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Quenching the flames
3rd PlaceQuenching the flames

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Cold (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Nikon AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f2.8D
Location: My kitchen
Date: Jul 17, 2008
Aperture: f16
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/500 s
Galleries: Still Life, Water
Date Uploaded: Jul 22, 2008

Oh, fantastic! Thanks a million for the ribbon.
I had three ice-cubes and a clump of ice ready to photograph, so I started off with the clump. I poured a little lighter fuel over the ice, lit it and not a lot happened except that the ice started melting at an alarming pace and slid all over the glass surface. Eventually I got a some half hearted flames but I couldn’t get a decent shot. After the ice clump melted I cleaned everything up, took out two of the ice cubes and suddenly got an idea of how to control the flames more.
I fished two bottle tops out of the bin, filled them with lighter fuel and placed one behind each ice cube. This had the double function of holding the cubes in one place and getting a better flame.
I had everything ready, it looked perfect, so I grabbed my camera again and... the battery was empty! The flames were already burning so I sprinted to my camera bag, got my other battery, back to the kitchen and the ice cubes were already meltung..Damn. Changed the battery, took some shots and checked what I had, LOVED this one and left it at that. I originally wanted to get the ice and flames without the ice sitting in water, but when I saw the lovely reflections I was really pleased.
I had a great time doing this shot, my husband was still at work, so no breathing down my neck this time ;-)
I lay a blue transparent sheet over the flash under the glass to give the ice cubes a blueish tint. I thought it went better with the orange of the flames.

Place: 3 out of 115
Avg (all users): 6.7435
Avg (commenters): 7.9091
Avg (participants): 6.5789
Avg (non-participants): 6.7760
Views since voting: 8630
Views during voting: 399
Votes: 230
Comments: 49
Favorites: 17 (view)

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09/03/2008 12:45:42 PM
wow... very good picture.

congrats on the ribbon
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08/05/2008 09:45:47 AM
Irene, I am not sure what to even say anymore but of course congratulations. How do you do it!! Amazing as usual!
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08/04/2008 03:40:30 PM
Congrats Irene! This adds another sprinkle to the DPC Donut!
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08/03/2008 02:21:35 PM
Great shot. Congrats on your ribbon!
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08/01/2008 05:33:22 PM
DNMC, fire is hot. :P

Awesome image as always, Irene.
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07/31/2008 11:38:02 PM
Originally posted by t3nchi:

D50 + Nikon 60mm + your kitchen + Irene = ribbon every time

= priceless
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07/31/2008 04:12:34 PM
you just keep racking them up don't you! Another immaculate shot, your ability to create and execute is unparalleled and of the utmost professional quality, just great.
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07/31/2008 04:09:51 PM
D50 + Nikon 60mm + your kitchen + Irene = ribbon every time
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07/31/2008 05:12:29 AM
Irene I think that greater than your shots is the fact that you are always willing to share the "behind the scene" part of your photos. Thanks and conrats once again.
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07/31/2008 02:45:21 AM
Wow, and Irene keeps up the ribbon chase! Nicely done. I appreciate the full explanation on the shot.
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07/30/2008 10:47:39 PM
What is it with you and these ribbons??? I would like for you to give me some ideas for some challenges. Help me get some ribbons. :D
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07/30/2008 08:32:05 PM
This is gorgeous. I love the balance of colors in this. I need to get some of that special glass you use lol. Or a better kitchen hmmm.... Congrats on the ribbon!
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07/30/2008 07:37:39 PM
thanks for making up stories of your difficulties - it helps those of us that are photographically challenged feel a little better. :-)
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07/30/2008 04:34:54 PM
I loved the story! LOL
Great image too!
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07/30/2008 02:24:00 PM
There is no quenching you, you're as hot as ice, when it's boiling.
I know someone had the idea for the Hot Challenge, but you pulled it off.
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07/30/2008 02:17:13 PM
What? Only third place? Hi thee to Iceland...

"blue transparent sheet over the flash under the glass"

yer a genius

Message edited by author 2008-07-30 14:19:53.
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07/30/2008 01:51:11 PM
Fantastic : excellent idea !!!
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07/30/2008 01:21:31 PM
Beautiful, as usual, Irene. A well-deserved ribbon.
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07/30/2008 09:13:42 AM
Just beautiful, Irene.
Continue the count!
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07/30/2008 08:17:24 AM
Originally posted by bassbone:

Okay lady...Now you are showing off!

Great stuff - love the ice and fire all at once. How long did it take you to decide which of the two challenges to enter?

Lol! I didn't even consider the Hot challenge. For me, the image was definitely Cold. It was only when I showed the pic to my hubby and he asked which challenge I was entering that I realized it would/could fit either challenge.
07/30/2008 07:19:59 AM
Okay lady...Now you are showing off!

Great stuff - love the ice and fire all at once. How long did it take you to decide which of the two challenges to enter?
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07/30/2008 07:09:05 AM
Originally posted by Quigley:

Irene, WOW!!! What else can be said for your recent run at the ribbon count? You show great versatility as a photographer and you have a most creative mind, a great eye for what's fresh and new, and an amazing talent for showing us what's behind your eyes.

(Irene, if your being held captive somewhere and are being forced to produce these wonderful ribbon winning images at the hands of some nasty, mean, awful person, now is the time to let us know. You could send out a message in code, hide it in one of your photographs or in a series of photographs and we'll set up a covert rescue operation and fetch you from the hands of this evildoer.)

(Oh no I just realized that you may have already been trying to tell us where you are and who this evildoer is. I'm going to look through all you recent entries right now for clues. I'll save you Irene, don't you worry. I'm really good at figuring out clues and I will not rest until I've set you free so you can live like a normal human being and not be at the hands of such a photographic tyrant.)

(Ah nuts, I may have just tipped the tyrant off with this post. Irene, run, run as fast as you can, do what ever you have to to get away. Don't worry I'll not rest until I have you safe and sound with your family again in your native Scotland, you'll see. I'm coming, Irene, I'm leaving right now.)

*Runs out the door with coat in hand "I'm coming Irene, I coming, just hold on I'll soon be there"*


ROFLMAO! BRILLIANT!! Btw, are you trying to get rid of me? ;-)) I have everything I want here in good old Germany - I even have a rolled up poster of Josh Holloway hidden in my car boot... I have a life...
07/30/2008 06:45:56 AM
Nicely done, congrats on the ribbon!
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07/30/2008 06:37:01 AM
Irene, WOW!!! What else can be said for your recent run at the ribbon count? You show great versatility as a photographer and you have a most creative mind, a great eye for what's fresh and new, and an amazing talent for showing us what's behind your eyes.

(Irene, if your being held captive somewhere and are being forced to produce these wonderful ribbon winning images at the hands of some nasty, mean, awful person, now is the time to let us know. You could send out a message in code, hide it in one of your photographs or in a series of photographs and we'll set up a covert rescue operation and fetch you from the hands of this evildoer.)

(Oh no I just realized that you may have already been trying to tell us where you are and who this evildoer is. I'm going to look through all you recent entries right now for clues. I'll save you Irene, don't you worry. I'm really good at figuring out clues and I will not rest until I've set you free so you can live like a normal human being and not be at the hands of such a photographic tyrant.)

(Ah nuts, I may have just tipped the tyrant off with this post. Irene, run, run as fast as you can, do what ever you have to to get away. Don't worry I'll not rest until I have you safe and sound with your family again in your native Scotland, you'll see. I'm coming, Irene, I'm leaving right now.)

*Runs out the door with coat in hand "I'm coming Irene, I coming, just hold on I'll soon be there"*

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07/30/2008 06:29:09 AM
fantastic well done and congratulations
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07/30/2008 04:20:39 AM
Go on then.... bung it in the box with the all the other ribbons..

Very effective strike rate Irene Blimey!!!! you have my permission to give the rest of us a chance... hahahaha
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07/30/2008 04:05:37 AM
You shot for both challenges and entered in this one because of fewer entries right? I'm on to you! :P Congrats Irene.
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07/30/2008 03:55:57 AM
Great shot Irene, you nailed it. and yet another ribbon ;-)

Message edited by author 2008-07-30 04:00:43.
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07/30/2008 02:19:53 AM
Wooohooooooooooooooooo! :)
Great job, Irene! <--- Art now has a rubber stamp
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07/30/2008 01:55:05 AM
Goodness gracious, yet another ribbon for Irenem. You're unstoppable, seriously.
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07/30/2008 01:20:38 AM
Wowooooooo every ribbon for U :)
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07/30/2008 12:44:03 AM
What can I say,.....Congrats.....
Once Again, I need a IreneM button.....
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07/30/2008 12:43:47 AM
ehem!! need I say more. Congrats !!!
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07/30/2008 12:31:44 AM
Oh my - this one is of course yours... my favorite from the challenge.... where do you get all your great ideas from ;o) Congrats on the ribbon AGAIN :o)
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07/30/2008 12:22:35 AM
Congrats, once again.
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07/30/2008 12:19:30 AM
Man, I've run out of ways to congratulate you on your continued success. All I can do is say my current entry features at least a couple of elements of your style. :)
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07/30/2008 12:17:33 AM
You are TOTALLY AMAZING, and now with every challenge, I go looking all through the images, each and every one, to see if I can find yours.

You have grown, not only in technique, but also talent, and some amazing winning ideas.

I also appreciate that your share your ideas and techniques with us.

Thank you for the most amazing images, that we have seen consistently, for a long time .....
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07/30/2008 12:16:46 AM
Are you sure you were in the Cold Challenge, all that heat melting the ice was hot. Congratulations.
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07/30/2008 12:12:13 AM
Congratulations Irene... another great image and well-deserved ribbon...
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07/30/2008 12:09:37 AM
Once again, a BIG congrats to you Irene! Love coming to read your comments on how you do your magic :)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/27/2008 03:02:48 PM
A striking image.
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07/27/2008 02:12:42 PM
Nice clear ice would have made this even more spectacular. ZBeautiful colors.
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07/24/2008 11:03:55 PM
very cool....i would love to know how you did this!
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07/24/2008 05:59:39 PM
A simple idea beautifully executed. I love the contrast in colours, and the reflections.
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07/23/2008 11:13:19 PM
cool!!!!!!! (pun intended!) 10
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07/23/2008 09:59:58 PM
Nice twist, I love the reflection!
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07/23/2008 09:16:17 PM
Icy Hot. Very well done.
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07/23/2008 03:42:09 PM
I'm curious how you've made this picture! Nice light and the flames, wow!
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07/23/2008 05:02:15 AM
I marked many images with low numbers because "Hot" coloring was used poorly. You used "Hot" to accent the "Cold" perfectly. This is a gorgeous photo.
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07/23/2008 03:07:30 AM
this will be popular...good luck with this...8
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07/23/2008 12:33:22 AM
I have to admit, I expected a shot with a similar theme based on previous entries on this site. But I did NOT expect to see one so well executed and done in such a way as to stand out on its own. This is awesome! :) WONDERFUL execution! :D
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