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Surfer at last light
Surfer at last light

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Blurry Mess (Basic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSLR-A700
Location: San Diego
Date: Mar 8, 2008
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 800
Shutter: 1/40
Date Uploaded: Mar 8, 2008

I was at sunset cliffs tonight at sunset when I saw this surfer comming in... The light was too low to take a good shot, but I guess it will fit the challenge. This pic has been cropped,and saved for the web.

Place: 260 out of 292
Avg (all users): 4.1697
Avg (commenters): 4.3333
Avg (participants): 3.9694
Avg (non-participants): 4.3333
Views since voting: 717
Views during voting: 369
Votes: 218
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/16/2008 12:00:57 AM
Blurry but it doesn't do much to capture motion (ususally either the subject or the background is blurry -- not both).
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03/15/2008 09:20:41 PM
nicely done
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03/13/2008 09:09:38 AM
conservatively blurred & the light on the top of the surf is perfect
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03/12/2008 11:02:38 PM
not quite what we're looking for,yes it is blurred,but not abstract enuff for my taste
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03/12/2008 08:27:32 PM
good sense of motion. i like the soft V shape, too.
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03/12/2008 07:46:40 PM
good shot, just not crazy about all the grey/white. If surfer had been in a more colourful suit and offset slightly would've been a 7.
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03/12/2008 02:57:20 PM
if there was something more going on here, like he is falling or doing a trick the blurriness might add well but it seems to me just like a shot of a surfer that is out of focus and not at all chaotic or disorganized.
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03/12/2008 02:06:28 PM
Slightly impressionistic. Blurry. Hard to judge because the blur leaves a lower contract factor, but would like to see that contrast in this image. Feels like I just surfaced and have water on my face/eyes and here comes some guy about to run me down. Achieves a sense of motion, but the flat lighting fails wow me.
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03/12/2008 01:59:44 PM
A longer shutter speed would introduce even more movement into the image and help it look deliberate, rather than a shaky accident. Also if you could crop it so there is more empty space on the left to give the illusion that that is the direction the surfer is going in. Otherwise a very good attempt at meeting the challenge
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03/12/2008 10:15:09 AM
I don't think the blur really helps the image here...
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03/12/2008 08:37:43 AM
The blur is a distraction from the subject and not an element of it...
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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