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03/11/2008 03:20:05 PM |
I like this shot a lot. Its very photojournalistic in nature. Not at all touristie.
The composition is very good. The sharpness and depth of field is on the money. The subject is not playing to the camera. I even like the slightly green (ektachrome) tint, it gives it a dated feel, much like an older Life magazine image.
It would also be very compelling with an extreme crop of just the subject himself. |
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03/11/2008 06:26:25 AM |
As Haneck mentioned, the biggest problem for me with this shot is the coloring you've chosen. I think this color scheme is difficult to pull off with a shot of people. A true b/w or a duotone with a warmer color would have worked better for me. Besides that, it's a nice shot, but doesn't evoke an emotion, make me wonder about the people or tell a story. The men appear to have no interaction, and there isn't any particular emotion shown. By flipping through a few of your other shots from this trip, I think there are several others that might have been a better choice, especially considering this was a free study and you didn't need to worry about DNMC comments. Hope that helps some. |
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03/10/2008 12:21:28 PM |
I got zero comments during a challenge once with this:
Frustrating, isn't it? :)
Here's my two cents on your photo. If I had been voting I admit I probably would not have been moved to make a comment on this either. There's nothing necessarily wrong with the image, but nothing outstanding either. The quality certainly ranks higher than "snapshot" thanks to the duotone colors and the nice shallow DOF, but it's not very interesting. Perhaps getting closer to the subject and making the shallow DOF more dramatic might help out. Maybe a different, more dynamic composition would also increase the impact - the two people on the right don't really add much to the shot... Also a personal nit-pic for me is the specific shade of color you chose to make this - it's sort of greenish blueish, and not very pleasant in my opinion. Perhaps a warmer brown color might have worked better?
Hope this was helpful! :) I think this has potential... the subject has captivating eyes. |
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03/10/2008 09:24:29 AM |
Looking at this I can't help but be reminded about the advice I read from Steve McCurry, in this interview with him.
When asked what those two years of travel taught him, McCurry says simply, “Just because someone’s wearing a turban, doesn’t mean it’s an interesting photo."
I know I have the same issue - I see something cool and take a very literal image of it, rather than working to find an interesting photo of something interesting.
Photographer found comment helpful. |
03/08/2008 12:27:04 PM |
Love this photo! I didn't comment during voting due to time constraints, but I'm going back and commenting on some now - such as this. Wonderfully seen and processed. Absolutely adore the moment you captured. Hope to see more from you along these lines. |
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03/01/2008 12:55:56 AM |
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