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Amazingly Bountiful Clouds Drifting Eastward, Frolicsomely Grazing Horses Intriguingly Juxtaposed
Amazingly Bountiful Clouds Drifting Eastward, Frolicsomely Grazing Horses Intriguingly Juxtaposed

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: ABC...LMN...XYZ (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 17-40mm f/4.0L USM
Location: Erkrath, Germany
Date: May 6, 2008
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/100 sec
Galleries: Humorous, Animals
Date Uploaded: May 8, 2008

This image © 2008 by Oliver Hoffmann. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use is a violation of applicable laws and will be prosecuted. Buy this image at Shutterstock


How many DNMCs will this get for having more than three words in the title?

Surely didn't expect to ribbon with this one, but a 96th is ridiculous. Nowhere in the challenge description does it state your title can't be longer than three words... where's your sense of humor, folks?

Thanks to all others for your votes and comments!
Special thanks go to trinch for the wonderful extension of the title (see his comment below)!

Place: 96 out of 194
Avg (all users): 5.8207
Avg (commenters): 6.2903
Avg (participants): 5.5479
Avg (non-participants): 6.0972
Views since voting: 1311
Views during voting: 321
Votes: 145
Comments: 39
Favorites: 0

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05/29/2008 05:22:07 PM
LMAO - I think you should get extra points for that title - especially as English isn't your first language :- )
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05/19/2008 01:21:24 PM
Wow! I am learning from you... I see that many of the people here, people who have been here much longer than I have, take the tiny things very, very serious. I can see that the title was just in fun and it more than met the challenge. DNMC is really a prudish comment here. Just my opinion though. I will be very careful to stay firmly within the box at this site.

I didn't catch on first view, maybe cause I am new, but the horses are pretty washed out.

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05/19/2008 12:58:34 AM
I didn't get to vote in this challenge but you would have got bonus points from me for the title alone. Great shot, too.
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05/19/2008 12:53:31 AM
Man, you were robbed here Oliver...wonder if it was the title that did it
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/18/2008 09:09:04 PM
Beautiful spring day...amazingly long title!
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05/18/2008 01:26:06 PM
Three word title? But a nice sky!
05/16/2008 11:35:22 PM
.... keeping lawn mowed neatly on peacefully quite retreat so that ugly vegetation won't xtinquish your zen.

Alright, so I cheated with the 'x'. But Xerox or x-ray just didn't make any sense.
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05/16/2008 12:04:51 PM
"three words"... and i wouldnt say the horses are "frolicking" ;) Nice colour play and scene tho...
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05/16/2008 08:37:08 AM
I thought that you made the word 'Frolicsomely' up, but nope, it's in the dictionary! What a fantastic photograph. Nicely done.
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05/15/2008 11:12:40 PM
juxtaposed? i'll have to look that one up:)
05/15/2008 10:45:40 PM
What a beautiful day, wonderful scene.
Grazing horses indulging.
That would have been my title.
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05/15/2008 09:07:18 PM
Great wide angle.
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05/15/2008 11:15:11 AM
10 for title
7 for photo

I love the lens reflections and the elongated feel of the shot , the colors are good and the sky is so appealing

Overall 9 (I round up!)
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05/15/2008 11:12:07 AM
Great title! I'm amaazed by your mastery of the language! :-)
As for the photograph... I like the wide angle effect, and the colors are very vibrant, except the horses seem a little bit washed out in comparison. Still very nice though.
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05/14/2008 11:05:55 PM
Oh my... too many letters. ;-) I hope it doesn't bring you many DNMC. Whether is does or doesn't, it is a great image.
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05/14/2008 08:15:18 PM
Ok, I will restrain myself and not dock you points for that groaner of a title! ;-)
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05/13/2008 10:54:25 PM
Composition: 8
Technical: 6 - A little wide angle distortion. Colors and focus are great though.
Creativity: 5 - A good eye for picturing the whole scene. (pun intended)
Appeal: 7 - Lovely.
Challenge: 2 - I'm sure it's already been pointed out. :/
Overall Score: 5 - (weighted - NOT a calculated average)
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05/13/2008 10:03:51 PM
I think you are just supposed to have a three word title.
05/13/2008 03:17:03 PM
that's a mouthful of a title, love the shot though.
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05/13/2008 01:28:43 PM
Well, you pretty much coverd 25% of the alphabet with that title. Lol. As for your image, I like it. Good angle and I like the brightness of the sky and the green of the rolling hills.
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05/13/2008 03:52:00 AM
Oh...now you're just showing off to all of us who had a hard time coming up with just a three-word title... This pic makes me want leave my desk and run in that field...
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05/13/2008 12:48:16 AM
Aren't you a clever person with you long title.....
Not sure it is correct for this challenge, as it says three letters ABC LMN XYZ by my reading of it, but I an not going to make you down for that, as I think you are clever, and I also rather like your image very much.....
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05/12/2008 10:14:07 PM
Great that you could string all the words them all togther. I like the sun and the sky. Kind of a DMC as the title is supposed to be 3 words.
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05/12/2008 09:41:25 PM
Heh, heh - you are being punished I'm sure. But not by me. Clever title - colors in the horses especially seem a bit washed out, probably from that harsh midday glare, and could use maybe a touch more contrast. But nice composition - I like that you chose to give the sky the bulk of the attention here.
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05/12/2008 07:23:15 PM
Love the title! Extra point for that :)
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05/12/2008 04:52:03 PM
Why stop at J?
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05/12/2008 04:21:33 PM
Great title to suite the picture. You made me look in the dictionary (not voting though)
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05/12/2008 01:43:26 PM
Beautiful. This could be a poster.
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05/12/2008 01:08:56 PM
good job with the shot, especially composition and exposure, as well as on the title. should be in top-10, at least.
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05/12/2008 10:58:13 AM
Such a serene and relaxed scene.
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05/12/2008 10:55:56 AM
Well, you got cojones anyway :-)
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05/12/2008 09:44:50 AM
Ummm... very creative, but the rules did state it needed to be a 'three word title'. Nicely shot and no points off for not following the rules. That sky is wonderful!
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05/12/2008 09:32:22 AM
*LOL* this is a -great- image, i hope you don't get bammed down for the long title (it is -alphabetically in order!- ;) beautiful and nicely executed (high score) :)
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05/12/2008 09:00:43 AM
not sure Intriguingly and Frolicsomely are words but clever title :)
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05/12/2008 01:35:40 AM
sun looks kinda weird...nice shot of the horses, kind of a lot of words for the title...6
05/12/2008 12:48:57 AM
Sadly, DNMC
05/12/2008 12:32:42 AM
OK...we get the drift! :)

Great image, nice saturation
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05/12/2008 12:18:26 AM
DNMC for using too many letters in a row. :P j/k
Nice shot really.
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05/12/2008 12:14:16 AM
a bit too much on the title.

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