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Grand Finale: Sunset at Magic Island
Grand Finale: Sunset at Magic Island

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Silhouettes (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: Honolulu, HI
Date: Apr 12, 2004
Aperture: F/2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/50 sec
Galleries: Sky, Landscape
Date Uploaded: Apr 13, 2004

Just managed to snap this shot as I was leaving the park, heading back home. After reviewing this picture and noticing the current member challenge is "Silhouettes," I finally took the initiative of becoming a member!

I supppose you could say the timing was right and this photo inspired me to support this website even more. :)

This is my 2nd challenge I'm entering, my first was the "Out Of Place" open challenge but this will be my first member challenge.

Color balance and slight saturation boost applied. Resized and cropped. I elected not to sharpen the pic as I liked the softened effect of the silhouettes after resizing. Gives it sort of a dreamy look.

Place: 61 out of 169
Avg (all users): 5.7635
Avg (commenters): 6.0000
Avg (participants): 5.5849
Avg (non-participants): 5.9588
Views since voting: 1626
Votes: 203
Comments: 13
Favorites: 3 (view)

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07/06/2004 09:51:29 PM
Poles are not adding anything as described below. However, I think the people are really what make this great. The expectation is that it is simply beautiful tree silouttes, until you look closely. I didn't vote on this image, but, my guess is it would have gotten a 6 or 7.

04/26/2004 10:23:02 AM
Thanks for all the great comments everyone! Regarding the light and sign pole to the left, I guess I overlooked that and had I noticed it, would have probably cropped or cloned it out.

As for the colors, this is basically straight out of the camera with only a slight saturation boost. Agreed, the top feels a bit heavy but if I cropped out the overhead tree, I'd lost much contrast of the sky with the deeper blues towards the top. Same goes with focusing on the couple on the bench, I'd lose a lot of the dynamic colors of the fiery sunset had I singled them out.

Thanks again for all the constructive criticism!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/25/2004 11:21:32 PM
I would have liked this better if you'd cropped the upper tree out of the frame and made it much more of a horizontal shot from the dark ground up into the pinkish section of the sky just above the palm trees. Just my take on it.
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04/24/2004 08:25:04 PM
good color and composition
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04/22/2004 10:36:43 PM
This is a beautiful shot! Definitely worth a 10. Too bad I can't vote. :(
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04/20/2004 09:04:08 PM
I really like the framing here. Unfortunately the sign and the lightpost out on the right detract from the shot. Could have been cloned? Good shot though :)
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04/20/2004 05:47:17 PM
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04/20/2004 03:54:24 PM
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04/20/2004 05:07:03 AM
Great picture. It looks so tropical and lovely. The sky and water look a little bit oversaturated to my eye. However, they might actually be this color in tropical places - I live at 8000 ft. altitude and it's not very tropical here!
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04/20/2004 01:35:06 AM
Very nice capture. I would Definately have cropped out the telephone pole on the left side... it takes away (just a tad) from the natural look of the scene.
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04/19/2004 03:32:02 PM
Colors really pop. Top frame of the tree is a bit heavy, I want to remove the two human created poles. The people in the image are subtle but nice.
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04/19/2004 02:16:07 PM
I am wondeing whether it would have been a stronger image if you had singled out the two persons on the bench with just on or two trees around them. But good image anyway. Gorgeous colors and good framing.
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04/19/2004 05:58:00 AM
oooo very pretty sky indeed
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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