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Desert Sunrise
Desert Sunrise

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Silhouettes (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: Superstition Mountain, Arizona
Date: Apr 16, 2004
Aperture: f/4.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/1000th
Galleries: Sky, Landscape
Date Uploaded: Apr 18, 2004

Typical sunrise on a cloudless spring morning in the Sonoran Desert of Southwest Arizona.

Place: 58 out of 169
Avg (all users): 5.7929
Avg (commenters): 6.3750
Avg (participants): 5.8039
Avg (non-participants): 5.7813
Views since voting: 1598
Votes: 198
Comments: 9
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/25/2004 11:55:05 PM
Is that cactus really flipping us off? :)
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04/25/2004 09:27:48 AM
This shot has so much going for it. The contrast in silhouettes from bush to saguaro, the nice way the light comes through the branches. Very nice work. You may want to experiment with how much space is above the cactus. It seems just a tad crowded to me--or perhaps just a bit more negative space? Lovely shot! 9
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04/23/2004 08:33:23 PM
I wonder if there is too much going on here. the silouette of the cactus should be more than enough to be the subject. The tangle of the tree on the right adds too much chaos. Including it also creates a space in the middle of the frame. My eye goes to the left, to the right and back and forth... but not in a pleasing pattern.
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04/22/2004 12:52:54 PM
Is it my imagination, or is that cactus flipping us off? :)
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04/22/2004 02:38:03 AM
The cactus is just distracting to me. A tighter crop around the bush (?) makes for a much more dramatic image, in my opinion. Very nice effects with the lighing.
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04/21/2004 11:02:16 AM
Lovey shot. I really like the tree on the side. The colors are beautiful.
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04/19/2004 02:47:22 PM
Very nice but it appears like two images. Eye wants to bounce back and forth between the cactus and the wispy tree. Nice sun-star.
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04/19/2004 12:27:44 PM
It almost looks like that cactus if flipping me off. Should I be offended? Nice shot. Fits the challenge well and has good colors.
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04/19/2004 07:46:46 AM
My opinion is that this would have been really cool if your perspective could have been changed to put the sun at the base of the cactus.....nice blue sky.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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