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Her Savior
1st PlaceHer Savior

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: 2 Person Portrait (Basic Editing)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S3 Pro
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 85mm f/1.8D
Location: flooded gravel pit near my home
Date: Jun 17, 2008
Aperture: 2.4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Portraiture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Jun 17, 2008

I got the idea for this pose from a greek or roman sculpture (eta:it's Michelangelo's "Pieta", thanks to mrb12186 for making that clear and shame on me for not even knowing it in the first place lol) that i saw on a postcard. so i had saved this idea in my head for a while until the partners challenge showed up, which i thought would fit that theme. just too bad i did'nt have any models available during that week, so i was kinda pissed, until i saw the next challenge "2 person portrait" which seemed about perfect for that shot. actually on the sculpture the girl is the savior and the boy the "victim", but when i tried to show them how the pose would look like i noticed that Linda was too small to hold the taller dude model, so we just shifted the roles. originally i wanted to set everything up in my studio, but when Karo told me about that location with a stone inside a small lake i really liked the idea. so we drove up there just before sun set which gave nice warm light, i set up a wirless flash inside the water next to the stone and another silver reflector. but when i was trying to figure out the best direction for me to shoot i saw that i had to actually go inside the lake with water up to my chest...LOL

thanks to my lighting assistant Karo and my models Clemens and Linda.
I hope it does well, and even tho it's not exactly how i wanted it i really like this picture a lot.

thank you soo much everyone who has voted and commented, feels good that my attemps finally payed off for the bluey!

next week i'll start on a road trip through east europe and middle east for two or three month, but i'll try to enter the free studies at least so i won't fall behind in the FSM.
but i'm really looking forward to it, the last year has been rather boring for me, so a little fresh wind feels good now, let's see where it'll lead me...;)
thanks again!

Place: 1 out of 122
Avg (all users): 7.7189
Avg (commenters): 8.9730
Avg (participants): 8.0000
Avg (non-participants): 7.6624
Views since voting: 17720
Views during voting: 761
Votes: 281
Comments: 101
Favorites: 49 (view)

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09/18/2008 09:56:18 PM
i come back to this photo every time i visit your profile, frieking amazing
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06/28/2008 07:47:39 PM
Congrats on your first blue. You've got some really nice stuff and I expect some more ribbons from you. Nice work.
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06/28/2008 05:35:31 PM
Amaizing mood here, very poetic. But I'm more amazed by the tones of the pic, they look like pure film!
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06/27/2008 04:47:48 PM
Excellent homage to a great sculptor! Delicately & skillfully done! An obvious winner! Congratulations to you! :)
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06/27/2008 09:38:42 AM
hey chris, wow!!! congrats on your first blue ribbon!!!! :-) though I must say that I love some other photos you have taken, more. I'm curious what photos you get on your east-europe-trip, I'm sure there will be a lot of cool pictures for more than one challenge. ;-) so, go on like this! :-)
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06/26/2008 10:55:16 AM
Oh wowwwwwwwwwww, just got back from a week away and what a surprise to find you with ANOTHER RIBBON! Top 1 as well! Congrats! =]
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06/26/2008 10:33:00 AM
Originally posted by asij:

Congrats man.... Really nice take. Just saw that this is your second ribbon. Way to go Dude!!

hey my icelandic friend, thanks a lot. glad to see you still peaking around dpc at least once in a while!
06/26/2008 09:31:53 AM
Yeah, I see the effort paid off.
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06/26/2008 09:19:29 AM
Congrats man.... Really nice take. Just saw that this is your second ribbon. Way to go Dude!!
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06/26/2008 09:19:03 AM
wow youve really done it this time! very very inspiration photo
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06/26/2008 06:21:07 AM
You should have had HER holding him and then titled it "Saved By the Belle" :)
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06/26/2008 06:18:37 AM
Originally posted by posthumous:

Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

"actually on the sculpture the girl is the savior and the dude the victim,"

In the sculpture you're talking about, the "girl" is Mary and "the dude" is a fictional representation of Jesus. It's a catholic sculpture by Michaelangelo.

Actually, it's a real representation of Jesus, not fictional. It actually exists. I saw it when I was in Italy.

I won't dicuss this here on Mephisto's thread.

Message edited by author 2008-06-26 06:20:43.
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06/25/2008 09:49:27 PM
congrats on your blue, Christoph! Lovely shot, with great mood and tones. The only thing which is in some dissonance with the fairytale mood is the hair on his leg, but I guess to ask him to shave would be too much sacrifice for this shot :). Have a great trip!
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06/25/2008 08:18:42 PM
Fantastic shot, very classy, and clean.
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06/25/2008 06:54:08 PM
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06/25/2008 06:49:20 PM
Sorry I did not have time to vote in this challenge, but I did scan through a few photos. The moment I seen your photo, I knew I was looking at a Blue. It would have gotten a 10 from me. One day, I would hope my photos are half as good.
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06/25/2008 06:44:10 PM
Originally posted by bvy:

Well executed even if thematically confused (or confusing).

What a stupid comment. I did like this, but I guess my point was that the male model didn't initially strike me as convincing in the role of savior. He's awfully young and clean cut (although I'd be hard pressed to point you to anything stating that a savior has to be a decrepit hairball). That aside, I think everything here is well executed, and your ribbon is well deserved. Congrats!
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06/25/2008 06:24:51 PM
Originally posted by Debbi:

Very nice! Thanks for posting the details, it's always interesting! You put the flash in the water? With what a sandwich baggie? You are BRAVE!!!


haha ok, of course the flash was set on a tripod, and the tripod was standing inside the water, that was only 40cm deep there.
06/25/2008 04:57:22 PM
Fantastic work.
Well deserved 1st place!
Brilliant lighting and perfect posing.
Awesome capture.
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06/25/2008 04:52:58 PM
Very nice! Thanks for posting the details, it's always interesting! You put the flash in the water? With what a sandwich baggie? You are BRAVE!!!


Message edited by author 2008-06-25 17:15:10.
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06/25/2008 02:16:15 PM
Originally posted by posthumous:

Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

"actually on the sculpture the girl is the savior and the dude the victim,"

In the sculpture you're talking about, the "girl" is Mary and "the dude" is a fictional representation of Jesus. It's a catholic sculpture by Michaelangelo.

Actually, it's a real representation of Jesus, not fictional. It actually exists. I saw it when I was in Italy.

It's interesting that you talk about the size of your models. Michaelangelo solved the problem by making Mary 8 feet tall! The statue is about the grief of a mother. She is not "saving" her son. It's very strange to me that you got the theme of "saviour" from the sculpture. In your photo, the man's expression is blank. He neither grieves nor saves.

as i said, i did'nt know the imaged sculpture was of jesus and mary until mrb12186 pointed it out. i just saw the pose and the two people and thougth it would be a beautiful idea for a staged photo. i reinterpreted the pose a different way than the original sculpture and also staged it in a different environment so please, even if there's still the connection to michelangelo's masterpiece, please try to see the photo as the photo and not as a "reproduction" of a piece of art. i also asked sc to change the title into "Her Savior" (thanks to HawkeyeLonewolf for the suggestion) which obviously made some people think i was refering to the person of jesus, which i definately wasn't, i was just not aware that these to phrases had a synonym meaning in the english language (oh well i should have, because in german it's anlogue).

i mean no offense to anyone, just wanted to make that clear :)
06/25/2008 01:02:28 PM
Congrats on your shot, Christoff, it's just great. The pose and mood you achieve in it is wonderful. Congrats on your blue.
And any occasion you have see the original in St Peter's Basilica in Vaticano go for it. It's great.

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06/25/2008 11:59:42 AM
its beautiful! congrats on the blue!
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06/25/2008 11:51:23 AM
Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

"actually on the sculpture the girl is the savior and the dude the victim,"

In the sculpture you're talking about, the "girl" is Mary and "the dude" is a fictional representation of Jesus. It's a catholic sculpture by Michaelangelo.

Actually, it's a real representation of Jesus, not fictional. It actually exists. I saw it when I was in Italy.

It's interesting that you talk about the size of your models. Michaelangelo solved the problem by making Mary 8 feet tall! The statue is about the grief of a mother. She is not "saving" her son. It's very strange to me that you got the theme of "saviour" from the sculpture. In your photo, the man's expression is blank. He neither grieves nor saves.
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06/25/2008 11:45:54 AM
I am not surprised that you got a first on this shot. I also recognized that it was in the style of the Pieta, but with the genders reversed. I didn't know if that is what you had in mind or not, but the shot is wonderful regardless of how it came to be.

I liked the idea of the gender reversal, but wondered if you would get grief for it from any of our members. I am very pleased that you did not. I choose not to vote in this challenge, but if I had this would have gotten a 10 from me.
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06/25/2008 10:37:31 AM
This is breathtaking! Congratulations on a just reward for such flawless photography!
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06/25/2008 10:07:25 AM
Wonderful image. Congrats on the blue!
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06/25/2008 09:57:09 AM
Brilliant image. I like the go through hell attitude when you photographed this image. Well deserved blue ribbon.
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06/25/2008 09:10:44 AM
Very well done - the tones in this photo are exquisite. Many congratulations on your BLUE!!!

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06/25/2008 09:05:13 AM
Congrats on a well-deserved blue ribbon. Beautiful shot, it looks like it was taken on stage -- until one sees the water.

Have a great time on your trip!
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06/25/2008 08:28:56 AM
this is absolutley gorgeous prints by any chance?
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06/25/2008 08:27:38 AM
"actually on the sculpture the girl is the savior and the dude the victim,"

In the sculpture you're talking about, the "girl" is Mary and "the dude" is a fictional representation of Jesus. It's a catholic sculpture by Michaelangelo.
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06/25/2008 08:17:20 AM
Hmm, you didn't mark my original voting-phase comment as helpful, yet you did mark everybody else's - maybe I should have told you this was my top score. ;-Ã
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06/25/2008 08:12:11 AM
Good for you Christoph! Such an exquisite piece.
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06/25/2008 07:32:36 AM
What can I say that hasn't been said already. This is awesome!!Congrats definitely deserves the Blue.
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06/25/2008 07:07:58 AM
gratuliere... aber die idee mit dem stein kam von mir, nicht von linda :'(
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06/25/2008 06:41:12 AM
Well done, mate!
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06/25/2008 06:10:48 AM
Very well done, you're on a roll man! I'm eager to see what will come out of the free studies in the next couple of months, enjoy the travels!
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06/25/2008 06:07:53 AM
Congrats on your first Blue - and a very deserving one at that. Clearly a work of art.
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06/25/2008 05:56:45 AM
Great shot, congrats!

And just so you know, the Savior is actually the "dude" as it is a depiction of Jesus Christ being held by his mother Mary after we was taken down off of the cross. ;-)
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06/25/2008 05:43:09 AM
stunning! brilliant wonderful.well done congratulations
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06/25/2008 05:18:16 AM
Very nicely done. Congrats on the high score and the blue!
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06/25/2008 04:32:42 AM
Congratulations on a well-deserved win!!!!
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06/25/2008 04:11:17 AM
I didn't get to vote in this challenge, but...WOW! a well deserved win...PB, Blue, sheer perfection, your work payed off
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06/25/2008 03:08:00 AM
The Blue Ribbon, a new PB, and a picture that looks like it belongs in a 'Fine Art' Gallery . .

A job well done I would say : )
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06/25/2008 03:06:56 AM
Originally posted by smyk:

Dude, you're on fire!!!

hell yes i am! :D
so wuz up man, you haven't answered my pm yet, you don't wanna meet me up in warszawa or what?

Originally posted by mrb12186:

Excellent shot! After reading your comments, I assume that the statue you're referring to is Michelangelo's "Pieta". I love the photographic perspective on one of my favorite pieces of art.

yes, that has to be the one i saw on the postcard, thanks a lot for the hint, i was trying to google it but could'nt find it, so i just called it greek statue in my description...lol

Message edited by author 2008-06-25 03:39:57.
06/25/2008 03:00:01 AM
Dude, you're on fire!!!

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06/25/2008 01:44:28 AM
Beautiful work. Congrats on the Blue
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06/25/2008 01:37:13 AM
Excellent shot! After reading your comments, I assume that the statue you're referring to is Michelangelo's "Pieta". I love the photographic perspective on one of my favorite pieces of art.
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06/25/2008 01:21:46 AM
Gorgeous! Congrats!!!
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06/25/2008 01:12:46 AM
Just to let you know that this is my top choice to win.
Love it!
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06/25/2008 01:01:27 AM
I think this is just stunning (gave it a 10 as soon as I saw it) .. just wish the rings on her hands (especially the right) weren't there.
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06/25/2008 12:46:55 AM
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06/25/2008 12:42:27 AM
Congrats. Fantastic shot!
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06/25/2008 12:42:10 AM
Huge congrats on your blue ribbon and your fantastic score, Christoph. This is a very beautiful portrait.
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06/25/2008 12:24:12 AM
PERFECT..... Well done on the BLUE.....

Just LOOK at your score.....

Message edited by author 2008-06-25 00:25:09.
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06/25/2008 12:17:25 AM
I love this shot. Gave you a nine :)
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06/25/2008 12:16:30 AM
From Concept to Execution, just phenomenal. Congrats on the personal best, a hugely deserved blue.
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06/25/2008 12:12:42 AM
It did VERY well! Congrats on the ribbon. A very very striking and emotive shot, and the youth of your models really serves this well. Very nice work all around!
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06/25/2008 12:05:57 AM
Grats on the ribbon!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/24/2008 11:15:56 PM
Nice shot very dynamic.
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06/24/2008 08:52:09 PM
GREAT photo I can't get over how clear everything is, and the tones are very nice. good luck!
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06/24/2008 08:44:24 PM
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06/24/2008 07:03:13 PM
The winner by far!
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06/24/2008 04:32:26 PM
This is awesome!! You did a fabulous job with posing, lighting and with contrast and clarity. BEAUTIFUL!!!
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06/24/2008 04:45:45 AM
Wonderful emotive shot. The composition adds to the drama of it.
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06/23/2008 10:57:23 PM
marvelous gray tones. the pose, composition, modeling everything is excellent. my only 10
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06/23/2008 10:29:56 AM
Very well done. Black and white was a good choice for this.
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06/22/2008 11:15:25 PM
Superb composure - 8
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06/22/2008 04:45:44 PM
terrific pose well executed. I like the lighting and the reflections in the water
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06/22/2008 12:43:54 PM
this has such a wonderful feel to it. Almost fairy taleish. very nice capure.
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06/22/2008 12:23:22 PM
Nice shot, good focus and good lighting.
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06/21/2008 09:52:41 PM
This is original and the black and white conversion sets it apart!
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06/21/2008 08:49:39 AM
Probably will do very well, this one.
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06/20/2008 11:16:19 PM
Very dramatic- the setting is great and I really like the subtlety of the lighting and scene.
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06/20/2008 09:13:43 PM
A wonderfully composed and emotional portrait. My favorite of the challenge. Good luck.
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06/20/2008 06:49:51 PM
Well executed even if thematically confused (or confusing).
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06/20/2008 05:39:39 PM
Very dramatic.. nice photo! 8
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06/20/2008 10:58:05 AM
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06/20/2008 10:50:36 AM
Amazing photo
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06/20/2008 08:42:46 AM
this is simply beautiful, my fav
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06/20/2008 03:05:04 AM
Great photo, I love the emotion. Composition is compelling. The young man looks a bit uncomfortable, and the tone of the dress almost blends with the background. I give this a 9. Good luck. I'm sure this will be in the top 5
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06/19/2008 06:56:09 PM
Almost as if on a stage. I would have been tempted to crop some of the lower part. But that might remove the obviously natural context. 8.
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06/19/2008 06:52:10 PM
romeo and juliet.......cute stuff
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06/19/2008 04:44:59 PM
Lovely soft tones and expressions making this very emotional. Not sure about her leg. Looks a bit to posed but love everything else.
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06/19/2008 09:31:32 AM
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06/19/2008 09:15:43 AM
One of the better ones this challenge - upped to a 9 (Should be titled "Her Savior" to avoid confusion with "THE" Savior, Christ Jesus.)
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06/19/2008 08:54:26 AM
wonderful image. I like the slight reflection and the softness. just the right amount of contrast and depth of field.
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06/19/2008 06:45:52 AM
This is a lovely shot. Very nice emotion to it. I think I would like a little more contrast, but that's just my taste. Well done!
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06/19/2008 01:46:12 AM
Wow, this shot is very different from the norm in this challenge. I like that! One of my top picks. 8
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06/18/2008 11:06:59 PM
My pick for the yellow...stunning and beautifully composed. :)
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06/18/2008 09:10:45 PM
Picture Perfect. Great choice to go with a greyscale image. There is an incredible transition from detail to blur and the angles created by the position of the bodies provide not only visual interest, but stimulation as well. The youthfulness of the male figure exudes an innocence, yet the shapely form of the female is quite seductive, though it has no impression on him.
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06/18/2008 03:47:30 PM
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06/18/2008 02:11:04 PM
Beautifully done!
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06/18/2008 12:09:22 PM
Really love the command this image has. The lighting is stellar and the pose though done before really is a classic! I'm reminded of Grecian statues almost.

the color conversion is great, with the levels/curves adjuments well thought out.

Really strong image, i'm going to go with a 10!
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06/18/2008 12:00:34 PM
Beautiful B&W, great depth, tones... dramatic and artistic... 10
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06/18/2008 10:07:25 AM
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06/18/2008 10:04:30 AM
Ten ten ten ten ten!!!!!!!

this is beautiful. It blew me away.
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06/18/2008 08:44:25 AM
Like it. Good idea to tell a story!
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06/18/2008 01:52:24 AM
Very surreal image compared to all the others. The only nit I can see is that the rotation is a bit off.
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06/18/2008 12:26:27 AM
Lovely image. One of my top picks for the challenge. Bumping up to 9.
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