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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Peace (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-30D
Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro
Location: Home
Date: Feb 19, 2008
Aperture: 10
ISO: 100
Shutter: .4
Galleries: Black and White
Date Uploaded: Feb 19, 2008

a big thank you to everyone for the votes and comments, much appreciated :)
I didn't get to take the photo until the night of the dead-line and uploaded it 5 minutes before midnight,
there are a few things I feel I could have done better, the white hand needed to be painted again (but no time) and they are off center, I had some shots that lined up but in the rush to post, missed that detail.
All in all very happy with the score and all the comments.

Place: 7 out of 149
Avg (all users): 6.7100
Avg (commenters): 7.5526
Avg (participants): 6.5882
Avg (non-participants): 6.7444
Views since voting: 2490
Views during voting: 484
Votes: 231
Comments: 42
Favorites: 4 (view)

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03/07/2008 01:52:14 AM
In spite of the things you stated you could have done better, i am abolutely in love with this picture. The contrast is so neat. i love it.
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02/27/2008 04:50:23 AM
this was my only 10 and i assumed it would be first place. i am greatly disappointed in the voting.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/26/2008 11:04:19 PM
freaking awsome photo-9
im changing my score. its a 10
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02/26/2008 08:34:25 PM
Very Cool!
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02/25/2008 08:11:16 PM
i love this picture
its so creative
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02/25/2008 03:27:26 PM
A bold combination of ideas. The sharp contrast between black and white makes this image very special.
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02/25/2008 11:00:09 AM
brilliant, nicely executed
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02/25/2008 10:35:12 AM
I like how the hand are different colors on the opposite side of the color on the peace sign, it helps show the contrast and really sticks out.
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02/25/2008 10:31:39 AM
I like the negative colors in this picture a lot. The hair on the arm is very clear and it helps the picture a lot good job,
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02/25/2008 10:31:02 AM
Fantastic contrast and aligntment.
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02/25/2008 10:05:37 AM
This photograph is strong because of the rhythm of the contrasting black and white.
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02/24/2008 07:27:14 PM
cool concept
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02/24/2008 05:57:18 PM
Very nice photo.
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02/24/2008 09:05:06 AM
Nice picture and the idea goes well with the challenge. The detail is good but the white hand needs a black nail for the thumb.
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02/24/2008 06:11:15 AM
this is so clever
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02/23/2008 04:50:35 PM
The idea is very strong, and is executed very well. The black and white contrast each other very sharply.
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02/23/2008 04:19:50 PM
This is great.
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02/23/2008 06:28:12 AM
Nice photo... good idea, well executed technically... only issue I have with it is the hair on the arms tend to by the final focus (for my)... hate to say it, but they're "distracting". Other than that minor issue... excellent.
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02/23/2008 12:17:34 AM
Nice tight composition--fits the theme well
02/22/2008 04:29:22 PM
the hand seems a little too white, doesnt really fit the same tone of the background or the ying yang sign
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02/22/2008 02:38:20 PM
brilliant idea but the white hand looks over exposed. There are three distinct whites (hand, background, and in yin-yang) in the shot that forces me to take away 3 points. still a strong 7 from me for the concept, which should not take your average down.
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02/22/2008 01:56:39 PM
Cool concept, nicely executed. Maybe a little more precision...dividing line is a bit right of center, the thumbnails unpainted are distracting. Very nice, though.
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02/22/2008 12:36:50 PM
very neat idea...but i think theres a bit too much light on the white hand at the top...good luck!
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02/22/2008 12:00:54 AM
I love it!
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02/21/2008 12:39:15 PM
Clever idea. The pastiness of the white hand is a distraction and an easy mark for negative hits IMO. It just doesn't feel right somehow... Another nit is the black's & white's don't match. The white of the Yin/Yang (whatever you call it) is greyish, the bg is yellowish, and the hand is much brighter than the other two. The black of the Yin/Yang thing is a deeper/truer black than the background area.

This is a tough concept to pull off, especially in a basic challenge that limits you in tweaking this some in selective areas.

All of the above is JMO of course. :-D Good luck in the challenge.
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02/21/2008 10:11:30 AM
I really like the whole black and white united and the ying yang in the middle very nice.
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02/21/2008 09:54:31 AM
I wish the hand didn't look so painted... I'm not sure how to deal with that... Good idea, though.
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02/21/2008 02:17:04 AM
WOW! Very creative.
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02/20/2008 08:43:05 PM
great idea, i would like to see it with out the yang though
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02/20/2008 06:56:35 PM
Gorgeous. I love the contrast of black & white.
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02/20/2008 06:52:08 PM
Good concept, well shot. If I'm being picky the background alignment is a little off and the hairs distract a little although I doubt you fancy shaving your arms :)
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02/20/2008 05:11:19 PM
Sweet idea!!!
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02/20/2008 03:21:38 PM
Very cool idea and good composition. I think the exposure is a touch hot on the white hand, especially above the first knuckle. Also, the background dividing line is just a touch off of being right between the hands.
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02/20/2008 12:45:15 PM
Nice take on the challenge. My only recomendations - less hairy arms, and a black thumnail on the left hand.
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02/20/2008 09:39:26 AM
Nice picture i like how much the photo contrasts.
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02/20/2008 08:33:32 AM
A good effort here ... nice thought ... straight 8 from me
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02/20/2008 06:15:05 AM
A good idea here.......
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02/20/2008 02:15:55 AM
Awesome. All I have to say
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02/20/2008 01:27:59 AM
I really like what you tried to do here, and I find this a really powerful image, that said though I have a couple things that just bug me. One the white had is a bit blown. The white on the ying yang and the white in the background are good, but the white hand is just too overpowering. Second, where the white and black hands meet do not line up with where the white and black meet in the background. It throws the balance off a little for me. Last, and this is just totally personal preference, the hair on the hands and arm are a bit distracting, I would of liked to have seen non hairy smooth hands and arms to match the smoothness of the background and ying yang. Overall though, like I said, I find this a very compelling photo.
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02/20/2008 12:30:00 AM
very cool, eye catching, and an awesome idea!
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02/20/2008 12:26:35 AM
Wow! Fantastic!!
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02/20/2008 12:14:24 AM
I think i would have like this idea better if you used two diffrent hands instead of inverting the other half.

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