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A Pleasent Surprise
A Pleasent Surprise

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Serendipity (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Perth,, Western Australia
Date: Apr 18, 2004
Aperture: f22
ISO: 400
Shutter: 8sec
Galleries: Still Life
Date Uploaded: Apr 18, 2004


Place: 106 out of 215
Avg (all users): 4.9188
Avg (commenters): 5.9231
Avg (participants): 4.8224
Avg (non-participants): 4.9817
Views since voting: 898
Votes: 271
Comments: 13
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/27/2004 05:45:34 PM
This shot took me a second to understand. My initial reaction was, "Why didn't they remove that distracting clutter in the background?". Then I realized the clutter was a pregnancy test and that this is a cutesy staged shot. While the children may have been unplanned, and therefore serendipidous events at one point in the photographer's life, this kind of staginess doesn't evoke a feeling a serendipity for the casual viewer. Unplanned pregancies, particularly within a marriage as the twin goblets suggest, are stretching the definition of serendipity since they are the result of a very singular activity.
04/27/2004 03:44:14 PM
congratulations if your having a baby! nice glasses!!!
04/27/2004 03:32:32 AM
Serendipity is a difficult concept to visualize. For me it means being at the right place, at the right time, and being lucky enough to capture something unique. Some of these entries are set up shots trying to illustrate that concept, and some record a serendipitous moment experienced by the photographer themselves. This is an example of the former. I think we're celebrating an upcoming addition to the family. However, I'm not sure how this narrative illustrates serendipity. I think, from my viewpoint, it's too busy. You might delete the photo of the three kids, and put the pregnancy test in a more prominent space.
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04/26/2004 05:23:06 AM
don't drink during pregnancy..... ;-) just kidding... looks like the hattrick wasn't enaugh so here we are with the forth....
04/24/2004 03:25:32 PM
So much going on here...the wine, the picture, the pregnancy test. There may be a simple and more effective way to communicate this idea. Congrats if you're actually expecting again!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
04/24/2004 01:51:29 AM
Lighting is great! Composition is perfect. The test strip is a stretch to get the message however.
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04/24/2004 12:11:16 AM
I like the photo, am I to assume that your kids were surprises? :)
04/23/2004 05:59:29 AM
I presume the children were the 'pleasant surpsrises' rather than the two glasses of wine in extravagent goblets? In which case I wouldn't have the wine there as it distracts from the subject matter. The pregnancy tester kit is a nice touch and the image as a whole is nicely taken.
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04/23/2004 01:17:19 AM
This image conveys serendipity well through the story it tells. Nice setup.
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04/22/2004 03:35:29 PM
I guess that "confirm" is either condoms or a pregnancy test, so I am having to guess at your meaning here. I have mentioned this just to get you to consider that you are relying on "local knowledge" in a global environment. That said, this is a nicely done picture.
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04/22/2004 01:41:17 PM
Congratulations! (I hope that's not alcohol...)
04/21/2004 10:47:47 AM
I think this is a great set up, and the picture explains all, but I think there is too much of the same colour.Although I do like it.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
04/21/2004 07:32:26 AM
Champagne color relates uncomfortably with pregnancy test... uh... ;-)

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