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The New King of the City
2nd PlaceThe New King of the City

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Every Picture Tells A Story (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D3
Lens: Nikon AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8D IF-ED
Date: May 4, 2008
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/80
Galleries: Portraiture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: May 4, 2008

He sat there alone, drinking his wine and smoking a Cuban cigar. He'd come a long way. Who says a life of crime is without reward? He got the ultimate reward. He had reached the ultimate goal. With head of the Mancini crime family dead in the next room, there was now no one to stand in his way. There was a new leader. One more ruthless than the last. One who's plans would not go undone. The old ways of how this town ran were no more. The new era had begun. This city would be one that obeys out of fear. A fear of what would happen if they didn't do as they were told. Because the city now had a new King...

Shot Set up:

The model is yours truly ;-) The set up was very minimal for this shot. I had the D3 set up on a tripod and the lighting was from a single Nikon SB-28 bounced in an umbrella directly above me on 1/2 power triggered with a Pocket Wizard. My friend helped me out and held the light stand for me since I didn't have a C-stand or boom.

*Post Challenge*

Wow! I can't believe it! After a long time of being just obsessed with my scores, I had turned them off during voting for about the last 7 months of submissions. So to wake up to this is quite a shock!

Thank you all so much for the votes and kind words. I really began to think that I was just never going to get a ribbon. Hey it only took 2 years! I guess I should keep using myself as my own model. Three of my best scores have been with images where I'm in the photo! :-D

My one area of improvement on this image would have been with the cigar. I really, really wanted to light it and try to capture it's glow and maybe some smoke coming from it. However, I took this photo at my parents house and with them being non-smokers, they were going to have none of that in their home. I might go back and photoshop some smoke in to see if I like it.

I thought I'd add my edits here for those who might want to know. (besides the SC)

Convert to Black and White
Add vignette with a 50% gray Soft Light Layer
Save for Web

Place: 2 out of 170
Avg (all users): 6.9281
Avg (commenters): 8.6667
Avg (participants): 6.7671
Avg (non-participants): 7.0750
Views since voting: 8663
Views during voting: 337
Votes: 153
Comments: 38
Favorites: 19 (view)

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03/28/2009 10:30:01 PM
Nice shot
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01/19/2009 05:48:25 PM
Heh - I've no gripes with the lighting at all. It's what makes the shot. Bah on the naysayers, says me.
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10/05/2008 09:43:22 PM
Like everyone else i love this... reminds me of something i would do:) keep up the good work!
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06/18/2008 06:41:30 PM
i thknk i may have said this before, but what a fabulous shot! your story to go with it gave me the shivers:)
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05/17/2008 06:37:59 PM
Very good shot, congrats on your ribbon!
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05/17/2008 01:21:51 AM
Very nice, although the earrings and the creases on the pant don't say king ;-) Should have found someone older.
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05/15/2008 10:45:47 AM
Outfreakin'standing! Very nice to see you rewarded!! Excellent shot, too.
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05/13/2008 10:52:24 AM
Congratulations on your red ribbon. Very dramatic lighting, composition and story. :)
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05/13/2008 02:24:30 AM
Good drama--Congrats! Where is the horse head?
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05/12/2008 08:33:48 PM
Very nice shot. Congrats.
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05/12/2008 06:41:57 PM
thanks alot for the setup photo, really great work, the lighting is perfect, it feels like I'm looking at a movie poster, which is this challenge is all about, tell a story in your photo

Message edited by author 2008-05-12 18:43:11.
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05/12/2008 03:31:24 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon. I really like the lighting you chose. It definitely helps create a mood here.
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05/12/2008 12:53:52 PM
Yeah this rocks. Well done on a great setup and sweet shot. Congrats on the Ribb.
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05/12/2008 11:11:33 AM
this is such an unbelievably powerful picture. Well done!
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05/12/2008 10:17:48 AM
Thanks for the setup shots, I love when folks share that!
Very well done!
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05/12/2008 05:50:19 AM
Very dramatic piece. Nicely done. Congratulations on the red.
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05/12/2008 05:31:43 AM
awesome lighting a real mood piece congrats on the 2nd place
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05/12/2008 02:20:34 AM
Congrats on the first of many more to come. Classic shot. Love the light (don't forget to thank your lightstand... er, um - girlfriend) ;O)
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05/12/2008 02:18:47 AM
Great shot and bonus congrats for putting in the setup shot for those of us who find artificial lighting so intimidating still.

I've checked out your profile and you've got another "fav photog" now ;)
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05/12/2008 01:24:36 AM
Awesome work, Chris. Big congrats on your first ribbon, I love the lighting in this shot (great story too).
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05/12/2008 12:21:05 AM
Awesome...beautiful lighting control. Congrats.
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05/12/2008 12:17:39 AM
Great, moody shot. Congrats on your first ribbon and new personal best!
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05/12/2008 12:16:10 AM
Congrats on a great shot. I really like this one. Great B/W, the pose and the props.
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05/12/2008 12:05:52 AM
Another excellent image for this challenge, & well done on the RED.....
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05/12/2008 12:03:40 AM
congrats on your first ribbon, i really liked this shot
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05/12/2008 12:02:48 AM
congrats! awesome and easy setup
well deserved
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05/12/2008 12:02:38 AM
Well done Chris...great to see you get a ribbon
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/11/2008 09:45:56 PM
Expert lighting. All sorts of interpretations possible on this one.
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05/10/2008 09:37:42 AM
Nice lighting and great shadows, maybe the lighted cigar should have added more drama to it ( or maybe he is waiting for someone to light it up! Its a story afterall:))
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05/09/2008 08:54:06 AM
wwwwwwwwow, v.nice pic!

the modle put something in this photo..
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05/08/2008 12:28:30 PM
I love the shadows in this and how they hide his eyes. Kinda like the effect sunglasses have without the pretentiousness of them. Great bw and an excellent example of how a centered composition can work well.
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05/07/2008 10:43:39 AM
no vote here
great light and feel, awkward composition ... everything not bad, except the shoes ... OMG the shoes! :-)
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05/06/2008 05:59:31 AM
I like this, the light setting gave more deep expression as the king
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05/05/2008 07:16:28 PM
This is my pick. Top of the heap. Excellent conversion and lighting. Way cool shot with a model who carries it off. 10.
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05/05/2008 05:20:26 PM
all the lighting and everything is spot on, 8
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05/05/2008 01:29:14 PM
Cool lighting.
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05/05/2008 09:30:55 AM
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05/05/2008 08:04:34 AM
A great impact image that DOES tell a story.........
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