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 This image was disqualified from the Environmental Portrait II challenge.
His Passion
His Passion

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Environmental Portrait II (Basic Editing)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S3 Pro
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM for Nikon
Location: Sudbury Ontario Canada
Date: Mar 12, 2008
Aperture: 8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Performance, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Mar 12, 2008

Disqualification Details
Your submission must be taken after the challenge is announced and before the deadline, based on the Current Server Time (US Eastern Standard Time) displayed at the bottom of every page on this site. You must ensure that your camera date and time are correctly set to your local time zone before shooting your entry. If the date recorded in your original image file is not within the specified challenge dates, your entry will be disqualified -- NO exceptions! In addition, you may use a cloning tool or small healing brush for the sole purpose of removing sensor dust or hot pixels. No other spot-editing is allowed.

Views since voting: 511
Views during voting: 438
Comments: 22
Favorites: 0

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03/26/2008 03:22:40 PM
wow, time stands still in this image! well done and grats on the posthumous red!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/25/2008 10:53:21 AM
I'm confused...
03/24/2008 07:29:27 PM
An amazing sense of motion. He seems to be firing through the trees like laser beams. The way he interacts with his environment and yet seems to be not in it is startling.

Posthumous Red Ribbon
03/24/2008 05:16:09 PM
I don't care for the shape of his body it makes it a little awkword and all the background space
03/23/2008 11:47:30 PM
Energy/Range/Story: 8/7/6
Composition/perspective/manner: 6/6/5
Aesthetics/Technical: 4/6
Presentation: 6
Total: 6
Vote: 6

Remarks: If everyone looked at this entry the way these old eyes do, it would come in 3rd with a yellow tie.
03/23/2008 03:25:53 PM
this is a trippy photo i like it. The subject looks unusual but it completes the photo. Nice job
03/22/2008 08:22:37 PM
Having trouble reconciling his craft to the environment. Interesting anyway...
03/21/2008 01:42:05 PM
I don't really get the dancing in the snow. It is a powerful image though. Perhaps a different title would have captured your intent.
03/21/2008 11:40:25 AM
Kind of confusing, but very cool. I love it in b&w...what is he doing, though??
03/21/2008 08:56:40 AM
Wow...very interesting photo...
03/21/2008 12:02:27 AM
It's an awesome photo, regardless of the challenge. Now within the framework of the challenge, I'm trying to figure out what's going on. What's his passion? Flying? Running through the snow barefoot and jumping all funky-like only to land on his face? Had this been a free study, I'd give 8. For this challenge, I'm giving a 6. At the same time I'm still curious if there is something that I'm missing.
03/20/2008 07:57:42 PM
unusual shot but very original. 8
03/20/2008 12:58:29 PM
OK! After the third time looking at this I finally get what you did. You took a dancer and put him the natural environment instead of his natural environment. Now that I get it, I can vote on the effectiveness of the photo.
03/20/2008 12:14:19 PM
His butt is kinda lost in the trees though. Against a different background, OR with a more shallow dof, Or from a closer and higher angle, I think this would be an awesome shot.
03/20/2008 11:15:54 AM
Very interesting image, but for some reason it doesn't tell me enough. I'm left with a lot of questions and no answers. Very nice stop action capture.
03/20/2008 08:13:42 AM
wow fantastic
03/20/2008 07:24:27 AM
Third time back @ this picture, that must mean something. No idea why, but I like it.
03/19/2008 09:15:08 PM
His feet must have been freezing! Interesting choice of background for a dancer shot.
03/19/2008 05:28:46 PM
Ok, What is hiz passion. Is it jumping, playing in the snow, being in the trees. A freeze frame should not have been used to show movement.
03/19/2008 03:59:24 PM
His passion is jumping in weird poses in the snow with no shoes on? It just doesn't make sense to me. Also, it seems odd that he is well lit but there is no foreground lighting or and light hitting the trees. Makes for an odd combination, almost like he is cut and pasted from another picture...3
03/19/2008 11:50:39 AM
Focus seems a little off... and even though this is environmental I'd still like to have seen more of the subject and less trees
03/19/2008 10:19:07 AM
an amazing shot

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