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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Motion Blur (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Chicago, IL
Date: Mar 27, 2004
Aperture: f22
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/6
Galleries: Action
Date Uploaded: Mar 27, 2004

Seagulls racing towards food ...

Neat image, stamp cloning of dirt and specks, autocolor and autocontrast, cropping, more autocontrast and resizing and unsharp mask.

Place: 6 out of 117
Avg (all users): 6.6684
Avg (commenters): 8.9091
Avg (participants): 6.5641
Avg (non-participants): 6.7431
Views since voting: 4904
Votes: 187
Comments: 63
Favorites: 69 (view)

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12/25/2005 06:48:34 PM
What an Image! First time I've seen it, only been here a couple of weeks. I'm going down the beach to see if I can get something remotely close to this quality.
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07/28/2005 10:49:18 PM
I'm sorry but this is a MILLION BILLION times better than the ribbon winners from this challenge. This is totally kickass, and it's on my short list of favorite photos.
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05/31/2005 10:51:08 AM
A unique capture! Love the colors! :)
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10/06/2004 09:44:51 PM
Great color and balance... great work!
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08/25/2004 07:15:49 PM
Work of art. Just brilliant!
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04/23/2004 09:46:28 AM
This is by far the best poto in the motion blur contest. The woting for this photo is just nonsense (3x2 3x7 19x4)
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04/09/2004 01:03:49 AM
Greetings from the Critique Club...

Hi Flip...

This photograph was a breath of fresh air when I first saw it. On the shallow side of things, I must say that this really captures the essence of motion blur.

The surrealism that you present in this photograph is just amazing to me. I can get lost in this image. It makes me feel like I'm walking in a dream. I can hear the sounds and feel the cool, damp sand beneath my bare feet. It's a good feeling. When you create a photo that stirs such emotions with viewers, you have a great work. Have you ever seen a photo that amazed you so much you were jealous that you didn't make it? ;)

I have read through the comments you received on this image. Everyone seems to like it as much as I do, except for about one person. This particular person has managed recently make my list of people whose opinions and comments are discarded without thought. I have read through a lot of other comments from this person, and they seem to be quite illogical and just plain idiotic in some cases. When I see a person who repeats that behavior over and over, I just begin to ignore them and write their opinions off as worthless. This person makes posts in the forums occasionally that just solidify my opinion. You probably know who I'm talking about and I won't drag anyone out into public. It's not worth the effort.

Kudos on an excellent photograph and I hope you fill your albums with many more like it...

John Setzler

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04/09/2004 12:25:12 AM
nice shot...should be top 3
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04/08/2004 11:58:45 AM
I can't believe this didnt win! great shot!
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04/06/2004 08:56:47 AM
Congratulations on being in the top 10. This is a great motion blur.
I'd like to see this on TL.
cloverstar TE
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04/06/2004 04:50:17 AM
Undoubtly the best shot in the "Motion Blur" challenge, a superb example of the challenge requirement. Beautiful colour and light, it has an oil painting come pastel feel about it, very Turneresque. You should put this one up for sale, or at least pass me an A3 printable copy.
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04/05/2004 07:55:52 PM
Great photo! its also my fav. from this challenge
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04/05/2004 11:19:09 AM
My favourite from the challenge..most definitely should have ribboned.

Great work.
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04/05/2004 11:13:06 AM
This is a photograph of the flock of seagulls that live on our local beach (Lake Michigan on Thorndale and Sheridan in Chicago). Every afternoon, there's an old lady who feeds the flock. This particular afternoon, I was taking pictures of them while they were resting on the beach near the water. All of a sudden, they took off and flew streaming toward the street away from the lake. I thought that a dog was coming toward them. Sometimes they take off when a dog is nearby. But it turned out that the old lady was approaching the lake, but she was still half a block away, still across the street. But the birds just knew. I was just lucky to be there. Out takes in my profile.

Thanks again for all your interest and support.
04/05/2004 10:42:05 AM
This is one of the best shots i have seen on this site. Very well done.
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04/05/2004 09:35:47 AM
Told you that you would place top-10, but I really wish you had finished top-3. Excellent work and keep it up.
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04/05/2004 08:05:54 AM
Thought you were on for a ribbon with this one, my fav of the challenge. Great photo

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04/05/2004 05:43:22 AM
This is my favorite photo of the challenge -
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04/05/2004 05:04:40 AM
Wonderfull art piece. This was my favorite, I loved it more than my own submission. I'm really sorry to scored better than you.
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04/05/2004 01:26:49 AM
I think you had the most 10's with 26 so I find it unreal that you only got 6th place. I guess some people loved it and some people just don't like this kind of thing. I like this kind of thing. Excellent work.
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04/05/2004 12:34:32 AM
Ken...congratulations! So you are very happy with your D70, huh? Very very beautiful picture here. Like it a lot.
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04/05/2004 12:24:09 AM
I thought for sure you'd get a ribbon. Beautiful image! Congrats on 6th!
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04/05/2004 12:03:49 AM
Thank you all for your great comments and encouragement. This challenge has been a real joy ride, I mean, roller coaster ride, (especially after the April fool's joke) (and top ten is not bad at all). Thanks again!

Message edited by author 2004-04-05 00:36:24.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/04/2004 09:17:18 PM
Cool effect. Has a very "artsy" feel. Almost looks like an oil painting. By far one of my favourites. I'll be very disapointed if you don't finish top-10.
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04/04/2004 01:04:25 PM
this is a winner , meets the challenge perfect - has the wow factor - a blue ribbon tomorrow morning I hope
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04/04/2004 11:01:53 AM
Beautiful abstract and neat effect. I like what you've done with the colors as well. Has an almost otherworldly appearance. Good job!
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04/04/2004 01:28:36 AM
I love this image! It is very interesting and surreal. Good shot!
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04/03/2004 06:30:17 AM
Beautiful image!
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04/02/2004 09:39:36 PM
Too much photoshop,subject not recognisable,2 1
04/01/2004 07:15:25 PM
This is fantaastic and my choice for th blue ribbon. Good luck
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04/01/2004 03:58:46 PM
Lovely shot, nice blur with just the essential elements in focus and most of all a great color pallet. Best of show.
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03/31/2004 05:04:30 PM
Beautiful picture. May be a little too abstract and arty for the DPC crowd. Great sense of depth here. Vivid impression of speed and movement. I'm sure you could have got more sharpness from the clearest bird though (in Photoshop).
Edit: My favourite shot this challenge!
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03/31/2004 03:11:12 PM
Great photo! So much motion going on, nice composition, good colors and very good "mood". 10
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03/31/2004 02:47:30 PM
Nice shot.
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03/31/2004 02:39:05 PM
Simply wonderful photo, my fav of the challenge. I love the movement and the colour. Great work
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03/31/2004 11:33:14 AM
This is my favorite. Coloring is beautiful and motion blur great. Deserves a 10.
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03/31/2004 11:30:57 AM
love the color, but this seems almost more like an abstract.
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03/31/2004 07:25:40 AM
Surreal, but a really interesting photo. I like it
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03/30/2004 09:11:56 PM
very unique...what speed did you use
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03/30/2004 05:32:17 PM
Love the colours and lighting in this image..one of my favourites so far
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03/30/2004 03:22:12 PM
This is a wonderful expression of speed. The gulls (terns)? flying almost at ground level and the chaotic nature of their flight is caught very well. They never seem to collide.
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03/30/2004 03:00:21 PM
Lovely shot, normally I'd like either the subject OR the bckground to be in focus but you have shown that wherever there is a rule, it's there to be broken. Absolutely excellent shot, one of my faves in this challenge. 10
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03/30/2004 02:55:09 PM
Almost too blurry, but the tones are very pretty.
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03/30/2004 10:36:24 AM
I like it.
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03/30/2004 07:16:04 AM
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03/30/2004 05:52:31 AM
I like the graphic, almost abstract style and colors of this image.
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03/29/2004 11:38:40 PM
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03/29/2004 06:48:40 PM
Very cool...painterly like feel to this. The colors are so rich and appealing. Excellent work.
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03/29/2004 05:35:22 PM
An unbelievably good photograph - I love pretty damn nearly everything about this, it might well be my all time favourite on this site. Just awesome - not so much for the motion blur and all that, but the sheer MOOD of it. Perfect. Everything else in this challenge pales into insignificance ...
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03/29/2004 04:30:58 PM
I really like what you captured here. Great motion blur image that's one of my top picks.
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03/29/2004 02:41:37 PM
mavelous colors and feel -- one of my favorites
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03/29/2004 02:38:51 PM
I love the flow and movement through the shot. The colours work together well too.
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03/29/2004 12:10:49 PM
As an abstract, this is awesome! 10
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03/29/2004 12:07:41 PM
Very nice work... Feels quite surreal.. = 9
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03/29/2004 10:09:28 AM
This is so cool, it's almost like a painting, great work!
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03/29/2004 09:35:42 AM
Love this one. Love the colors and the overall feeling. 10.
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03/29/2004 09:09:20 AM
This is like a painting and appeals to me a great deal, although I didn't expect it to at first. I like that there is one bird towards the centre that is more in focus than the others. It has a very calming feel. Beautiful blue and gold colours.
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03/29/2004 08:31:52 AM
Very nice, very nice indeed. Great colors, blending in the middle is just great. Great abstract-y looking. I would hang this on my wall. My favorite yet. Probably some people wont like it here, but I love it.
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03/29/2004 04:59:22 AM
If I could vote this should be my favorite. 10 out of 10
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03/29/2004 04:50:42 AM
My first WOW in this challenge. I love the near abstract composition, the "paint" feeling, and the colors are amazing. Just one bird mostly in facus and sharp is a great plus.
And it fits definitively the challenge . 10 (my first so far). Good Luck.
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03/29/2004 04:33:28 AM
bloody brilliant is all I can say. 10
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03/29/2004 12:50:01 AM
this becomes abstract. like a painting.. a song on the wing. lovely!
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03/29/2004 12:21:41 AM
Wow! Looks like a painting. I see a ribbon in the making!
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