"The Big Bad Wolf started life as a Walt Disney character and made his debut in the animation 'The Three Little Pigs', released in 1933. His original name was the Big Old Wolf but the singers of the soundtrack kept singing Big Bad Wolf, as it trips off the tongue better, and the new name eventually stuck.
The story starts with the three little pigs, Fiddler, Fifer and Practical Pig, leaving their mother to set off into the wide world. Big Bad, whose favourite phrase is Pigs are mighty good eatin', comes across the pigs. Having mighty big lungs he huffs and he puffs and he blows down the houses of Fiddler and Fifer, who are forced to take refuge with Practical Pig. But Practical Pig made his house of brick and although Big Bad tries hard he cannot blow it down. So Big Bad does some lateral thinking and decides to climb up to the roof and shin down the chimney. Unfortunately while descending he falls into the boiling pan in the fire below and perishes.
Big Bad's next role (like all animations he has the power to bring himself back to life) came a year later when he starred in his own animation, 'The Big Bad Wolf'. Once again Big Bad finds himself pitted against the porkie three, especially Practical Pig, the intelligent one, as Fiddler and Fifer are no big challenge. In this animation the three pigs warn Little Red Riding Hood to look out for the Big Bad Wolf. But Big Bad nevertheless manages to hoodwink his way into Little Red's cottage and the rest is animation history.
Big Bad was joined by his three wolf cub sprogs for his third appearance in 1936 in 'The Three Little Wolves'. Big Bad and his gleeful cubs set about catching the little pigs. Big Bad dresses up as Bo-Peep and his brood masquerade as sheep. As usual, Practical Pig saves the situation, this time by turning his home-made 'wolf pacifier' on Big Bad.
Despite his name the Big Bad Wolf is a winsome cunning rogue. Trouble is he is always outmanoeuvred by trying to go one step too far in the face of Practical Pig's determination to out do him."