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 This image was disqualified from the Sun in Frame challenge.
Piercing Radiance
Piercing Radiance

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Sun in Frame (Basic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-T10
Location: Mumbai
Date: May 1, 2008
Aperture: 3.625
ISO: 125
Shutter: 1/320
Date Uploaded: May 1, 2008

Simple point and shoot camera..this is what you get when you wait for an hour and get the perfect shot out from a 9th storey..a little photoshop work to hide the distractions caused by the structures in the pic..so that they look like silhouettes..Just my second challenge..Hope everyone likes it..;)
Disqualification Details
Your submission must be taken after the challenge is announced and before the deadline, based on the Current Server Time (US Eastern Standard Time) displayed at the bottom of every page on this site. You must ensure that your camera date and time are correctly set to your local time zone before shooting your entry. If the date recorded in your original image file is not within the specified challenge dates, your entry will be disqualified -- NO exceptions!

Views since voting: 3147
Views during voting: 505
Comments: 47
Favorites: 5 (view)

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05/24/2008 01:49:26 PM
Alright..didn't have an internet connection so couldnt reply to all those posts down there..
first of all...the picture is taken from a dsc-t50 i agree..but dunno y it's not there in the dpchallenge camera list..dsc-t10 is similar with a similar resolution (7.2 MP)..hence i thought i'd go with it..
secondly...this one's for pix-al..the picture is 100% authentic..i've not violated the editing rules.. even the dp guys didnt have a problem with the editing..it's a simple brightness contrast and cuves adjustment..it's just that the picture was taken earlier than the challenge and being my second challenge i must've overlooked that detail..
will take care of it in the future..and i seriously feel it was carelesness on my part and not cheating...
05/17/2008 03:52:37 AM
Originally posted by Brad:

Originally posted by romil:

Aaargh...my camera dates were faulty!!!
god this hurts!

Except for one minor detail:

This image was uploaded to Flickr also:
* Taken with a Sony DSC-T50.
* Taken on March 24, 2007
* Uploaded on October 2, 2007

LOL, busted! Nicely spotted Brad.. he has gone a bit quiet now ;-)
05/15/2008 04:02:31 PM
05/15/2008 01:44:09 PM
Picture was only "OK" in my opinion. Very surprised to see it grace the front page.

Shame you had to cheat to get it there.

I wonder if the editing steps for this one year old shot were actually legal anyway?
Something about the bottom being so dark and the top being so bright that doesn't look right to me...
05/14/2008 10:01:25 PM
Ohhhhhh Romil!!! My heart hurts for you! Darn! A ribbon with such a beautiful, award-worthy photo -- on your 2nd challenge and to have it taken away. Sniffle sniffle. I had a ribbon photo dq'd once too, only mine was for editing (hangs head in shame). . .so I know how bad it makes you feel!

But you keep entering shots like this -- and you will have many ribbons in your future. You are amazingly talented for 19!

EDIT: Oooops. . .I just read Brad's comment where he busted you for entering a photo that you intentionally knew was taken a year ago. Hmmmmm. I think maybe my heart still hurts. But in disappointment now :(

Message edited by author 2008-05-14 23:06:39.
05/14/2008 05:33:13 PM
Originally posted by romil:

Aaargh...my camera dates were faulty!!!
god this hurts!

Except for one minor detail:

This image was uploaded to Flickr also:
* Taken with a Sony DSC-T50.
* Taken on March 24, 2007
* Uploaded on October 2, 2007

Even the EXIF data on your challenge image matches Flickr's data:
# Original Date/Time = 2007:03:24 17:13:20
# Digitization Date/Time = 2007:03:24 17:13:20

It's still a stunning photograph though. Shame you couldn't be honest about it after the fact.

Message edited by author 2008-05-14 17:35:44.
05/14/2008 05:12:24 PM
Aaargh...my camera dates were faulty!!!
god this hurts!
05/14/2008 03:10:43 PM
So sorry about the disqualification. That really hurts. Don't be too upset. You still have a gorgeous photo, and many more ribbons will follow, if you keep at it.
05/14/2008 02:57:42 PM
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about the disqualification. Don't be discouraged, it's still a great photo. Hope to see another entry from you soon.

05/14/2008 08:10:11 AM
Stunning, really stunning. The sky is amazing. Congratulations on your ribbon.
05/14/2008 06:35:32 AM
This is so beautiful! COngrats!
05/14/2008 05:40:08 AM
simply stunning.
05/14/2008 03:21:47 AM
and...FROM A SIMPLE POINT AND SHOOT! Excellent rays, congrats
05/14/2008 01:11:54 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon. Very inspirational image. I look forward to seeing many more of your pictures.
05/14/2008 01:11:25 AM
Beautiful sunset. Didn't take you long to ribbon. Congrats! :)
I hope your Photoshop work is validated.

Message edited by author 2008-05-14 01:11:49.
05/14/2008 12:04:06 AM
WOW, amazing sun rays. congrats on the red
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/13/2008 09:50:11 PM
Amazing rays!
05/13/2008 08:22:15 PM
Incredible shot, almost doesn't look real.
05/13/2008 06:48:05 PM

Message edited by author 2008-05-16 02:47:30.
05/13/2008 05:18:29 AM
That's a special capture. And the sun on that building looks like a giant candle. Slightly strange mix with that sky over that 'industriscape'.
05/13/2008 01:31:47 AM
Cool rays
05/12/2008 10:01:35 PM
I have seen "God Rays" before, but never like this. Nice shot.
05/12/2008 08:57:01 PM
wow that is a busy scene! the sky is so lovely but then all those buildings and the smooke tot he left detract so much
05/12/2008 09:31:57 AM
Great photo, epic
05/11/2008 04:17:57 PM
Great rays of light captured, very interesting.
05/11/2008 10:29:34 AM
the combination of a pleasant blue sky and a warm sunset is brilliant! yu have an excellent eye for beauty...keep up the good work :-)
05/11/2008 09:23:03 AM
Looks amazing - 10
05/11/2008 07:55:34 AM
Gorgeous sky! I love those rays!
05/11/2008 02:38:49 AM
The sky effect is quite dramatic.
Fantastic lighting.
05/11/2008 12:33:56 AM
wow what a powerful sky!
05/09/2008 09:12:44 PM
WOW! Esplendid! Magnificent shot. It's worth a blue.
05/09/2008 10:06:41 AM
The picture is very nicely captured. The colors around the sun are very rich, and the rays coming away from the sun and beautiful. The clouds help to make the shot interesting.
05/09/2008 09:59:31 AM
wow thats really amazing looks like its 2 different pictures
05/09/2008 06:33:52 AM
Amazing rays!
05/08/2008 08:36:31 PM
what a beatiful effect
05/08/2008 05:32:26 PM
Amazing urban landscape with a perfect sun. 7
05/08/2008 02:11:45 PM
what a sky!
05/08/2008 12:58:00 PM
Nice effect on this shot......good colors and silhouette
05/08/2008 04:51:47 AM
The photograph with moment that was rare
05/07/2008 11:59:51 PM
great capture on this
05/07/2008 11:52:49 AM
Some fantastic light there - I think I would have tried to find a different vantage point and remove some of the structures. Love the warm to cool color change as well.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/07/2008 11:33:04 AM
great colors, really interesting radiance, not quite sharp
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/07/2008 10:16:22 AM
this is an awsome photo. the way the sunlight pierces through the clouds and at the same time makes an orange glow throughout the lower portion really makes this picture pop. I give it a 10!
05/07/2008 07:04:03 AM
Now this is a sun shot - good job!!
05/07/2008 05:43:09 AM
no way! they are the most amazing rays...excellent...good luck with this
05/07/2008 02:45:20 AM
thats just unbelievable. HOpe to see you on the front page, easy ten from me.
05/07/2008 12:49:20 AM
WOW!!!! Simply Glorious!!!

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