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Bottle Caps Salvaged From the Trash
Bottle Caps Salvaged From the Trash

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Garbage (Classic Editing)
Camera: Kodak DC4800
Location: On my porch, Forida
Date: Oct 6, 2002
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 100
Date Uploaded: Oct 6, 2002

This is a pretty straight-forward image of caps from milk, water and juice bottles on black construction paper.

Place: 101 out of 206
Avg (all users): 5.0681
Avg (commenters): 6.3889
Avg (participants): 5.0797
Avg (non-participants): 5.0567
Views since voting: 996
Votes: 279
Comments: 18
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/13/2002 10:17:00 PM
the idea is good and color too.
10/13/2002 10:04:00 AM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background9,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing8,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 7,
Total Averaged Rating8. Autool
Very nice interpretation of the topic. Too bad the white lid is blown out, if it had detail score would be considerably higher.
10/13/2002 08:25:00 AM
Vivid color, good use of space. Nice composition.
10/13/2002 01:15:00 AM
blurry as @#$%
10/09/2002 06:27:00 PM
technically purrrrrrrrrrfect ,but the soul is missing
10/09/2002 05:46:00 PM
wow. very inventive
10/09/2002 05:17:00 PM
This is the kind of garbage shot I like to see. Definately garbage, but in a creative manner that took some effort. Your focus and clarity are great, and angle and framing/cropping are also good. The lighting on the colored caps is nice, but the white one looks a little bit bright. Still one of the best this week. Great job. Good luck in the challenge. ~hbunch7187~
10/09/2002 04:26:00 AM
Probably the most colorful of the field, at least so far. It was a nice concept and well taken too. Great job.
10/08/2002 11:02:00 PM
Creative; I like the colors.
10/08/2002 06:29:00 PM
Love the colours, however the white seems over exposed. Nice pic. 7
10/08/2002 05:58:00 PM
nice concept

bad caption
10/07/2002 11:22:00 PM
i like it, but doesn't fit the title garbage
10/07/2002 10:12:00 PM
A colorful, creative answer to the challenge -- nicely done!
10/07/2002 08:46:00 PM
Tighter cropping would have been nice.
10/07/2002 01:30:00 PM
Over-exposed and a little over-saturated. (5)
10/07/2002 09:42:00 AM
A refreshing sight after all the gross garbage I have been looking at. An original idea, for sure.
10/07/2002 06:38:00 AM
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Great color and idea. The white cap seems a bit washed out. May have been better with a different cap there or without it altogether. Nice Job. DPz
10/07/2002 03:27:00 AM
Technically correct , exposure, focus, saturation , contrast.6
Good composition. 6
Tells a story or creates a mood 5
Impact to the viewer 6
Relevance to the Challenge5
Overall 6

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