It's okay, just not my taste. My gosh with those beautiful eyes.....this kiddo has it made!!!!!! Awesome. |
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03/15/2004 07:19:22 PM |
I like what you did, but maybe just a little too much neatimage/smoothing. |
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03/15/2004 06:37:30 PM |
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03/15/2004 12:46:37 PM |
looks like too much photoshop to me ....nice pic though |
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03/15/2004 12:36:48 PM |
Super! If this doesn't make the top five there is definitely someting wrong. Those blue eyes get you and follow you. Please, if somebody gives you a one. . confront them for an explination!!! BOL |
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03/15/2004 12:33:07 PM |
I think you over photoshoped the face |
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03/15/2004 10:24:25 AM |
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03/15/2004 09:03:49 AM |
is the skin really that smooth and featureless ? |
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03/15/2004 07:21:51 AM |
This is a lovely soft, colourful portrait. The lighting is superb and plays well against the clean black background. Did you use the tools available in the digital darkroom to achieve the skin texture? However achieved, it is a very attractive portrait. |
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03/15/2004 07:21:36 AM |
Looks a bit too smooth, neat image? |
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03/15/2004 02:16:46 AM |
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03/15/2004 01:22:49 AM |
This is such a nice natural pose. I like it alot. It does look a little over-neatimaged. |
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03/15/2004 12:55:03 AM |
NIce job....looks very professional |
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